Tuesday, June 10, 2014

^V^ World Cup 2014 ! Which country will lifts d cup ? ^V^


World cup 2014 is right at d corner , here r d goodies 4 my private blog fans n oso those who wants 2 join my private blog 4 free , if u can guess ALL d  below correctly :-

1) D semifinalist , which 4 teams ?

2) Finalist - which 2 teams ?

3) Champion ?

4) Score of d Final ( extra time no included )

Closing date 16 June 2014.

My Prediction is Brazil d champion , runner up Argentina , score 2 : 1.

Sorry 2 say that England do not stand a chance 2 win , ther r only  good in marketing , that s y a lot of youngsters tot they r a strong team ! LOL!

level wise , they r top in second class but last in  first class .

I will be away 4 biz trip 2molo, till I come back..cu ^_-

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Semi finalist: Brazil, germany, holland & Argentina.

Final: germany vs holland

Champion: holland

Final score: germany 1 - holland 2