Friday, March 14, 2014

^V^ Bjland capital giving me profit of HKD 33K , where as ta loser ah bone's call of Cresbld n TRC giving u losses > 20% ^V^

Posted in my private blog on Samgoss on March 12, 2014 at 7:55 pm


Latest update , I hv taken profit on Bjland cap for 80 lots @ 3.13 ( Realized profit ard HKD 32K + )n swap all 2 China XXXX @ HKD ??? this afternoon , y I did that ?

1) Though I still confident that Bjlandcap will fly further up in mid term but I feel more safer n confident on China ???? @ HKD ?????  , Y ? bcos China ????? is a BLUECHIP n is now traded @ year low . ( see d attachment )

2) After d above swap , my cost 4 China  ????? is now stood @ HKD ?.67 +- ( Profit from Bjlandcap is ard HKD 0.41 , so..?.07 - 0.41 = ?.67 ), at cost of HKD  ?.67 , I am pretty safe now , unless there is unforeseen stuff happen 2molo, otherwise I dont think China ???? will drop below HKD ?.67 .

3) At time we bot our Bjlandcapital , China ???? was traded @ 4.10+- , Bjlandcap gone all d way up n China ????? went d other way .D gap is about HKD 1.50+ .

4) Year high 4 China XXXX was HKD 4.69 where as year high 4 Bjland cap is only HKD 3.54 . this means it is easier 4 China ????? 2 bounce above ?.50 than Bjcap land . Theoretically,  China ???? will fly up faster than Bjcap-land if there is a mkt re-bounce  .

5) U may ask me , since I am so confident on Bjlandcap 2 fly further up , y still I sell it 4 profit ? well... d reason is I dont want 2 over explore my fund into shares , my current holding ( all regional shares ) is close 2 RM 400K , my max 4 share investment is ard 0.5 mil .

Year high 4 China ???  in past ;-

2008  HKD 1??+

2009  HKD ?8.20

2011  HKD  ?5.90

2013  HKD  ?5.10

From d above year high , I am seeking 4 range btwn HKD ?.50 to HKD ?.80 for China ???? , 4 a bluechip stock that traded @ PE 6+ , do u think I am too optimistic ? ^_-

2 all d ta losers out there , from d above chart , u can see China ????? has gone all d way down n oledi breaks its supporting level , according 2 technical analysis , it is a SELL ! k... grants u a chance 2 shames me , I dun agree with that , it is a BUY from my FA analysis , so... dares 2 challenge me ? anyone ?

I am still holding 8 lots of Bjlandcap in hand  .

If u hv profit in Bjland cap like me , u r advice 2 4low me .

Btw, look at our Cepat ... rose another 4 cts today , it is now 1.13, profit is more than 20% liaooo.

K, let come back 2 ta loser ah bone , know who is ah bone ? ah bone is mo mo cow ( ze moola )  's sugar boy.

See d above attachments , ta loser ah bone called 2 buy TRC @ 0.61 n Cresbld @ 1.55 last week ,  TRC closed @  0.545 n Cresbld closed @ 1.33 , LOL!

2 my understanding that technical analysis has a stop loss level ( cut loss ) , so how now ah bone ... did u trigger yr cut loss button on TRC n Cresbld ?

Y keeping so quiet like ah chart ??? LOL! ah chart can take a break now...cos I am now focusing on ah bone liaooo ^_-

So...2 all ta losers out there , still think that ignoring technical analysis at my own risk ? LOL!

Btw, where is yr sugar daddy ze moola ? hurry ! seeks 4 his help now cos Samgoss is now eyeing on u liaooo ! LOL!

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