Tuesday, September 4, 2012

^V^ Another lousy call by alex lulu , once again..TA= tak ada akal method ^V^

^V^ It has been long time I didnt make fun on ta loser liao... here come this one> alex lulu called 2 buy mnrb @ 3.18 yesterday , OMG ! it has been up about 60cts from my earlier call of 2.53 , click here 2 see > http://samgang.blogspot.com/2012/06/v-sold-10-lots-of-mnrb-rm298-this.html Dont u think it is too risky 2 buy @ 3.18 compared to 2.53 ? If u bot @ 3.18 now !What if mkt crash down 2molo ? Y cant ta tell u 2 buy @ 2.53 ? ta cant see that was d bottom ? Is this what alex lulu called ta can times d entry n exit ? Come on alex come on ! this is not d first time u shames yrself here ! click here 2 see all his holland calls > http://takadaakal.blogspot.com/ wake up alex wake up ! never too late 2 know ta is TAK ADA AKAL METHOD ! Btw..I hv sold my remaining 10 lots of MNRB @ 3.26 just now ^_- FA works ? DEFINITELY ! n oso my K????? is climbing up slowly but surely from behind,wanna 2 know what is K ?????? LOL! Hv a nice day alex .^_-


sweetdreamun said...

please dont pick on alex again!u feel good after that,show some respect to others.if u are that good ,pick some good profit stocks before the result.much appreciated.

Samgoss said...

Hello sweet dream,

Feel good ? well..perhaps u should look at this >


More feel good picks in d above link ^_-

Call b4 result ? OMG ! I think u r either blind or dont know how 2 read d attachment ^_-

Cant u see how much I bot in d attachment ? that 's not buy b4 results ? ohhh...yah forgot u r not my private blog member , cant blame u ..wanna 2 know more of my picks ? join my private blog lah ^_-

Anyway..I dun think u will pay 4 it..cos u r not there yet ! LOL!

Whenever I want more "feel good "..I will click on this >


I feel more good seeing ta brought their followers 2 HOLLAND ! LOL !

Like that ?