Tuesday, May 5, 2009

^V^ This is what FA can do 4 u in SUPER BEAR RUN ! ^V^


Long story cut it short , like sour moolah said make money during bull mkt is no big deal , absolutely correct ! 4 me, made $$$$ in super bear mkt is even "No big deal " bukan cow ? ^_^

As it can be seen, more than 100K profit since Sep 2008 , ( 55K contributed by US stocks n 45 K from local stocks ) .

Y it can be so fruitfuls n accurate ? simple ! as i said..buy those Low PE bluechips with PE < 8 such as Resorts @ 1.93, Sime @ 5.35 < TNB @ 5.25 n Ytlpwrwb @ 0.43+- ( Mom was ard 1.65_)

Second , when taiko bluechips already moved up, second liners will 4low soon, then again, pick those heavy volume theme play stocks (plantation + ONG ) with PE < 10 such as Uemland @0.52 , pantech @0.505 , scomi n ....! see ?

Look at Gpacket n minply, y they keeps going down in recent rally ? simple ! cos they r running at loss 4 past 3 Qtrs !

make it simple here :-

First go 4 Low PE bluechips

after that , look what is d theme play going ard KLSE ? go 4 those heavy volume + PE < 10 second liners .

Take note : Theme play stock can be anything, sometimes it can be property,sometimes it can be plantation or anything else , hence, u must know what they r playing now ?

U can give one heavy volume traded stock such as Talam or MKland , i dun care how heavy it was traded or how promising it can be, once i see there is no FA backing them up , I will get it out from my list .

Now, check it yrself, Y i picked Pantech @0.505 n UEMland @0.52 ? r they not traded @ Low PE of 5+ ? r they not falled under theme play ? r they not heavy vol traded ? see ?

2 all TA bloggers, Y dont u ask yrself ? Y cant u beat me off ? char kuey teow man with only standard six education background tu pun u tak boleh kalahkan !? apo ni ?

D answer is simple, FA is my protection !

n oso...did u guys asked yrself..after so many years in osk n blogger world , Y unker can still stand high n proud ? if my method is not workable , I would hv gone with d wind long long time like backhand seng liaooo...

U dun need 2 agree with me ! but u cant deny d fact that u must agree with my proven end results ^_^


Law said...

I wanna to learn more abt FA...
Where can i learn ? Can recommend?

GK said...

brother sam, zelan lai liao... up 4cts now.. need to take profit 1st?!?!



come to penang we have veteran title (35 and above) to play.
only use yonex shuttle(cheap thing no good,good thing not cheap) .

just stalking ALAM slow and steady

Unknown said...

bila nak potong zelan,

pom cha cha liao

Samgoss said...

Ha ha..My zelan striked again ! ha ha....guys , is FA works ? u tell me lah !

Ha ha...still think that high Pe stand 4 high prospect ? ha ha pity old boy ^_^

Samgoss said...

Guys..look at alam..vol oso picking up...must be coming soon liaooo...

u know what is d different btwn me n those TA bloggers ? ha ha..

2 things , my brain is slightly bigger than them n i hv d patient to wait ! i dun aim 4 fast money, u can tell me how good yr tips r..as long as no FA..sorry bros ! no way hossayyyy !

Unknown said...

took profit for 5 lots zelan @ 0.91, remaining 5 lots.

thank you, Sam!

Unknown said...

queing to buy ALAM

Unknown said...

He he he, manage to buy 5 lots of ALAM.


GenesisDream said...

AIG and C lai liao, kiasi only bought 100 unit C yesterday, should buy 1 lot =="

GK said...

yeah, me too.. manage to get 1 lot @ 0.97, will buy in more if i can sell off my pantech and hopefully can still manage to get alam at 0.97... haha...

herbert said...

What the hack man!!!!!!!! uncle sam, i miss out Zelan... Really hack man!!! Ok!! Do catch Alam ok?? dun "false alam" huh?? haha!!

naz said...

Uncle Sam,

Great write up, short and sweet and you've shown the core of what you do! You are using basic sound methods and proper self control..wah..so easy yet so much profit. No need crazy charting tools, analyze candlesticks and memorize a million patterns...ridiculous man.

Two things I look forward from you and hope you do very much...

1. Write a good E-book on Malaysian Stock trading method (according to you) then can later turn into a book or straight to a book also ok. Don't be too modest..you have good experience, telling your journey also is a good read and worthwhile to buy! I booking first book..hehe.

2. Maybe if it is possible have a chat application in your blog so we followers can chat together easier with good security and invitation only! It'll make your blog always on on my computer at office also haha.

Unknown said...

Citigroup can buy now? i afraid will lost oppurturnity this time. i have no much capital so have to look on one time correct stock.please advice.

Unknown said...

hi sam & CK

will follow your get in alam by tomorrow market..Hope can get cheaper price than your..

my target will be on 0.965 X 15 lots..
hahaha.. hope can match early in morning session.

thanks both again

Unknown said...

hi sam &ck

tomorro will get in alam as well
hope can get cheaper price compare to both

my target is 0.965X15 lots

hope this time dont miss the boat.

hahaha , anywhere thanks both make me more confident after hv screen snag shot..

good night

Share-Share said...


Great work... Thank you very much for your recommendation on SCOMI.. I sell to early on ZELAN.... KAISI so miss out the rally today...hai....

I wish you can give us some advise or test for us to learn more from you how to apply FA for investing..for example how to determine a good Stock interm of PE, EFS and ROI...just my 2cents opinion...hope you will consider ..

I have bot 4 lot of ALAM and 5 lot of YTLPOWER-WB..today....

Samgoss said...

Woww..aig rose 23cts today..ha ha citi oso not bad , oledi up 20cts...can still go in citi now ? well... I already piss off with such a question liaooo...when I called to buy @ 2.65..only a few follow me , after she shot up 2 3.40, then come another gang asking me whether can buy or not ? in d first place, y dont u 4low me @ 2.65? k..once n last ! if u hv patient n holding power, be it 2.50 or 3.80 , it is worth 4 long term hold , most likely u wont see her trading @ < USD5.00 after 2009 ^_^

2 Naz, write a e book ? ha ha u must be kidding bro.. char kuey teoy man how to write ebook ? ha ha..

Guys,shares investment is not as tough as u thought , if u stick 2 my method , 2 beat top fund manager is not a problem at all ^_^, u can see lots of those tom dick harry telling u grand mom stories like " mkt is never wrong, buy low sell high, know when 2 buy is better than what 2 buy ..blabla.. they posted all these is 2 show u how good they r , but when come 2 delivery..ha ha all talk only !

I hv said it many times, trust nobody but their proven end results ! Look at their blog ( esp moolah blog) , if they r that good in shares investment , y do they need to hv so many advertisments in their blog ? simple ! it is bcos they cant make $$$ from share mkt ,therefore they need 2 make some living from blog advertisment ! bukan ?

Sorry mo mo cow , dont feel hurt, i am telling d facts ^_^

Guys, if u hv read what this sour cow posted about me in his n seng 's blog , then only u know y I need 2 strike back ^_^

3 lawan satu pun tak boleh menang , apo ini ?

Yah..4 those interested in alam , dont buy it in one shot, d best is buy in stages .

Oppss..12.33am liaooo ..need 2 kow kow g oledi.

Danny said...

Hi Sam,

Seems like steel sector is kinda hot now. What do you think of Masteel, one of ur favorite last time?


tcg82 said...

bravo bro sam,
great set of results
much greater respect to you
wish i have some of your cash ;) ;) discipline and patience :) :))

only have 5lots 6742wb avg 0.83
will pickup some alam <0.97

g'luck 2u n all your readers

Unknown said...

Got someone name KS in my chat box hantam me liao,said I am 你是跟尾狗

They said I copy uncle sam, Why I need to show prove?

Simple - Forehand Call not Backhand Call.

How many blogger really show what they buy?

I think only me and uncle sam.

I think they are TA and lost a lot of money recently.

They can not tahan us untung.

If you don't like my blog, don't come. Why want to leave a message in my chat box.

Pergi main jauh jauh.

GenesisDream said...

Yahoo~ ALAM lai liao

wat's ur tp to take profit, Sifu SAM?

Samgoss said...

2 ck5354 , that idiot called u 跟尾狗 ar ? ha ha..tell him unker sam oso 跟尾狗 of warren buffet, so what ? as long as yr bank ac keeps growing , eat shit 跟尾狗 oso nvm lah...

btw, u shld answer him in this way , hello idiot , if u think by saying ck5354 is a 跟尾狗 can ease yr TA losses pain..well..pls go ahead ^_^

2 GS..ha ha..u ding u ding..i can see it oso...alam lai liaoooo $$$$

Take profit ? not yet !

see d beauty of FA ? do i need candle sticks , MAV , RSI 2 time my entry ? ho ho ho

Pantech oso coming 4 second round $$$$$$$$

Jack said...

SIfu, thanks for your scomi and zelan.. now sold already and waiting for your next buy call. didn't follow you on pantech and alam cos not enough bullets!! :(

Felix Ooi said...

Round of applause for SAM on Pantech.

cmp said...

hi sifu,

thanks again for your call on alam &zelan, (although zelan i have sold early, but is good enough for me-small $...hehe)

hope can learn more from you'll...thanks...

do you think i should take some profit on aig? and later buy back at lower cost?


naz said...

wah right on schedule, the pick by our Uncle Sam on Alam coming dy...woooo! Amazing pickings..

Unknown said...

How come ppl beh song others make money?

Not say we steal from their pocket and put into ours right?

alfred said...

whats ur tp for pantech sam ?

i queue @.68 this morning, didnt make it.

Unknown said...

Hi Sifu Sam,

Lol...well, what can I say....excellent calls as usual...i'm really beginning to suspect ur following is so big, the moment you call any counter, it will surely move...and you must have some magic power that can foresee the future...lol.... :-D

tailow said...

sam, miss out yr alam, i sold yesterday@0.98. too bad.

i also run chicken on pantech where i hav sold it last week @0.595. no luck..untung sikit sikit only

any new counters in mind ??

Unknown said...

hi sam

just get 15 lots of alam 0.98..

Law said...

Any commend on SAAG ? Izzit worth to buy now?

CommBull said...

bro sam. i bought ALAM at RM1.02, will it too high ? still can buy at current level ? what is ALAM target price. Thx

yjpan said...

Hi Sam, i have noticed a company, namely SUCCESS Transformers (not the Michael Bay Transformers though :P), it's PE stood < 3, with a good ROE for the past few years of > 15%, and its business is about low voltage transformer manufacturer in Malaysia
and manufactures medium to high end industrial
lighting. I wonder what do you think about this company? I read somewhere that this company is venturing into "Green" ONG, which i dun really understand what it means, mind to share your knowledge on this? thanks

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

Can I ask you what do you think about WTK.

PE > 8?

It worth it to buy in?


manages to grab feww lot pantech
and alam this morning. faber miss
to key in.
bravo sudirman cup is coming also
the bull already wake after kena
hentam teruk for 18 month.

Jack said...

wah Sam.. really chicken run man.. sell too early, could've made extra 60% profit if hold on to zelan till today!! all your picks lai liaoooo liaooooo.. congrats to all the non-kiasu Sam followers

vince said...


Welldone on your Zelan,

Alam and Pantech i didn;t follow which is another star, because cash management issue and index climbing too fast and furious :)

I swap it with ytlpower-wb *10 at 0.825,
and get in 2 lots of steel LioinInd at 1.15 (hope force with us :))


Mohd Imran said...

thank you sam for recommending plantation stocks.i bought KULIM at 5.40 last week and sold at 6.10 yesterday.i guess i and everyone here know what stock to buy based on FA.but now can u tell us strategy on when to sell?

alfred said...

my PANTECH all out @.68. didnt expect it to go so high till 0.7+ after keyin in morning then CI start to slide.

now the only last counter im holding following ur call that was in red for so long have turn profit. (HUAAN)

thats make all my buy records are profitable based on ur call!

sam, u really "mou tak teng" !!!! ^^

Little Bear said...


any take on why the big selloff of Alam at closing?

tcg82 said...

bro sam,

alam manage to drop only 5lots into my queue @1.00 this morning
this bugger ran too fast lah
nvm small lot also happy
another excellent call

g'luck 2u n samgang readers

GK said...

sam, the market looks strong, but I have a doubt, it wont sustain long!!! wonder why you still havent call to sell off? izzit becos news of recovery is thr, oil price will rise, indirectly push up the Oil counter??

ees said...

superb call.
Your forehand smash is as sharp as LinDan and LCW!!

sour moola and sour seng, they thought their backhand smash is superb 劲 like Taufik...in fact their call are lembik.

Timo K said...

Sold my Alam @ 1.03 and SAAG @ 0.30..earn some pocket $$ for weekend~

bizlifes said...

Sifu just wonder is FNM good? the price currently still below $1

RLCMM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GK said...

For all CITIGROUP holders, congrats, it has rose >10% to 3.73 now, BLAVO!!!

118 said...

Wow making $$$ round d world, making $$$ round d clock, how 2 sleep man $ifu.
Tat's right, Citi now 3.86 n HK Parkson now 11.40 n some few KLSE stocks r all making $$$ liao! Following ur calls, now only i start 2 realise how happy n confidence i'm investing in share market. Daytime got $$$ fr KLSE n HK Parkson, night time also got $$$ fr Citi, tat's y i said how 2 sleep? ha ha i attribute all these 2 ur fantastic calls! TQ TQ TQ.
Will buy AIG next.
Just watched an exciting UEFA cup btwn Barcelona n Chelse. Glad 2 c my favourite Barcelona marched into d final. Surely it'll b an exciting final coz M United is also d attacking team. Bravo.
In d final, I'll go 4 Barcelona.
5.30am liao, got 2 sleep liao.

Samgoss said...

Precisely 118 ! bravo citi ! told u guys oledi..by next year ! u wont see citi trading @ USD<5.00 anymore !..ho ho...never 4get aig also..it is now 1.84 liaoo $$$

No need 2 thanks me , your gain is my good karma, u guys owe me nothing ^_^

Btw, need 2 make sour cow abit sour here.. hello moolah..almost 1.30 up from my cost , how much I made for 4 lots of citi ? 1,300 x 4 x 3.6 = woww RM 20K +-... what if citi > USD8.00 by end of this year ?? ^_^

Still think that uncle sam wanna 2 make use of his fans 4 his own benefit ? where is d one who posted uncle sam is a con man in yr blog gone ?

Gone with d wind ? ^_^ ha ha ha

Sour make no cure my dear moolah !

yah b4 i forget, mo mo cow tembak TTB from icapital again ! y u so jealous about TTB 's achievement ? who r u ? u think u r up 2 that level 2 critic TTB ? come on kid ! TTB has proven track records , where is yours ? mana ? u r really " horse doesnt know its face is long " ^_^

Chen said...

Reading your blog is quite enjoy!
Your eyes on the share was really zhun & geng!

Can i join your blog, Sam? Pls add me in your mailing list -> feonlow@gmail.com

Hope that i can learn from you!

alfred said...

wow~ the market just keep charging like no tomolo.

wonder how long will it last...

Unknown said...

Nice Play, Nice Game...
I can see Sam have made few rich man in Malaysia. thanks Sam. I will follow you again. Although i kena VSS...but i stil happy with current life because of Sam. thanks

vince said...

Hi Sam,

Dunno what to do, should be do nothing, but index climb --- emotional implication :),

ichi hand, heart tell me no but - swap ytlpowr-wb with liondiv, 0.855 to 0.51, hope it works, will buy back ytlpowr-wb.


GK said...

sam, me too.. the feeling is not good, wonder why?! also wondering why you have not call to sell off?

Samgoss said...

Guys..Sell on strength or sell in stages .

Sold 5 lots pantech @0.73.

U know how to go in u must oso know how 2 get out .

If u scare of run chicken, 4low me ..sell along d rise or in stages.

Most likely we can buy back @ pull back.

naz said...

Uncle, what do you think of Muda and TwsCorp? Worth the investment?

Jack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YC said...

TQVM. Sold my Alam @ 1.09 :)

Little Bear said...

sold my alam 5 lots@1.09, hoping to pick it up again if it dips in the afternoon.

Unknown said...

Sold 5 lots of Zelan,


hp84 said...

Hi Sam,
I have done some paper trading using all your call for this past 2 weeks.
Each of your call, average out to give you >20% profit every 2 weeks. That is a very good record.

With just 10k capital, I believe all your follower can be millionaire in 1 year time, if the record is maintain.

BTW, today is cuti cuti for people in Pahang. Usually, I couldn't read your post during working hours, too bad :(

Keep it up Sam and gang..

GK said...

sold my pantech at 0.71, wait for the chance to buy back...

Samgoss said...

2 all, remember this, not everyday is sunday ! make it simple here ... d worst is over but i dun think mkt will shoot all d way up without correction.

hence , play safe !

4 muda..its latest earning showing red .. not a bargain buy 4 FA play..may be it is good 4 speculation.

2Hp84..congrats.. but dont over excited , u think I am god of shares ar ? ha ha... tell me who doesnt make $$$ 4 past 2 weeks ? ( except those buying gpacket ha ha )..hence..no big deal lah...

I will post up my trade transaction by end of day ^_^

Poker_limit said...

uncle sam , do u think now still suit to buy in alam~ thanks alot

just know about your blog ,hopei will not be too late

ccdev said...


u never buy any stock for long term hold, like keep in drawer see in 2 years type of stock?

about pantech, seems like a very attractive stock for long term hold (according to my 2c FA) except for the high debt/equity. I see u talk about PE but what about debt level, does it matter to you?

Unknown said...

sold my remaining 5 lots Zelan @ 0.935 & 5 lots Alam @ 1.08
sold it too early...but still earn $$
thanks, Sam.

bot 10 lots Mulpha @ 0.43...& she is coming :)
Q 10lot Melati @ 0.64 didnt get it.

Unknown said...

I actually manage to get 10 lots of ALAM at 0.975. Ma Ma MIA.

Kamsia Uncle SAM.

1.14 liao.

kyteh said...

sifu i luv u

alam bising bising all the way....


Little Bear said...

aiyo, miss out on the big alam move..

Samgoss said...

Guys..i hv done pretty well today..really a chun one..I hv taken some profit on zelan , pantech n sime..sold 30% of them off 4 profit..except alam...woww alam is coming liaoo..it is now 1.19 chun chun chunn....$$$$

2 ccdev..u r very sharp..u hv noticed i didnt go 4 buy n hold this round, yes..u r right..I am more on hit n run nowadays EXCEPT my US stocks citi n aig..this 2 buggers i will keep it till next year or my TP which ever is higher.

Y i dont go 4 buy n hold 4 local stocks..my reasoning is := I dont think KLSE will shoot all d way up without any correction.

I am confident it will come one day, definitely ! when that day come..i will back 2 my buy n hold strategy again !

as 4 pantech..its debt level is not very high..still under manageable level... this bugger 's PE is damn Low + heavy vol traded recently..I can ride on her easily , that's y I went in.

Ho ho ho..alam 1.30 coming $$$$ see ? i dun need TA 2 time my entry... refer to my method, why i choosed alam ? is my method work ? u tell me lah ^_^

Jack said...

Sam.. all i can say is... wow...

JackM said...

Sam sifu!! thanks for the superb calling on alam last week. i followed u at 0.955 x 5lots and today sold off at 1.17. first time following u buy shares and i made a handsome profit liao!! thank u man.... god bless u wif loads of karma haha! btw what do u think of SAAG & Kurasia? i jz bought 20lots of SAAG @ 0.325 and im looking at Kurasia mabe around 0.36?

Samgoss said...

Guys..i hv done pretty well today..really a chun one..I hv taken some profit on zelan , pantech n sime..sold 30% of them off 4 profit..except alam...woww alam is coming liaoo..it is now 1.19 chun chun chunn....$$$$

2 ccdev..u r very sharp..u hv noticed i didnt go 4 buy n hold this round, yes..u r right..I am more on hit n run nowadays EXCEPT my US stocks citi n aig..this 2 buggers i will keep it till next year or my TP which ever is higher.

Y i dont go 4 buy n hold 4 local stocks..my reasoning is := I dont think KLSE will shoot all d way up without any correction.

I am confident it will come one day, definitely ! when that day come..i will back 2 my buy n hold strategy again !

as 4 pantech..its debt level is not very high..still under manageable level... this bugger 's PE is damn Low + heavy vol traded recently..I can ride on her easily , that's y I went in.

Ho ho ho..alam 1.30 coming $$$$ see ? i dun need TA 2 time my entry... refer to my method, why i choosed alam ? is my method work ? u tell me lah ^_^

SotongQu33n said...

ei??!!! SHI FU SAM ~

where is your Scomi?! Disposed liao?!

Samgoss said...

2 sotong quiz..scomi ? i think u need 2 read every of my postings from now onwards..., I hv taken profit @ 0.45 n swap 2 Alam @ 0.965+.. guys, I am not going 2 answer it again... if u wanna 2 stick with me..check it out yrself from my posting, all there ^_^

As it can be seen in my latest attachment .. I hv taken profit on zelan ( 5 lots ) , Sime ( 5 lots) N pantech ( 10 lots ),if u wanna 2 know my current holding , see d latest blogging .

Guys, I think I need 2 sell my alam on strength 2molo... let c how high I can sell 2molo..ha ha .

Yah one more thing, 2 ccdev..y suddenly u so concern about d debt of pantech ? do u know gpacket 's debt is 3 times higher than pantech n oso she is running at negative eps @ that time u bot..y still u went in ?

2 be very frank, I am not" char" u..just really curious y suddenly u asked me about d debt level of Pantech.

2 those who still holding on citi..good news... pre mkt trading 4 citi is now traded @ 4.26 liaoo..woowww fatt tatt lollll

read this >>>


Simon Teoh said...

sifu just wonder FNM can buy a not? i trying to learn some FA. but then still new to FA. how to See PE?

naz said...

I see a correction coming, is it 1040? Hmmm maybe sooner...beware guys...

About Alam, this is a great example of our sifu's call that happen just as he said. Through this kind of calls is what makes people call him like god of stocks. I think it was 2 days or so after Uncle Sam called it that it initially charged up then again today. Absolutely superb although I missed the boat because I was worried about the low volume!!!! How can sifu be very confident about it? Only he knows to tell and he'll probably say "FA" haha but even then, the timing was perfect! Great stuff Uncle Sam.

Samgoss said...

2 naz... pls dun called me god of shares..i am not..2 be very frank..i really dun know when it will be coming !? what i know is among all d ONG stocks, alam is very much lacking behind n she got d lowest PE among all... that's y I choosed alam.

Once again... I am not as smart as u thought..it is my FA method that make me looks smart only.. n oso it is d TA method that make all d TA bloggers look stupid ha ha.

I hv another stock in my radar..this stock start with "F" , still underperformed n traded @ PE ard 5+ , really a good one..short fall..vol not that convincing..N i am waiting 4 d pull back to go in.

Will let u guys know later.

Really cant wait 2 c how citi open tonight..$$$$$$$ Citi N AIG my buy n hold stock , from now till 1st qtr of 2010 or my TP which ever is higher.

2 all citi holders , if u dun see citi trading @ < USD 5.00 by next coming QE, most likely u will never got d chance 2 c citi @ below usd5.00 4 d rest of yr life liaooo ^_^

Doubt ? just wait n c ^V^

herbert said...

Dear Uncle Sam, will u disposed any citiboy tonight? pls let me know.. i'm waiting for your signal...

herbert said...

faber ^o^

GOH said...

2 all citi holders , if u dun see citi trading @ < USD 5.00 by next coming QE, most likely u will never got d chance 2 c citi @ below usd5.00 4 d rest of yr life ???

wht does that mean ??

i sold off most of my share b4 the big jump and buy some CITI instead, so miss all the ALAM n PANTECH festival.....

So this round for US stock, wht is your strategy to buy n sell ??

naz said...

Is it Faber?

Unknown said...


Wat's d sector for ur latest selection-"F"? So that we can zoom into it n hv a guess..

Dreamer said...

Dear Sifu Sam,

Wat to say to you ???

my AIG earning 100 % ++

Whuahaha :D

Best regards...

Samgoss said...

Ho ho ho citi opened @ 4.44..it is now 4.18 rose 28cts... not bad not bad..aig lagi geng 2.13 up 23 cts $$$ ho ho ho...

2 dreamer ..congrats..no need 2 thanks me..thanks yrself by choosing FA ho ho ho..

2 Goh... it means citi will go all d way up lah..

2 Herbert.. didnt u read my posting as above ?

FYI, D "F" is not faber ^V^

FNM ? a good stock but its PE is > 12 liaooo... not bad but not my cup of tea.

2 all citi n aig holders , did FA make u guys look smarter ? I guess d answer is "Yes" ^_^

bath time.. will come back later.

Unknown said...


F = FajarBaru Builders

Dreamer said...

Is it "F" = Favco
PE stood at 6.7 +-
Year High 1.60
Year Low 4.9


Unknown said...

My Guess FBO? Farlim?

Unknown said...

the F share is ONG related and is a subsidiary of another listed company

skiddtrader said...

Awesome calls Sam. Will research your calls next time and buy.

Timo K said...

Sam, Favco lor...But, wat make u look at this stock? beside PE is low, the volume is not impressing. It only start to pick in these two days.

Kaki Saya said...

Sifu i know. is it Fareast?

ronald said...

Let me guess, should be FIAMMA? It has sustainable revenue, small cap, PE ~5, nicely blend into the current theme.

Manfred said...

hmm .... issit
FIAMMA PE 5.23 ...

tcg82 said...

bro sam,

takes a smart person ;) to know how to use smart FA :p to win in the marketplace which can be quite brutal for wrong calls

very smart people use smart people and/or tools to stay on top leh

am sure you belong to this group of smart people lah irrespective of background/education/etc/etc you are being humble lah hahaha

anyway per our chat, sold 5lots alam today for a yummy gain xie xie ni
looks like my NTPM don't know how to come down for me to collect :(

looking forward to your next call, could F be favco or freight??

g'luck 2u n all samgang

Unknown said...

pullback is happening.....get ur bullets ready for the next round!!! and for those who has not taken profit, may need to do so fast...

Unknown said...

haaa...i know..favco rite? hehe

theblogger said...

hi sifu sam,

would it be favelle favco?

maybe not? the volume has been almost non existent for many months!

btw, petra shoot up today, what happened? anyone know?

vince said...

Congrate to SAM,

Your methods WORKS!!!!!
bravo. Though didn't follow all of your call (like Alam, Pantech) but happy with your results and didn;t bring all of us to HOLLAND......... but BANK :)


didi7349 said...

sifu, i think is favco la

didi7349 said...

sifu, i think is favco la

Manfred said...

news from TMI there is capital repayment of RM 0.98 per share... it look quite attractive for the repayment .. it's bluechip counter which PE -+ 15

ccdev said...


i'm looking at the debt equity just in case i want to buy and hold long term. Also wanted to know your stand on how the debt effect your analysis. As for Green packet, dude, sorry but I just give my "TA call" because no TA person step up to take your challenge. but with my 2c TA skill, u think i would buy? i am an idiot at times but not always stupid.

kyteh said...

so far the ytlpower and wb not move at all.i bought 10lot also at 0.84.when start to collect and hold? or just wait it down 5sen or up 5sen only collect?

Samgoss said...

2 all, sold another 5 lots of pantech @ 0.79 this morning, bal left behind 20lots...parked another 5 lots @0.80 .

2 ccdev.. Pantech is 4 short term trading play, if u like safe bet 4 long term hold..go 4 ytlpwrwb , this is much solid ^_^ cash kow + mom is bluechip .

Bingo..some of u guys guess it right , but as it can be seen, no vol... still not time 2 go in unless she drop below 0.80.

Another one..aeon..i will buy in anything below 4.00 .

tszou said...

Sifu Sam,
Is it Favco? a subsidiary of Muhibbah Engineering.

Samgoss said...

2 alan , this is y only 5% could make $$$$ from KLSE , what they want is fast money, buy today up 2molo ! ha ha... ytlpwrwb slow ? not really, refer to my old posting, i bot in about 100lots @ 0.42 somewhere in Nov 08 n cabut all 3 months later @ 0.76+ , gain > 70% within 3 months , u called it slow ? same apply here , it doesnt move doesnt mean she wont move ! what u need is patience .

If one expect ytlpwrwb could perform something like pantech or alam , I think u got d wrong stock ^_^ ..cos this bugger is slow n steady one .

But I can guarantee u , if u hv patience n holding power , it will touch 1.60 within 3 years ( could be faster than that , remember i said d same thing when i bot ytlpwrwb @0.42 ? ) ha ha..too slow ? cannot tahan ? FYI, i like this type of tea, it is my type of tea.

One more thing, I hv parked there 2 buy sime @ 6.45 for 3 lots, let c whether it can be done or not.

118 said...

$ifu, u did mention tat now is not d time 2 buy steel stocks yet due 2d current economic situation but i've started collecting them in early April on stocks like Lionind, liondiv, Huaan n Masteel which r all ur favourites b4 besides buying ur recent call stocks. In fact i made some $$$
n sold most of d steel stocks lately but still holding 60 lots of Liondiv @ avg 0.35
Wat i'm trying 2 say is not only ur recent calls making $$$ but buying d stocks tat u strongly recomended b4 also profitable.
In fact, most of d stocks u recomend r "点石成金" Bravo!

CH Tan said...


so many tips!no money to buy,can borrow some from you?just joking!

happy your followers make money, stay close to you(your bloglah) now.

write more,update more,please.

CH Tan said...


so many tips!no money to buy,can borrow some from you?just joking!

happy your followers make money, stay close to you(your bloglah) now.

write more,update more,please.

Unknown said...

Oil price keep on rising,

I think ALAM and PANTECH can climb higher.

He he he.

naz said...

Wah uncle, Favco moving away dy although low volume...

Samgoss said...

Guys..woww.saya belum beritahu dah naik liaoo... how 2 buy ? ha ha ..those who knew it, my advice: dun chase !

anyway..give u guys another one... this is an assignment 4 u , tell me..what they goreng today ?besides ONG n plantation, what theme they r playing now ?

after that... look 4 d most underperformed + lowest PE under this theme play.

Anyone ??

Little Bear said...

currently is properties.

properties index is up 3% today.

Little Bear said...

Asiapac? E&O? Talam? Keladi?

JackM said...

Sifu, is it trading sector? mabe BJCORP or Analabs ?

Samgoss said...

little bear , yr theme is correct but d stocks u mentioned not fall under my requirement.

keep it up dude ^_^

2 those who guess d "F" right, see ? i told u oledi... is my method works ? ha ha..

guys, I will blog it out later , what is this " F" ? ha ha..

I am too kind 2 u ppl, gua belum beli but still i give u d hint , regretted , i think next time, i must buy first then only let u know d hint . ha ha

Unknown said...

Technology stocks.

Little Bear said...

uncle sam, what about sunrise? pe below 5, volume picking up.


hi Dato Sam ,

manages to grab a few lot faber below rm 1.oo.

look tgoff slow and steady like

answer : tech stock goreng

Dreamer said...

sifu Sam,

i think is technology "Notion"
PE = 6 ++
year high = 0.43
year low = 0.16

Current price = RM 0.285

correct o not ??


naz said...

Uncle, steel is being played up today on the gov instruction to have enough supply come 2010! Is this what you mean? Ind products?

Samgoss said...

mamak traders..yr picks not bad ho ho ho...u know d secret of my method, ha ha... wise bugger ^_^

congrats !

btw..done n sold another 5lots of pantech @0.80 ..bal left behind is 20 lots....sell along d rise yahoooooo

Jack said...

Sam.. should be STEEL sector.. and your darling steel stocks from last time.

Unknown said...

hi sam


kikilala said...

Hi Sifu,

The F is it favco?

The theme play is it property?
The stock is KSL???

Do advise.Thanks a lot:)

Samgoss said...

Kikilala..u r damn sharp ! well done ..ha ha..i will post those who striked d "f" correct once i make it public...

Guys.. sold 5 lots of pantech @1.17+..swap to

Tgoff-wa @0.69 for 50 lots..

conversion 0.55 , expiry date +2016

mom 1.25...very much in money

Tgoff is under ONG oso... PE Ard8+..same as alam..but its Balance sheet is much solid than alam.. she came down from high of 3.00

take a look ^_^

Jack said...

Sam.. for those with limited bullets, should we save them for "F" or buyin to TGOFFS-WA now?

don't have your ability to buy 50lots :)

Manfred said...

it's favco ....... now trading at 0.9+ and PE 7+-

CH Tan said...


favco,better than the mother muhibbah

Unknown said...

just saw ur new assignment today. think the other theme is steel. most counters up and masteel is the underperformer today.

Unknown said...


What's ur take on the Feng Shui chart that shows a drastic drop from May onwards now that the mrkt is super hottt..

jensen said...

Hi Sam
your correction

50 lot of TGoff-wa @0.69

50lots of TGoff-wa @0.79

Samgoss said...

2 all..ha ha cheng cheng cheng...d "F" stock is favco..I q 2 buy @ 0.88..but couldnt get really kanasai..may be some of u under cut me ha ha..next time i need 2 buy first b4 i blog it up in my blog like what i did 2 tgoffwa.

Favco up 7cts with thin vol..imagine if its vol comes ..how much she gonna 2 be ? 1.10 ??ha ha

k..d ohter theme which is hot cooking now is property, look at UEMland ..$$$ hence , i am eyeing on KSL @ 0.80+-..still d same old story, couldnt get ..kannasai ^_^

what I hv done today :-


5 lots Alam @1.17+

3 lots of Zelan @0.985

10 Lots of pantech @0.80+-


50lots of TGoff-wa @0.69

see d latest attachment.

4 those interested on
Tgoff , tgoff wa can go 4 short term swing as well as long term hold.

Besides its PE < 9, d best part was she was once traded @ 3.00+-...see d upside potential ??

Favco got no vol yet..hence dun chase..

as 4 KSL.. bargain hunt @ anything ard 0.81.

gd luck guys ^_^

2 brian..FS is still my guide , n i oso believe that mkt is never wrong ha ha... that's y i still didnt go full force in shares mkt.

kikilala said...

Hi Sifu,

last time run chicken on ur pantech n alam ady.but today also cant get tgoff-wa and ksl.hope to get them next week.

Thanks a lot for ur call:)

Kiddie said...

What do u think about TGoff-wb??
Isn't it cheaper compare to TGoff-wa??

Samgoss said...

2 kiddie, good question.

Tgoffwb is cheap in dollar n cts but not cheap in value cos >>

wa 's conversion is 0.55 where as wb is 1.20

second, wa expiry date falled on 2016 , where wb falled on 2013.

hence.. WA is much much better than wb.

Ivan said...

dear sam,

i think the fs chart is not accurate liao... market has been very very hot since april till now , and it show sharp drop since begining of may it go the other way round. So sad.. missed a lot of boat. Even nyse has been bounce back.

Amtuing now.

tcg82 said...

bro sam,

aiseh wished i had bought favco at 0.88 or 0.90 unfortunately i got none :(
already sold alam, only left with 5lots of 6742wb at 0.83 tried to get cheaper but yilak :(
hope can get some tgoffs-wa come next monday :)
g'luck 2u & samgangs

naz said...

Sifu, love the calls and have checked up on all the companies you've mention. I am going to be eying them come next week. Hope we get a chance to go in.

I think market maybe trading sideways for few days and consolidate first before moving up and trying to break 1040.

Seeing as how the stress test was favorable and the economic data such as jobs data also quite good, I think the bull is still safe. I hope it is. Now just to clear out the sellers!!

Samgoss said...

Dow up 150 points yesterday nite, monday shld be a good day ,,,no matter how..i will still sell my pantech n alam on strength come this monday , it is really sad that i couldnt catch favco @ 0.88 yesterday, what a miss ! i am very sure she will cross above 1.00 in near term.

As for tgoff-wa, this wa is very much under value , it is just like buying ytlpwrwb @ 0.42 , know y ?


go n check out yrself , how many warrants in town r still traded @ premium ?

how 2 define a good warrant ?

1) in money

2) its expiry date must be more than 3 years n above

3) Mom 's future earning must be promising.

let look at tgoffwa , does it fall under d above ?

Tgoff = 1.25

1.25 -0.55= 0.70

Tgoff-wa =0.69... 1cts premium. (very much In money)

dun 4get .. 4 warrant , anything below 30% is still consider as in money...hence , theoritically...fv 4 tgoff-wa shld be traded at 0.91 now ^_^

expiry date 4 tgoffwa = 2016

Tgoff order in hand worth more than 2 bil + political link stock.

PE =9+-

See d gem ?

U can take this wa as long term hold as well as short term swing ^_^

Sour moolah will tell u dun 4low uncle sam. cos uncle sam wanna 2 make use of u guys ..well..inorder 2 prevent that..simple... u know my cost..dun buy anything above my cost ..k ? ha ha...

4low or not..u decide ^_^

Lastly, i remember there is one fan calling buy on pelikan @ 0.70 2 weeks ago..n i told him it is good call , look at pelikan now..1.02 liaooo$$$$...k..check out yrself, what is d PE 4 pelikan @ 0.70+- ? n oso what is d volume traded @ that time ?

U can see , these r d 2 factors that make pelikan what it is now , try 2 apply this method on yrself..let see it works or not ^_^

2 all , i know I am not as smart as warren n Li kar sing , I wish i can be like them , I want to work with them 2 cari makan but they dun even look at me at all ! so how ??

simple.. since we cant cari makan with them..we can 4low their method , what make them who they r now ? that's d thing we need 2 learn from them !

Everybody wanna 2 be genius , but how many of us can be born as genius ? born stupid is not yr fault , just like me , though i am not smart but at least i know who n what method shld i follow , follow those smart ppl will never wrong !

D most sad thing is " u r less smart but still u think u r very smart ! ha ha like that god oso cant help u liaooo ^_^

Timo K said...

Sam,one thing to ask u..Zelan's PE is 3.9 only. Why do u think of to sell it? U wana enter it again when pull back?

luiz83 said...

Beside KSL wat do you think of SUNRISE
Its PE is might not be as low as KSL but its volume is more convincing with EPF increasing its holding lately.

tsohtan said...

Hi Uncle sam,
拍马屁, you read a lot but i think
u also 麻木。。。
so cut it short, 你好犀厉啊!!!

wish learn from you....

You say below 30% how you get this figure(do you mean the premium they have, but i chekced the premium is 0.4% wor??), and how u forsee it will traded at 0.91.

herbert said...

wow!! "JING DIAN"!!! learn something new today..

Everybody wanna 2 be genius , but how many of us can be born as genius ? born stupid is not yr fault , just like me , though i am not smart but at least i know who n what method shld i follow , follow those smart ppl will never wrong !

D most sad thing is " u r less smart but still u think u r very smart ! ha ha like that god oso cant help u liaooo ^_^

Timo K said...

Sam,I wana get your advice on this two share: HiapTek and Masteel. PE is still very low, although they are gainned in the last few days. Volume is gaining as well. Especially Masteel, the report card is +ve, and even better than 2007..I plan to buy Masteel, but can we keep it for long? and whats your recommend price to go in?

118 said...

Sudirman Cup starts 2molo, M'sia Vs Korea @2pm, who will b d winner ? $ifu, i guess it'll b 3-2 go 2 either side. If M'sia win, It'll b Men's Single, Men's Double n Women's Single.
All d best 2 M'sian Team.
Btw, i've bot 1 lot AIG @ 2.05 on Fri. Waited tis stock 2 come down 2 <1.30 but it kept on going up instead. When it comes 2 >2.00, i think better grab first b4 "run chicken" like GI. After all my Citi oledi making money.


Datuk sam,

pelikan was my humble call ,
grab 10K lot faber and t-goff
i prefer mother than warrant due to
mother moves faster than baby.
This t-goff is it related to ananda
krishnan businees empayer?

Bravo sam,
sunday badminton games play use FA METHOD HOHOHO defense and drop shot.

Poker_limit said...

Sifu if u think "F" it will cross 1 dollar can we buy in any below 1dollar? or wait for your target price :>

hehe ~ hope to hear your advice follow sifu tight tight!

Marsha Chia said...

Hi Sam,

Should I hold or sell Kinsteel which I bought 10 lots@0.64 in Sept last year?

I will also buy Tgoff-wa tmr morning, just hope the price won't shoot up b4 I buy due to yr call!:)


Dreamer said...

Sifu Sam,

Morning, i jus found out one US Stock which is i think now is quite ok since the worst already over

name ---> "NYSE:FAZ"

i plan to buy in 1 lot only :)@ no bullets

Any comment on this ya??

year high USD 200 ++
year low USD 4.4 ++
Hit lowest price last friday


yew khian

Samgoss said...

Wowww..so many posting ar ? where got time 2 answer all of yr questions ?

2 118, bingo, u guess it right..Korea 3 Malaysia 2 . I think malaysia will beat denmark by 3 ; 2 also, we hv edge on MS , MD , LS n LD over Denmark .

Masteel ? of course she is good buy 4 long term hold , single digit PE + high NTA .

2 Mrsha Chia , if I were u, i will swap yr kinstel 2 tgoff-wa , not 2 say Kinstel is no good..just that tgoff-wa could bring u bigger returns as compare 2 kinstel..

Mamak trader , congrats on yr pelikan ..well done. someone said that tgoff mom will go faster than its son wa..well.. in term of dollar n cts , YES ! but..in term of percentage "NO"..that's y i choosed tgfoff-wa..i will buy in another 20 lots @ anything < 0.72.

2 tsohtan ,拍马屁 ? you read a lot but i think
u also 麻木。。。
so cut it short, 你好犀厉啊!!!

WO 好犀厉? ha ha.. yr statement will definitely make sour moolah hurt again ^_^ anyway , i dun give a damn ! what I am more concern is my bank ac keeps growing $$$$$

Ho ho ho..look at d pre mkt trading 4 tgoff-wa..0.75 liaooo...

If i cant get tgoff-wa < 0.72 , i may turn my focus on favco if d price is right .

btw..i will sell my pantech n alam on strength today 4 safe play.

5 more mins to go... ma ma me yahhh i am coming $$$$$$$

Samgoss said...

Ho ho ho tgoff-wa is now 0.81 cts liaooo.... guys..dun chase ! dun chase !

can u see I parked 2 sell 50 lots @0.99 there ? that's mine !

Once again..dun chase !

jensen said...

Hi Sam,

OK nowonder i saw some look like goreng leh! @0.99.
So what price do i need to place order? 0.72? Present i place order at 0.735, is it too resonable?

Share-Share said...


The TGOFFS_WA shot too high lioa..cant catch it....Do you think is too high ma...?..

2dy i got the AXIATA right issue back..plan to sell it...

theblogger said...

hi sifu sam,

i am predicting newpaper headlines to be :
"top blogger samgang pushed up tgoff-wa"

but ur advice there showed u r truly a honest lad...bravo bravo..truly a real sifu! :D

theblogger said...

sifu sam,

steel counters are quickly picking up? any picks on that?
masteel, perwaja, etc

all looking good!

theblogger said...

and sifu sam,
would u still go in SIME? u mentioned at 6.45? same or .....

Samgoss said...

I hv rec'd lots of email asking me whether 2 chase tgoffwa or not ? guys..listen ! dun chase !

dun chase !

Luckily i am a honest man , otherwise u ppl will get con by me liaooo...

Just put yr buy ard 0.72+- will do... if u cant get it..nvm... mkt is always there.

Someone asked me about d premium 30% ( in out money warrant )..i will teach u guys how 2 calculate a good in money warrant , not 2 tai check kong..look at my previous picks of ytlwb @0.52, ijmwb @0.38 n Ytlpwrwb @ 0.40 ! see how accurate i was on warrants ?

Someone also asked me about mkt correction, well..mkt is over bot , correction will come in anytime now , BUT>>always remember this>> mkt is never wrong !

d only way 2 solve this is fund allocation , monitor yr fund vs cash ratio...

FYI, i hv sold another 2 lots of zelan @ 1.01 just now. bal = zero !

Samgoss said...

2 caleb..sime 6.45 ? y not ? I will buy back also..

guys... I will blog up "how 2 gat a good warrant " if i am free , (may be this evening ).

Alex asked u ppl 2 buy call warrants in his blog, my advice.. NO ! cos its expiry date is too close n some r out of money.

Unknown said...


Have a look on BRDB-WA at 0.52+-(under properties) .
-Warrant still in money.
-Mother FA so so, last year result quite good, PE 7+-
-Volume coming.
-Expired 2012.
I think good for short term.

Samgoss said...

Sold another 5 lots of PAntech @0.82 , balance = 10 lots.

Ho ho ho...

Unknown said...

Korea 3: Malaysia 2. Malaysia should have a good chance to win MD.
Wong MC, she not like last time, run around the court without tired. Upset of her condition when in tough game.

I can't catch TGOFFS-WA last friday.i will Que to buy AIG on 2.00. Sifu, is it my move correct to enter AIG in this level?

雨田客 said...

knm still on its rises, what do you think of it boss sam??

Unknown said...

Good morning Sifu Sam,

Hope you're doing fine. Haha, receive so many emails from your fans?! Obviously you reach celebrity status liao... :-D Next time go out, i scared paparazzi will chase after you to take photograph and fans for signature.... ><"

Hmmphh, market still cont going up. With such good news from US, i think it'll last for min 1 more week i guess...

雨田客 said...

hi boss sam, knm is almost 0.80, what do you think?

股迷 said...

sam god, how u think about scomi,it keeps rising, i just bought 50lots units at 0.63 i think it can reach 0.9++



Control fear and greed,
same as badminton game when you reach point 20-20.

theblogger said...

wise words from mamak traders...but due to the same words...my self control was too good...missed too many good boats liao..but...we have heard this b4..in order to win money, u have to first not to lose money? cheers!

Jack said...

agree!! don't chase... waiting and waiting is painful but shouldn't get itchy.. many ppl selling on strength today

Timo K said...

Sam, heavy selling on Axiata wor...I talked to my uncle who is a GM in TM, said that it would take longer time for Axiata to go on track, as the operation in Sri Lanka takes time...

hp84 said...

Hi Sam,
Previously you queue on SIME @ 6.45. Can I know your target price?

How about PARKSON? I buy PARKSON @ 4.56 for long term, is it ok?

HC said...

Sifu Sam, mind to tell us why planning to sell tgoffs-wa@0.99? Why not higher? Thank you

kyteh said...

sifu, i offload all my share,js left ytlpowerwb. time to collect it. heheh...
now bullet to much. wait yr call.

Unknown said...

Axiata down, it could be due to the listing of right-issue today.

Another round of capital repayment for TM shareholder in June 2009. TM holder fatt la.

Unknown said...


For TM's capital repayment of RM0.98/share, will d share px b adjusted upon reaching ex-date??


30624700 said...

pls can somebody assist me how to open an account to trade US stock thru internet? TIA