Friday, November 18, 2011

^V^TDM2.68 strike again ! Airasia CEO Tony Fernandez is utterly tasteless n low class than不要脸 moolah ? LOL! Open letter from Prime Minister Department ? ^V^


Sold all on Wednesday @ RM3,27 ^_-

2 Mr Jackie , how ? yr so called "GIRL FRIEND "  still holding on TDM ? LOL!

Y not u tell yr sugar daddy moolah about this superb pick ? SENYAP AJE ??? or is it bcos yr sugar daddy asked u not 2 do so ??  yes ? no ?

Talk about yr sugar daddy  moolah ,he has blogged up something about Tony Fernandez . ( read  d above attachment or click this >  

moolah said : A CEO using a social media network to launch a verbal attack on another corporation?

It now appears irrelevant on who is right and who is wrong but such verbal attack is utterly tasteless and low class. Seriously? That is not the right platform and as a 'leading' Malaysian CEO, Tony should have known better on what and what not to do. 

Using Facebook to make a rant? 


That's utterly childish.

OMG ! r u joking momo ?Tony is utterly tasteless n low class ? really ? LOL!

momo o momo... u r really 不要脸  , what make u think u r high class than Tony ? bcos u hv sugar daughter "mr jackie " ?? 

What make u think u hv higher taste than Tony ? bcos yr sugar daughter jackie taste u well ?? LOL!   

What make u think u r less childish than Tony ? bcos yr sugar daughter jackie said so ? LOL !

Y moolah hates Tony ? I really cant think of any resons EXCEPT this >

May be bcos of d strong performance by Airasia that shames moolah on his call 2 sell Airasia @ 2.60 , after moolah sell call, Airasia went up 2 as high as 3.60 , click this 2 know d whole story >

Seriously , momo..I think u need 2 go 2 see a doctor, u r very sick , u got this sickness called  megalomania ! momo...this is very serious, let me tell u what is megalomania>

Megalomania is a psycho-pathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of power, relevance, and/or omnipotence. 'Megalomania is characterized by an inflated sense of self-esteem and overestimation by persons of their powers and beliefs'.[1] Historically it was used as an old name for narcissistic personality disorder prior to the latter's first use by Heinz Kohut in 1968, and is used these days as a non-clinical equivalent.[2][3] It is not mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)[4] or the International Statistical Classification of Diseases (ICD).

Hurry momo, go to see doctor now, otherwise it is too late  ^_-

u know lah..without yr existence  , I feel extremely lonely , I cant live without u momo ^_- one ... An open letter from prime minister department ? aisehhh.... not prime minister department but sugar daddy n sugar boy momo club ! kecewa..kecewa betul !

let see what sugar daddy wrote ?

oppss ? it is a crying letter by moolah sugar daughter about my pick of Pjdev-wc ? ha ha

Well...first of all, am I obliged 2 answer this ? ha ha

anyway, since I am in good mood today ,,, just spent a little bit time 2 play with all these sugar kids...

1)I changed d cost from 0.30 to 0.24 ??? woww really meh ? copy n paste from RHB web can be manipulated one meh ? see d above attachment ^_-

2) Most of them bot ard 35cts ? ha ha.. >35cts is time 2 sell in stages liaoo lol..may be yr sugar daughter jackie get too exicted , instead of selling she buy in ! LOL! 

anyway ,if u want 2 now d truth > join me

From there,  u will know who is telling lie ? ^_-

Momo how ? wanna 2 join n know d truth ? or u just wanna 2  listen 2 yr sugar daughter Jackie fake stories ? LOL!

Btw,  every tom ,tick n harry can create a blog n tell u "HE" is a housewife ! what make u so sure that he is actually "SHE" ? just bcos she told u so ? 

Guys , know is d purpose of highlighting  jackie as a housewife in mad cow blog   ? cos if a man argue with women , no matter how rightful d man was , d whole world will put d blame on man ! agree ? 

So sorry jackie n yr sugar daddy moolah , this type of trick is already out dated liaoo..! LOL! 

Lunch time liaoo...makan kat mana ni ? nghhh steam fish in Jalan Chan Sow Lin is not bad ...jom 


Samgoss said...

1m n yattaman r so outdated , or may be they did not do d renewal ! LOL!

Most of d stocks listed by 1 m were either swap 2 other gems or taken profit liaoo .

Pls keep it update b4 u shames yrself here. LOL!

Wanna 2 know d most latest one ? ask moolah sugar daughter jackie lah .

gd 9

Anonymous said...

Dear Sam ,

What I mean is from the way he wrote, the records of him harassing others like Icap , Osk & Rhb, the childish approach , this fler really has NOTHING good to offer, that's why he resorts to harrasing others. No substance. this time Tony Fernandez be the victim , how shallow minded we can see from this man moolah .

I dont see that he feels shameful of all these acts. He is just terribly sick. his
megalomania level is terribly high .

I really wonder if his mama would be proud to know that his son real character .

Btw, thanks for tips on TDM & China Rail, my timing was just perfect.

Thanks Sam.

Samgoss said...

Ha ha Verdict , no problem u r welcome ^_-

his megalomania level is not just high but sky high !

not only his mama feel "proud " of him but d whole world oso feel VERY "proud" of this 不要脸 bugger ^_-


Anonymous said...

Sam you have my vote here , yes what verdict wrote are straight to the point , this cow has a serious mental problem , he always thought people are all wrong but him .

Mr Cow, need to be so low life ?trying to impersonate Tony Fernandez to jerk you up ?

Absolutely shameful act , you proud of being that ?

Sam, you have done a good job by guiding newbies like me ,I have never have such fruitful returns before I came to know you .

keep up your good job , kamsiah .

Ocean Dream said...

Dear all,

Do not criticize each other, brothers. Whoever makes it his habit to criticize his brother or to judge his brother is judging the law and condemning the law. But if you condemn the law, you are not a doer of the law but its judge.

Peace please , Amen.

Btw bro Sam , I would like to thanks you on behalf of my father for your stock selection of ICBC ,

Awesome , Just Awesome .

May God bless you .

Samgoss said...

2 ks n ocean ,

no problem street money only , grab as much as u can from my private blog if u hv patience n faith on FA.

Peace ? sorry bro..not 4 ta losers n low class moolah ^_-

12pm+ liaooo , gtg go liaoo...

mo...wanna 2 meet me @ gold coast morib this evening ? knowing u wanna 2 whack me long long time liaoo... sorry mo, no matter how, make u naked in front of public is d most happy stuff I wanna 2 do.

8 mo mo....LOL! ^_-

Elegance Romance said...

Sam & all,

Talking about the mad arrogant cow ,
You can find all these on momo :

big talking, bigheaded, cocky, conceity, full of hot air, gall, ham, hot stuff, immodest, know-it-all, loudmouth, narcissistic, overweening, phony, puffed up, self-important, smart-alecky, snotty, stuck up, swollen-headed, vain, vainglorious, windbag.

nothing less nothing more, that's him .

Samgoss said...

2 E R

Ha ha nice true ! how true !

U can see nobody seems interested 2 support him anymore except a few sugar boys n girls ^_- ! LOL!

Mo cow , yr days r numbered !

Elegance Romance said...

Sam ,

more about mo mo cow, enjoy this >

The arrogant man laughs as he pulls his prank,
delivers his blow, leaves his mark.
But he will see.
He will know my pain soon enough.
He will laugh ‘til the end,
and as I see him now, it will be a bitter end.
His end will not be by my hand, nor my word,
but by his own doing.
He will destroy himself sooner or later.
He is only a cow, and he remains a baby cow,
While I,
I turn into a man with a rich future in sight.
I hold no grudge,
for I pity him.
He has no future.
So laugh arrogant man, laugh,
for soon you will see how wrong you are,
and I will have turned my back on you forever.

Do u like the above poem ?

Samgoss said...

2 E R,

of coz I like yr d cow poem very much ^_- tailor made 4 cow ^_- !

U can see his sugar boys n girls r talking nonsense about me again..this show they r really running out of bullets liaoo.

sour make no cure baby ^_-

SC tel no ? u want me 2 give u now ? simple call 103 lol!

know y nobody question my picks , cos 8 out 10 were strike , what else they demand more ? LOL!

n oso these were what they made from me >

Sour Jackie ? I can see how sour u r !d more u sour d more happy I am !

Made hundred thousand of bucks ? well..if u r capable of doing so..y not u create a private blog n see ? see u be able 2 make such big bucks or not ? LOL ?

y ask ppl 2 make report 2 sc ? y not u ask y gf 2 port me ?? is that so difficult ?

let see who is telling lie n oso let see who will get d sue by end of d day !

come baby come !

Samgoss said...

Hello sour cow,

y back off so quickly, d war is not over yet ^_-

I am gonna 2 do a nice write up about u later .

we can see yr fans does not agreed on u anymore, only a few sugar boys stood behind of u , where are others gone ?

even dali is keeping so quiet this time ^_-

bring up yr open letter lah...

stay tuned yah .

btw.. I am still waiting 4 yr sugar girl jackie 2 belanja me a cup of coffee in sc.

see? she dun even dare 2 take action against me , now u guys know who is actually telling lie ? who changed 2 price ? my private fans know it well.


Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Sam,

I have subscribed to your private blog but yet to receive any ID from you, the below is my purchase transaction -


Order Number: JKEICXBBQ
Order Date: 20/11/2011 3:45 PM PDT
Customer Name: ADRIAN KOH
Product: Share Market Fundamental Analysis Methodology
Product ID: 2
Vendor's Site:

Your prompt reply is very muc appreciated.

tq SAM.