Wednesday, November 23, 2011

^V^ Y moolah so mad over Tan Teng Boo (Icap ), Tony Fernandez ( Airsia ) n osk188 ? y ? thanks sour cow 4 bringing in MORE fans 2 my private blog ^_- ^V^


First of all . let see d first attachment , my latest click bank ac n update ^_-... I started my Blog on August 2009 , 98% of my private blog members subscribed in  first 2 months after my first blogging , click here >

After 2 years , I think my blog has reached d maximum of 3000+ members liaooo,  n she stop there 4 quite some time , on n off..only a few new comers joined me (4 to 5 members d MAX per month ), BUTTT every time when I hv war of words with sour cow , my new members will jumped significantly ! ( instead of 4 to 5 members+ a month , I got about 10 members A WEEK ! see d attachment ) ..ha ha is this mo mo effect ?

 LOL! kamsiah momo ! Fras ? hitting yr head 2 wall ?

Sorry momo, ppl only believe in proven track records , such as this >

Ppl r not here 2 seeks 4 multiple nick names supplier ! LOL !

D more u attack me, d better it is,  this one u need 2 learn from darlie singh ^_- right darlie ?

Know what is my latest comments on Shares mkt ? posted on 16 Oct 2011....see d above attachment ^_-

see ? now u know y there r so many ppl subscribed 2 sam private blog !? ^_-... Proven track records  mah !

K...let come back 2 momo's character >

1)Sour cow hammered Tan Teng Boo of Icap , Y ? bcos he cant stand Mr Tan's success ? sour again ?

click here >

2) Sour cow critics Tony Fernandez of Airasia , he said Tony is tasteless , childish ,low class n cheap !

momo, what makes u think u hv higher taste than Tony ?  bcos yr sugar boy jackie tasted you well ? LOL!

What makes u think u r less childish than Tony ? bcos yr sugar boy jackie said so ? LOL !

click here >

3) Sour cow called a SELL on Airasia when she was @ RM2.60

Click here >

Supported by tklaw n KC , read d posted comments. ( Airaisa shot up 2 as high as RM3.60 after momo's SELL call ! )

Do u think moolah is sick ? he is having Megalomania ? what type of person he is ?

My fans 's view on moolah >

 Verdict said...
Dear Sam ,

What I mean is from the way he wrote, the records of him harassing others like Icap , Osk & Rhb, the childish approach , this fler really has NOTHING good to offer, that's why he resorts to harrasing others. No substance. this time Tony Fernandez be the victim , how shallow minded we can see from this man moolah .

I dont see that he feels shameful of all these acts. He is just terribly sick. his
megalomania level is terribly high .

I really wonder if his mama would be proud to know that his son real character .

Btw, thanks for tips on TDM & China Rail, my timing was just perfect.

Thanks Sam.

Ocean Dream said...
Dear all,

Do not criticize each other, brothers. Whoever makes it his habit to criticize his brother or to judge his brother is judging the law and condemning the law. But if you condemn the law, you are not a doer of the law but its judge.

Peace please , Amen.

Btw bro Sam , I would like to thanks you on behalf of my father for your stock selection of ICBC ,

Awesome , Just Awesome .

May God bless you .

Blogger Elegance Romance said...
Sam ,

more about mo mo cow, enjoy this >

The arrogant man laughs as he pulls his prank,
delivers his blow, leaves his mark.
But he will see.
He will know my pain soon enough.
He will laugh ‘til the end,
and as I see him now, it will be a bitter end.
His end will not be by my hand, nor my word,
but by his own doing.
He will destroy himself sooner or later.
He is only a cow, and he remains a baby cow,
While I,
I turn into a man with a rich future in sight.
I hold no grudge,
for I pity him.
He has no future.
So laugh arrogant man, laugh,
for soon you will see how wrong you are,
and I will have turned my back on you forever.

Do u like the above poem ?
November 22, 2011 11:14 AM



Samgoss said...

Good afternoon mo,

Done n enjoy ^_- LOL!

2 all ,

click here 2 read yrself >

88 momo..I will keep this posting up 4 at least 1 week ^_-

so whole world can see u naked in public ^_-

Mo...U r so damn cute, I love u very much like what u sugar boy jackie did ! LOL !

Anonymous said...

Nice one sam :)

The arrogant cow has finally got the hit of being arrogant, haughty ,undue assumption & over bearing conceit !

Good day bros .

Samgoss said...

Thanks Verdict ^_-

Thanks 4 yr support , kamsiah ^V^

Hey hey momo ,

Malu arh ? who ? u or me ?

yr call on airasia Feb 2011 >

AirAsia traded ard 2.60 at time of yr posting , look at d way u commented on AA, is that not a sell ? LOL!

just like when yr sugar boy jackie ask u , is samgoss good ? worth to join his private blog ?

Sugar daddy said : well... he is no good ! lousy ! join or not u decide my sweet sugar jackie ^_-

so guys... is d above statement not indicating a SELL ? LOL !

ha ha U dun need 2 be agreed with me , just think logically n u will get d answer !

Mo o mo... hurry, post up another attack posting lah... I wanna 2 make sure u blog my name up here 4EVER ! can arh mo ? LOL !

aiyahhh...late 4 lunch liaooo

88 momo .

Samgoss said...

OMG ! what a joke from sour cow ? 2.45 arh ? not 2.60 ? ooooo like that lagi teruk lah, asked ppl not 2 buy but sell @ 2.45...rugi lagi banyak lollll ! LOL!

Guys , what is d resoning behind this 2.45 , 2 proves that I am making a wrong accusation ? ha ha..If that is true, y not I put there moolah called 2 sell @ 2.10 !?? y 2.60 ?

This show that I am telling d truth , 2.45 n 2.60 any big different ?

Ha ha mo mo, u r like telling us ma , I am very smart u know ? I hanya rugi 2.45 ..bukan 2.60 yg dituduh oleh pacik sam ! LOL!

u r so damn cute mo mo ! now only we know yr IQ status ^_- Bravo MO !

btw..where r all yr sugar boys gone ? dont see them support u here ? LOL !

cool mo cool baby ^_-

Samgoss said...

Moolah said...
Sam: If you enjoy insulting your own goodself, please go ahead and enjoy yourself.


Samgoss said...
Ah mo, if u think I am insulting myself n that will make u feel less shame n less disappointing, harm pls go ahead ^_- LOL!

As long as u feel happy ...PLS GO AHEAD ^_^

U know..I am a kind hearted guy, reducing ppl's pain is absolutely good karma ^_-

Armitabha mo mo ^_^

Samgoss said...

Hello KC ,

Of coz u n moolah didnt mentioned a word "SELL" on AA< BUTTTT..does it make any different ?

If I asked u , is proton wira a good buy ? n u n sour cow said :-

Well... fyi, Proton wira 's quality is suck ! service there r bad ! brake got problem, water licking....
Buy or not...sam u decide !

Is there any different from calling that a SELL?

Think dudes think !

KC said >

AirAsia made an EPS of 38 sen and with its share at 2.35, it is selling at a PER of only 6. It has 1.5 b in cash. Great? No it sucks to the bone! It borrows 7.86 b! this leaves it with negative cash of 6.36 b! Are they required to pay the 720m deferred tax which is classified as an asset too? Cash flows from operations of 1.9b but how much has to plough back for capex?


is d above not indicating "DONT BUY , AA IS not solid FA " ??? dont buy is not equal to SELL ?

Dont twist d story bro..admit it !

AA has gone up alot since moolah's sell call , PE wise she is no longer cheap ! at current level..y choose high PE AA if I can choose others which r cheap n value n low in PE ?

asking ppl 2 sell or not 2 buy AA @ 2.45 is definitely a wrong call !

Admit it n deal with it !

KC, I dont criticise FA bloggers , including u ! as I always said, among all d FA bloggers , I am d lousiest ! but among all d ta losers, I am genius !

Hence.. jgn campur tangan sini , this is a war btw goss n cow !

btw... may I ask u KC , what make moolah think that he is high class n less cheap than Tony Fernandez ? can tell arh ?

If not y moolah criticise Tony as cheap , tasteless n low class bugger ?

KC, u agreed with cow's view that Tony is Low Class, Cheap n tasteless ?

click this 2 see yrself >

Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Sam,

I have yet to receive any ID from you, the below is my purchase transaction -


Order Number: JKEICXBBQ
Order Date: 20/11/2011 3:45 PM PDT
Customer Name: ADRIAN KOH
Product: Share Market Fundamental Analysis Methodology
Product ID: 2
Vendor's Site:

Your prompt reply is very muc appreciated.

tq SAM.

Samgoss said...

2 Adrian..

Done, check yr email ^_-

Samgoss said...

2 liar bones n kaki saya !

u r telling lie again !

I called jcy n mmode ? when ? show me , If I hv made that 2 calls ! I close down all my blog !

dare 2 take up my challenge !

fyi..jcy is darlie singh call, he called ppl 2 buy @ 1.60...check his blog dudes ^_-

Angry ha ha...

I think u r referring 2 yr sugar daddy moolah ! ha ha

2 kaki saya ! Axiata ? ha ha I hv made that call in my public blog long long time ago..n all r making from this pick but I hv never pick this bugger again in my PRIVATE BLOG after that !

If u wanna 2 tell lie yr homework b4 u bullshitting here !

Wanna 2 fight, let be gentlemen abit, all these dirty nonsense will not make u looks like a man ^_-

Hello... accusation without proofs r nonsense !

Samgoss said...

Ah moo...

Ha ha

told u many times oledi, if u think by telling ppl I am sick , I got problem will make u feel less shame ,go ahead harm of doing that.

I told u oledi, I am kind hearted , reducing yr sourness is a good karma ^_-

cool mo cool !

regarding jcy call...I am just telling d truth ! what's wrong with that mo mo ? hide d bad stuff 4 yr buddy dali ? come on mo... that's bad u know ?

Further more , it is yr sugar boy bone that brought this up ! I made that jcy n mmode call ? ha ha

Grant u guys a very good chance 2 make me disappear from blog world , if u guys can show that I hv made such 2 picks , I will close down ALL my blog !

What if u guys cant prove it ? close down moolah blog ? ha ha

Mo mo dare 2 pick up this challenge ? I doubt u dare ^_- LOL!

Mo mo..i know u r aging oledi, my advice... dun get too "excited" on my strike picks, no good 2 yr health u know ?

Ha ha

Samgoss said...

C n P from my private blog >

Sorry SC, ...yes d egm held today ^_-

d price is moving up this morning, good news I guess ^_-

Guys... ta losers n moolah sugar boys accuses me of picking JCY n MMODE , ha ha ...

2 all hidden ta losers in my private blog , I know u guys hate me very much n u r unable 2 beat me, k... grant u a super chance 2 make me get lost from blog world , if u guys can show me I hv made that 2 stupid picks , I close down both my public n private blog ! no joke !

Hurry guys.. this is yr only chance 2 kill me, after that , no more liaooo hurry guys hurry ^_- LOL !

Samgoss said...

o poor ah bone..u only got 2 stocks strike ?jcy n mmode ?poor bone..I am referring 2 yr others lah....which got little bit of FA. find yrself which r those got little bit FA one...or may be u need my help 2 find ? LOL!

Mo mo... medical check up ? ha ha thanks 4 yr concern mo... happy 2 tell u , my latest check up was excellent ! Dr said my health condition looks like 30+ ! how u like that ?

Gua pun tak percaya dia cakap, I know I am fit..tapi takkan like 30s + mah..right mo ? may be this Dr wanna 2 bodek me... right mo ?

2 sugarboy bone , still searching which stock that u bot got FA ? still dun know which one ? aiyahhh....join my private blog lah..I teach u FA ..ok ? ha ha

Samgoss said...

Hey mo,

I wonder y u wanna 2 back off from me so I know y oledi ^_-

cos... u hv no fans 2 support u anymore except a few sugar boys like bone n jackie, unlike those days...

ha ha... yr fans r losing faith on u anymore , cant u see u r getting lesser n lesser support lately ?

sorry mo... not my fault ok ? it is yr arrogant n childish character that scared them off ! LOL!

k.. I hv achieved what I wanted oledi , until d next war of words..88 mo.

yah..almost forgot this , b4 u blog anything, think twice, otherwise I will shames u again ! LOL!

88 mo..dun 4get 2 do medical check up ok ? without u..d world is meaningless ^_-

LOL! *****88888888

Anonymous said...

Smart Chap ,

No wonder you are able to made so much :)

but sam, you have made one mistake , deal only with the bapak, not his sugar boys , you know ?

Do you really need to go so low to deal with those small flies like bone & jack ?

You are right , compared to those golden days, he has no ground support anymore , like Elegance said ,

His end will not be by my hand, nor my word,
but by his own doing.

Good day :)

boontan said...

Dear SAM

I have yet to receive any ID from you, below is my purchase transaction for 2011 renewal -
Order Number: PJHBKQ9E

Your prompt reply is very muc appreciated.

Samgoss said...

Ha ha..2 all,

Ah chart played trick again !he just blogged up his purchases just now, he bot all these stocks @ 3pm today, y wait until 10.05 pm 2 blog it up ? simple..cos he saw euro n Dow all bounced up > 3% !

Obviously , n oso definitely klse will bounce up 2molo !

see ? this is what I called ma how pao..back hand calls ! tell only stock rise !if Dow n Euro down , surely he will keep quiet n blog nothing up !

ah chart..tak malu ka ? y not u blog yr purchase up b4 euro n Dow opened ? y ?