Friday, March 7, 2014

^V^ 20 lots of Thplant @ 1.78 , it is now 2.11 , no big deal just 4 weekend pocket money only ^V^


Plantation stock rocks ! as expected n predicted in Dec 2013 , see d above attachment.

Nothing 2 shout about cos d profit or paper profit I made is kacang putih only, but still I need 2 blog it here 2 tease ah chart n alexlulu. so mr alexlulu... still think that ignoring ta at my own risk ? LOL!

As mentioned in my posting months ago  , I foresees that Plantation stock would be d coming "theme" in year 2014 , Bingo ! I strike again ^_-

FORESIGHT ! U must be able 2 anticipate stuff that going 2 be happened in d coming year , catch d theme n buy in @ low ^_- That s how I make $$$ in shares mkt .

U cant wait 4 d theme 2 come out then only u buy in , it would be too late n d price is no longer cheap anymore  !

Some may ask...aiyahhh ah sam , how come u always make money one ??? sorry dude..know y ? cos I am a "FUNDAMENTALIST " .

1 comment:

Samgoss said...

2 all , MAS MH 370 crashed in Vietnam this morning , MAS is expected 2 drop further next week , but my advice 2 u all , dont take advantage on this air incident , make money from ppl's disaster is not a good stuff , Armitabha.