Today is d judgement date 4 Citibank, Citi is going 2 announce its QE tonight, expected to be a good one n some says its earning could be better than expectation^_^
Someone asked me what is my TP n strategy 4 citi ? well.. it depends on how many lots u hv , if u hv few lots like me , u shld take some profit after d announcement n keep some for further rise , if she shot up 2.00 tonight, i will not hesitate to sell all off in one shot , cos I am confident that she will pull back after that , so that i can buy back again, but if she move up bit by bit... then i will only sell some (1 or 2 lots ) n keep d other 4 lots for further rise.
As can be seen in d attachment, I hv total 6 lots @ avg cost of USD 2.75+-( One lot was done @ 3.63 from swap AIG @ 1.61 )
Unrealised profit is now stood at 4.01 - 2.75 = 1.26 x 3.6 =RM4,536
RM4,536 x 5 lots = RM 22,680.00
Another lot bought at 3.63 , 4.01 -3.63=0.38 x 3.6 = RM1,368
Total unrealised profit = RM22,680 + RM1,368= RM24,048.00
Never 4get oso 2 lots of AIG @ 0.95+- ( one lot sold @ 1.61 4 swap 2 citi @ 3.63 )
RM 30K+ unrealised profit within 2 weeks, not bad yah ? once again, do I need candle stick, RSI, MAV ...4 all thse picks ?
What next after these ?
Read d below:-
Samgoss said...
Just came back from badminton game..wowww omg ! citi is now 4.46 liaooo n aig 1.71 $$$$$ ha ha ha ...>usd 5.00 by 17 April shouldnt be any problem liaooo
2 tailow..since u hv some bot @ 3.00, it is still ok 4 u to buy in 1 , 2lots at current level..but make sure u know when 2 run..ok ?
guys..I will not sell any citi b4 17 april , I will only take profit after its QE announcement, most likely i will sell half n keep d other half 4 long feng shui chart ( as per attached in my old posting ) saying there would be a slump somewhere in may to july b4 mr bull carry on with its journey, hence i may change my mind any time depends on d situation, but one thing 4 sure..
money is in our pocket liao..only matter of how much we going to make , either > 30K or> 50K profit ha ha ha
go back 2 that level i bot ? quite impossible bro ^_^
2 ck.."seng lei kuai yin "
抽新股,必定中 ha ha nice poem bro ck ^_^
I need 2 borrow maxforce slogan once again :-
main share "manyak senang one , 低位入,高位放 $$$$ ha ha..really manyak senang like max said .
Moolah told his fans that unker sam is a con man , he said i am making use of my fans 4 my own benefit ! ha ha really sour grape !
Guys , did i make use of u guys ? u tell sour cow lah ! ha ha ha
April 15, 2009 12:23 AM
Dreamer said...
Sifu Sam,
Citibank (China) sees net income hit RMB 1.3 bln in 2008
April 17, 2009 2:29 PM
Samgoss said...
2 dreamer .seems like u lagi "kan cheong" than me !? ha ha..u bot alots ar ?
u fatt tatt lollll...
FYI, i hv never doubt of its earning potential b4 , what i need is.. dont go bankcrupt..that's what i want n I am very confident that US gov got no guts to let her die, known 2 u guys , banking is like a heart of human being , u can chop off yr hand ( GM ), legs ( Lehman bros ) but u cant chop off yr heart ( Citibank )...hence, chances 4 her to go bankcrupt is very unlikely !
Seems like I am correct again.. sime's volume picking up... coming coming ^_^
what happen si fu ...?? citi wont up 1 ??? result already better than expectation..or many ppl already knw the result will be good..haha..
Nvmind la., keep for long term...
hi Uncle Sam,
I done one lot at USD3.80.. do u think i'm stupid that after QE anoounce go and jump in??
R u sure the earning of Citi is reliable or not ? Especially with a very helpful friend from the Fraudulent Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to allow Citi to mark it toxic assets as whatever they like and think is the correct way of doing so ? Citi look like honey to some people and a poison meat to another !
Guys, Just disposed 2 lots of citi @ 3.97...y I sell ?>>>
Y ? as I said.. I will sell some after d announcement..d QE is actually not bad... estimated -35cts but came out with EPS-18cts , this is bcos of d preference shares .
read this :-
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Citigroup Inc., once the largest U.S. bank, reported better-than-expected first-quarter results Friday, reflecting strength in its institutional-clients group as well as tight expense controls, though the company continues to take charges to reserve for consumer defaults.
2 gamelion, honey or poison is all depends on which angle N @ which price u went in? if u r going 4 long term play.. even @ 3.80 is still consider a good buy . My strategy now is //sell some n play between d range , d remaining I will hold 4 long term.
Gd nite. need 2 go kow kow g liaooo....
dear sifu
i wanna ask...i also use RHB invest 1...kaka..wanna ask u how u get to dl the monthly statement from the internet? i never see tat monthly statement before also when i log into rhb invest. please advice..
2 ur follower..
Like maxforce said " Manyak senang one " go to My account,click under current transaction movement..that's simple !
Manyak senang bukan ? ha ha..
Btw, what is yr remisier doing all this while ? y dont u ask him ?
Sam Sifu..I have been following your blog for quite some time and really think that you are one super "GU SAN"..Other stock blogs are quite rubbish..
I managed to have some savings and want to make some money in shares and really hope you can give me some tips (hope you dun mind yah)..any good one that I can buy in to Msia stock now? Hope to hear from you soon..muacks..
From, Adelle
2 Adelle, ha ha Gu sun ??? dun say like that lar.. u know ? lots of sour grape like mo mo cow n ..will feel very uneasy if they heard that ha ha...
I just discovered another backhander ha ha ..darlie seng posted in his blog telling he has made so much so much since August 2009..ho ho ho..macam ini pun boleh ar ?
What if i suddenly come out with a new fund telling I made so much so much 4 past few u believe me ? hey dude, if u wanna 2 show how good u r.. say it b4 hand , dont do like what yr father seng did lah !
Anyway..keep yr hard earned money 4 d time being...I will post my pick up if there any..
aiya sifu sam,
i know the current transaction movement....i mean the 2nd pic that u upload le..the 1 with statement of account got 4 pages tat 1....actually when i buy overseas..i got the pdf file sent to my email also saying i got buy..but the format different from urs in the pic u i curious how u get tat ma...
regarding my remisier..kakaka....the world is very small sifu sam...we have the same dealer mr chua..kakaka..
but of course my portfolio not so geng like u la..kakak
Read d below>
I am not against buying overseas stocks. My preferred vehicles are ETFs or Exchange Traded Funds. Say, you are interested in banking stocks in US. Then, you may want to buy PowerShares Dynamic Banking Sector (ETF), instead of Citigroup. This may not give you a 200-300% return, but it will definitely be less volatile. One should not have to invest in stocks and forego his sleep.
This blogger telling u that citigroup is a volatile stock, instead of buying citigroup y not u buy ETF ? first of all, u must know this blogger is a TA follower , most of his calls r 4 short term kill , he does not encourage buy n hold..hence..u cant blame him telling u not 2 buy citigroup !
ETF is now USD 13.00 , citigroup is ard 3.50+- , Both oso having negative earning at this moment, 52 weeks high 4 etf was 40 n citigroup was ard 50+. common sense will tell u which one is more risky once mkt slump !? ETF @usd 13.00 or citigroup @ USD 3.50?
Since we know both oso from finance sector , if citi goes bankrupt , what do u think of ETF ? wont it be effected oso ?
I dare 2 say, if he is such a conservative guy, he will never use TA 4 his share picks !
Lastly , y shld u need 2 forego yr sleep if u r prepared 2 hold 4 long term ? bukan ?
Further more, dont u think it is worth it 2 forego his sleep if one can make >RM 50K within 3 months time ?
Stay tune, let me show u which one is better ? citigroup or ETF , I am sure i can make few more rounds $$$$ from citi again , stay aside n watch how I do it ?
Since citi has came out with much better earning than forecasted..i will say anything below 3.00 is chance 4 me to buy back n make $$$ again.
4 cit 2 fall below 2.00 is quite unlikely , hence u shld play ard d range from 2.50 to 4.00 .
Bro Sam,
I "managed" to catch citi at 4, but looks like the qe reports pushed its pricing the other way. Still based on your comments - you feel its going to swing a few more times? They still have a massive debt, and the EPS is -22/-23?, long term win i agree, but volatile short term.. Also if the crooked bridge project is back, which party stands to gain the most? .. hmmm
Cheers and keep it up!
sam, THPlantation is a good buy le..but, i miss it liao..>1.70 u think it is still good to buy it at current level? What is ur tp for this THP? or u are aim to dispose it after dividen ex-date?
sam, scomi is just because of political play?
How about DRBHicom?
From the weightage, looks like you are more on Citi compared to AIG, any comment ?
whaT THE hack man!!! why not play around range USD3 to USD6?? so that i can dispose my one lot at USD6.00???!!
Sam Sifu....dont bother all the sour grapes out there, sooner or later, they will know you are better then them :)
what if I invest RM10k in US stock..Citi or AIG is good to buy now? Thanks for your advise in advance yah..muacks..
2 urfollower, yr second question " lagi manyak seng " go 2 monthly statement, click it under PDF, download from it..manyak senang bukan ?
Citi better than aig ? 4 me, both r equally good , AIG from 0.95 to 1.60 , rose 70%, citi 2.75 to 4.00 = rose 45% , aig outperformed citi by 25% ^_^ hence , i put my bet more on citi .
Sifu Sam,
You are the most lasting sifu on the "blog" and also the best. The Cow and Seng has gone "MIA" (missing-in-action) probably they have lost too much.
You are the last man standing.
Syabas !!
2 Adelle n Newbie , who cares who is better than who ?I am what I am real is my character ^V^...
I am errogant ? who cares ? I am :-
Be real, that's me :-
Am I not correct ?
Hence who cares who is better ? as long as my bank ac keeps growing every year , who cares ? ha ha bukan ?
n oso, as long as sour cow n seng can ease their pain by saying all my gains r fake one.. no harm bro ^_^ pls go ahead .
我一相认为只要我以诚待人,别人也会一样待我。所以我一相来都对人没什么隐瞒。知什么, 讲什么。。
今天Uncle Sam 的一句“老实过头了就是笨”,我是打从心里非常的认同,因为我深深经历,你以诚待人,人不一定一样这样待你,但你反而把自己'倘开'了,任人宰割。。
Hi SAM, nice pick on Citi and AIG, i already missed the boat lol, US trade account still in process, should be able to trade when the adjustment come (i think will be soon +_+!) haha..
Regarding SCOMI, below is from The Star:
SCOMI Group has appointed a management team pending US State Department sanctions on its chief executive, in a move aimed to ensure it can do business in the United States.
CEO Shah Hakim Shahnazim Zain was named in a State Department sanctions list issued on Jan 12 for providing components to disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, who supplied nuclear materials to Iran and Libya.
In a statement to Bursa yesterday, Scomi said the formation of a three-man executive management committee was a “temporary measure” while it sought a ruling that the sanctions did not impact on its business with US companies.
Scomi was investigated after a ship carrying centrifuge parts was intercepted en route to Libya. The company said it was duped into making the parts. — Reuters
How do you think this will affect on SCOMI? will the profit target still set at 20%-30%? for seen market adjustment is coming soon lol...
hi sifu sam,
i bought parkson hk at 9 (now is 9.4). should take profit or keep for long term?
Just my 2 cents on the current Citibank and Bank of America share prices..
Banking stocks like Bank of America and Citibank are pretty much finished. Their liabilities are over hundreds of billions and even if the US Govt is to backstop them, it would do little to improve their share price. As the US govt pumps more money into these too-big to fail banks, these banks would have to repay a larger debt to the US Govt. This would just wipe out shareholder's equity as banks have an obligation to repay the US taxpayers first for their huge injection before other more subordinated debts. For the shares of these banks to be worth any money, the banks have to earn a few hundred billions in 2009/2010/2011 to repay all the US bailout money.That would be impossible as even in the height of subprime securitization and CDO, these banks were only raking in 30-40 billion a year. Now that their most profitable stream of income has ended, these banks would at most make a few billion a year and it would never be possible to pay the 10+% yield on the massive debt they've incurred in 2008.
These banks are technically "nationalized" now to keep their functions going and prevent a fallout like Lehmans when it collapsed. Also, the US Govt is trying to reduce the sizes of these too-big to fail organizations they've bailed out like AIG, BoA and Citibank so that they can collapse with limited impact to the general economy.
There is very little upside to their equity, and even buying debt is risky as you would not have a clear outlook of 2-3 years on what the US govt are going to do to these organizations. The best bet is to buy short term maturing debts on these banks, i.e 1-2 years and get high yields before the US govt decide to let these organizations collapse or disintegrate in an orderly fashion.
Buying equity at the moment is a very short term investment strategy and you are hoping that the prices jump 3-4 dollars (100-200%) on positive rumours or news, but in the long term the share prices of these companies would not be worth much. Just look at AIG, it's still trading at $1.50+ and slowly shedding its operations. That would be the case of BoA and Citigroup.
I hope people consider these factors before deciding to lunge into an all out buying frenzy of banking shares that seem to be really cheap at knock down prices. There's a reason why it's that cheap, and it's not because market forces are inefficient at the moment.
Sam, really long time didn't follow your blog comments already. Got lots of new faces here.
As for Citi result, since I am an accountant, I got some comment here.
I agree with Gamelion that accounting treatment of toxic assets in Citi 1Q09 result is diff with the previous 4 qtrs. And for those who jump in because good qtrly result, my advise is the resutl is "unaudited" and significant management judgement was exercise on the extent of losses incurred for toxic assets.
But fundamental wise, like Sam said, current price is still considered as cheap if you aim to hold for long term.
Gamelion fyi, FASB stand for financial accounting std board not fraudulent.
Sam, I really think you talk manyak senang with real senang strategy but impressive result!
Anyway, manyak senang short since beginning of the year now doing real great with FKLI standing still! Oppss.... lupa, dia cut loss and turn long don't know when and where already. Ha!
2 alex from nextrade blog..thanks 4 showing interest on my blog ^_^
Well..regarding d huge debt of is like telling us my mom is a female ^_^
We all knew it ,we could buy citi n aig at this dirt cheap price r all bcos of its huge debt , otherwise..USD10 oso u cant get it !!not agree ?
So..what u want from citi ? little debt , low gearing ? high cash flow ? high NTA ? sorry bro..u cant get all these in bear mkt..btw..i dun think u understand between crisis n problem !
If things can be solved overnight, that;s not crisis..that is called problem or setback. bukan ?
It is bcos of crisis, then only we got chance to make big big money ! how 2 get yrself rich in crisis ? of course u need to take certain risk..calculated risk, manage it n deal with it .
what u want bro ? U want zero risk with big big returns !? mana boleh abang ooiii ? perhaps u can tell us which stock is zero risk with big big return ? can u ? further more i am not asking u to put all yr fund on them..just place 10% to 20% of yr fund on it..cant afford ?
Still remember 1998 crisis ? most of d companies faced even greater problem than citi n aig..look at them now ? see ?
Think about it dude ^V^
Yah..b4 i forget, talk about u know what is nationalize means ? if u understand what is capitalist n communist..u wont tell me that US gov will nationalize its bank ^_^
FYI, if possible..US gov would like 2 sell all its 38% holding in citi cos they want 2 tell d world that capitalist is still better than communist.
Long Term hold for AIG upto 5yrs
American International Group, Inc. To Get Up $29.84 Billion Under Sec Purchase Pact With US Government-DJ
6:51am EDT
Dow Jones reported that American International Group, Inc. said the U.S. Treasury Department will provide up to $29.84 billion in additional funds for five years under a securities purchase pact. American International Group, Inc. also said in filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that it has reached another deal for the exchange of different classes of preferred stock.
shares free falling again, when can enter again? missed the boat once, dont wanna make it twice this time.
any entry price u aiming?
Sifu Sam, your thoughts on Scomi please? thanks..
Guys, Just bought back one lot of citi @ 3.02 , instruction already given 2 sell @ 3.41 . if today close @ anything above 3.41..means day trade done..let see yah..
Buy caleb... u shld buy below is ard 2.80+-.. mine is different, cos i hv taken some profit @ 3.97 last friday..i can afford 2 buy back Ard 3.02+-.
Scomi ? told u oledi..this is 4 short term kill...20 2 30% gain i will cabut cost is 0.39, if u interested ..4low me..if she still staying ard 0.41+- ,most likely it will drop 2 0.37+ cos lots of T+3 due on Tue n Wed.
K...need 2 kow kow g liaoo..let see my q 2 sell @ 3.41 can be done or not ?
Uncle Sam,
I join you in scomi tomorrow maybe. Make some short term gain.
bro sam,
c hit low 2.80 and closed 2.94
hopefully she's coming down to our original target 2.50
likewise aig closed at low 1.29
hope to snatch a lot or two tonight
do you see any further downside in the coming days/weeks for US financial stocks?
thanks for your kind guidance
2 tcg2.. no worry..plenty of opportunity ^_^
Citi range shld be traded btwn 2.50 to 3.80 in short term , i will play ard d range..4 her to cross above 3.80 is very unlikely , same goes to 2.50..
2 those sour crabs ..uncle sam will show u how to make $$$$ from citi in short term ^_^
If Citi cross above 3.30 tonite..i will take profit 4 d lot i bot yesterday ^_^
Scomi ? I dun think she will shoot up in these 2 days , cos lots of T+3 due...
I waited for Scomi whole day to hit my price of 0.38. Sadly, nothing done and closed at 40.5. If tomorrow straight go up no chance already la. Hope I can still buy at 0.39 or even 0.40 also ok. Pantech looked strong also refusing to slide down but today when I saw, wonder who is playing it up..seems like they're targeting a certain type of stocks linked with a certain new guy in a new position to play up if you know what I mean. What say you Uncle Sam? Any merits to this theory?
Hi uncle sam, u said u ada lubang of web advertising. Can you introduce me so that i can make some money through my blog.
Kam Sia.
Bought back another lot of citi @ 2.63 .. Y i buy ? cos it is close to 2.50... as i said.. she will ding dong ard 2.50 to 3.80..
Let c how accurate my foresight is !? ^_^
My cost at USD3.74. How? Kindly advice whether is very high?
Seems like Uncle Sam prediction on Citi is right. ^^ It's going up again.. Haha..
Congrats sifu... ^^
Excellent timing, really master class; i tried to catch at 2.55, failed miserably, gotta learn more from sifu..heheee
Bingo ! it is now 3.19 liaoo.. Sold one lot @ 3.18 ..from 2.63 to 3.18= 0.55..550 x 3.6= RM1,980++ 4 intraday gain ... see ? like maxforce said " manyak senang "...ha ha bukan ? about d other lot that bot @ 3.02 yesterday ? shld I sell @ 3.30 ?? ha ha..let see first..
Dear , do I need TA to time my entry ? ...
Play ard d range ^_^
Herbert..that's nothing u can do now..cos u bot @ quite high..wait lolll....n oso... u must know in first place that u need 2 hold 4 long term if mkt goes against u ^V^
anyway...if she ever goes above yr cost ..take some profit n wait 4 d pull back.
Gd nite guys ..kow kow g liaooo
Ai yoyo! dont squeeze every profit/last drop of blood out from this Citi .Your action will lead Citi go bankrupt more faster than u can imagine . Have some pity on Citi lah !!!!!
sifu sam,
last9 i js bot citi. i key in 2.85,but it did for me is 2.69. hehheh
so should i sell or hold le?3.40 sell to9 izzit ok?
u wake up d la? must be sleep so tight after earn yr citi. hahha...wait u wake up reply me la.
muakssss sifu
You might not went wrong with your call on AXIATA, as i'm still holding on with my TMI, i think i might get some proft after gettin mother share..hehhehee
congrats alan 4 yr citi @ 2.69 ha ha.. once u see profit..take it first.
2 goh...once u break even or profit..sell it.
Guys..just bot in 5 lots of zelan @0.795...Volume picking up...PE 5..political link darling...worth 4 consideration. d only thing i dun like about this stock is "it is under construction sector "
Once KLCI approaching 1,000, i will definitely sell some of my holding , that's my strategy ^_^
I swap from sime-cg to AXIATA at 1.85.
Back hand call or Forehand:
Uncle SAM,
I would follow you.
Uncle Sam,
Trying my luck today and caught scomi at 0.40 for 80 lots and zelan at 0.77 for 15 lots. Hope CI will surge and I won't hesitate to take profit on these quickly. Here's to riding your good fortune.
2 naz ,woww.. so daring ar ? 80 lots ??..if u r observant enuf.. my weightage on scomi n zelan r really light... 4K+ plus 4.1K - 8k+ only... though I hv confident on both of them but still I prefer putting more weight on blue chips like sime.
Gd luck bro...
dont 4get 2 take profit once u see it..k ?
Malaysia's new PM unveils first economic reforms
Some sectors to allow unrestricted foreign investment
* 30 percent Malay equity rule scrapped in places
* Further measures to be unveiled next week
Any comment????
Uncle Sam,
Don't worry, I did notice you only bought 5 lots each but I don't mind holding these counters at these levels. I will be sure to take profit as soon as I can, 10% of my bullets allocated to these two so far..more to come and hope to get feedback from you too as to where to place the bullets.
Sam.. Zelan and Scomi lai liaoooooo :) hopefully can be sustained...
2 naz n Jack..congrats..i can see it ha ha..
Btw..i hv taken some profit on thplant n pantech, sold 5 lots of pantech @ 0.56+- n 5 lots of thpant @ 1.68 ...
Zelan is coming ?? ha ha naz..u already hv 3.5 cts profit in hand liaoo ha ha..dun 4get 2 take profit along d rise ^_^
Dear Sifu Sam ,
The rise are very strange. But it was almost same as the fengshui prediction u posted.Commodity ie. Steel , Coal,Oil Palm, Oil has not perform well. Hence, XXX i cut lost half from what i bought last year, losses 50% overall.
Prepare fund for Citi at the range of 1.50 -2.00. See wheter i can get my double Storey and Toyota camry in 5 years times or not. God bless. Namo Amitabha!
Hi Sam,
What do you think of YTLpower and YTLpowerWB at this moment. The volume for the mother is picking up and it is a solid FA stock . Besides that, what would be your TP for zelan? thanks
thanks sifu sam...should call u sifu from now on...
I follow u, buy in scomi x10lot @0.40 & zelanx5lot @ 0.775...
My first profit in a long time since the meltdown!!! Feels good to come back with a good start. This is the first of many times I hope to ride Uncle Sam's good fortune this year hehehe. Uncle Sam shows the way, it's a loss if I don't follow no? Haha hope many blessings for Uncle Sam and us all here. Uncle Sam, I will take profit on the rise and try not to be greedy..hehe
FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug..... from a TA expert.
So, up to date; this is the results:
Jan: 879.5-881= -1.5
Feb: 870.5-890.5 = -20
Mar: 878-871= +7
Net 3 month: -14.5!
Apr opening: short again at 872! Right now, FKLI at 983. Net so far: -111 !!! Manyak senang TA so "keng"!
Net so far: -111 -14.5 = -125.5
Cut lost and turn long somewhere as according to the said expert..... but turn short again recently when market touching around 960 as written somewhere ..... sekejap long, sekejap short. Ini semua hasil kerja TA kah? Jump in jump out? Cut lost and cut lost always? So expert!!! If FKLI manyak senang, stick to it like what Mr Sam doing here..... Not talk big : "FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug!"Mr Sam: I think conclusion is here: you won big at the end!
16 Apr 09, 13:41
Maxforce: it's time to SHORT - sounds familiar ler..... hahaha.... who betray you also you don't know!
Aiyoh.... if taken high of 16 Apr as the entry point of shorting (974).... it was still erghh..... current FKLI is 985 = -11 pts! Negative again!!!! Never mind lar.... cut loss and turn long again lor.... in out in out already a habit for TA people mah! Lagi lagi those with manyak senang strategy! So, TA now long / short ah? Everything seems quiet when fire burning? Got burnt kah?
Decided to swap to TM for divident play. Market is damn hot lah. Uncle sam not yet full force???
Why sold pantech so fast?
2 constance, thanks 4 yr reminder again ha ha... anyway, i think max n all d TA followers shld realiase now TA is a kiss of death..bukan max ?
2 ck5354..full force ? ha ha play safe is approaching 1,000 liaoo + fengshui chart saying may until july is not month of investing..hence i play safe, would like 2 stand a side 2 watch..
btw, my main focus is still on US stocks.. ding dong trades bring me lots of $$$ ..ha ha
Anyway ..i still got some in hand after some profit taking today, will sell along d rise 2molo.
My holding now :-
Sime 8 lots cost 5.80+-
Pantech 5 lots 0.505
Thpalnt 5 lots cost 1.58
Zelan 10 lots @ 0.795
scomi 10 lots @0.39
Will sell on strength 2molo
gd luck bros..
First I thought tomorrow or Monday but the push of volume by the magic hand that wanna help YAB's announcement didn't even reach 2bil today which tells me even they are slowly easing off. Yes, it is good to hear my strategy of selling tomorrow is shared by you. Better take profit tomorrow la and after all the market is due for a little rest after many sustained days up. Better take the profit. Much thanks Uncle Sam.
2 constance..max force gone holland again ?? he made another holland call again ? OMG ! he still never learn from past mistake !?? what a pity boy..max oooo max , god oso cannot help u liaoo..really feel pity 4 yr parent ..armitabha
Constance said...
16 Apr 09, 13:41
Maxforce: it's time to SHORT - sounds familiar ler..... hahaha.... who betray you also you don't know!
Aiyoh.... if taken high of 16 Apr as the entry point of shorting (974).... it was still erghh..... current FKLI is 985 = -11 pts! Negative again!!!! Never mind lar.... cut loss and turn long again lor.... in out in out already a habit for TA people mah! Lagi lagi those with manyak senang strategy! So, TA now long / short ah? Everything seems quiet when fire burning? Got burnt kah?
Hi, For those bought TMI anything below RM3.03 last time (like me) and take up TMI rights issue now.. Still earn money loh... haha... See.. i never cut loss and still earning money today.. Not like uncle Sam cut loss at RM2.70 switch to Resort. Haha... Jangan marah huh Uncle Sam..?? Haha.. Just joking, don't take it personally...
Thx for ur call on TMI ^0^
sam yr pantech 'run chicken'-lel, this morning, someone start goreng n eat all d way up to 0.605, bravo, will follow u , sell along d rise....tqtq.
i hav sold all my US share, making small profit...hehehe
Congrats herbert n tailow...
latest update..
profit taken >>
one lot of Sime @6.55 bal 7 lots
5lots of Pantech @0.605 bal zero
5 lots of scomi @0.435 bal 5lots
some r still qeueing ..still not done yet ...sell along d rise bros.. cos it is now approaching 1,ooo liaooo..
2 herbert... my swap from TMI to resorts proven to be correct one..cos after making from resorts..i swap 2 gain per lot is around compared 2 total loss per lot of TMI which is about 0.32+... ha ha not bad yah ? anyway...still need 2 say congrats 2 u..buying bluechip will never wrong ! bukan ? pity max whose shorted KLCI @ 974 again. main fkli manyak senang ?? really an eyes open max ^_^
Constance said...
16 Apr 09, 13:41
Maxforce: it's time to SHORT - sounds familiar ler..... hahaha.... who betray you also you don't know!
Aiyoh.... if taken high of 16 Apr as the entry point of shorting (974).... it was still erghh..... current FKLI is 985 = -11 pts! Negative again!!!! Never mind lar.... cut loss and turn long again lor.... in out in out already a habit for TA people mah! Lagi lagi those with manyak senang strategy! So, TA now long / short ah? Everything seems quiet when fire burning? Got burnt kah?
can everyone share some info abt US trading.
which trading company you use, and how much they charge..
thinking of switching mine.
Hi Sam
Any comment on HARTA?
have sold zelan 5 lots @ 0.83
scomi 20 lots@0.43
bro sam,
paiseh leh didn't catch scomi/pantech/zelan this week
but got 1lot sime; wow look at the 1st 2 buy queue volumes today! bulk buyers coming? if so maybe can add leh? what do you think?
aig/citi hung steady have to wait for, if got, coming dip :D :p
Good move naz..u r wise...congrats bro..
Always remember this >> play safe..make less is better than make nothing !
d rest of yr scomi n zelan..u can keep it 4 further rise liaoo...yr cost 4 both them r much lower now.. i will say..u r pretty safe liaoo, it is matter of how much u make$$$$
2 tangc2.. sime is coming pretty soon,,that's y i am still holding on it..whether u like it or not..when mkt keeps rising, blue chips will 4low thru...
Harta ? PE looks quite good but oledi rose from 150 to current level of 3.00... almost at all time high..i dare not to go in...ha ha
yahh b4 i forget, y i choosed zelan.. 2 reasons:-
PE ard 5+ , high dividend yield about 14%
Political link darling..syed mokthar, these r d FA behind..if mkt goes against u..take her as FD play lorrr..bukan ? vol increasing..good sign bro ^_^
gd luck 2 all of u .
sold 5 lots of scomi at 0.44.
lazy to show prove liao.
queing for pantech at 0.605
sold 10 lots of SAAG at 0.26.
my prove in my blog.
sifu Sam,
just sold scomi 0.435 x 5 lot, left 5 lot.
zelan 0.84 x 4 lot. left 1 lot Queing.
make some $...thanks for all your info...Cheers...
do you think should keep my 5 lot of scomi for better margin?
2 ck5354, cmp n all..congrats...feel happy 4 all of u $$$$$$
After some profit taken, now u can keep yr scomi n zelan 4 higher price oledi/... ha ha...I hv no worry about my 5 lots of scomi n 10 lots of zelan liaooo...
D next stock I am eyeing now is my old baby ytlpowerwb...she is till underperformed despite d sharp rise in KLSE..but not at this moment now is traded at 0.80..i am waiting 4 a pull back , dun know when n dunno at what price.. stay tune..if i am in... i will blog it up here ^V^
2 u see how good u r after adopting FA method.. unlike those day when u 4low yr backhand sifu seng..bukan ? ha ha... based on TA, dorraid said resorts will go down to 1.60 in seng blog..take a look at resorts now ? ha ha is TA works ? my FOOT ! bukan max ? ha ha
Now all pro d ah..? ^^ Congrats everybody. Most importantly must thank our Sifu for guiding and sharing with us his FA method.
Although according to Sifu is Char Koey Tiow, but as long as it's working can already.
For those who made $ don't forget to do charity ya? ^^
Hope the FS chart is correct.
I got zero position liao...
Bullet load for hunting big bullls when time is coming.
Goodluck to all bros!
Great day for some profit taking. Got some duit kopi to go shopping haha and go food hunting la. It's not much but atleast it is something. Good advice from Uncle Sam and thank you for my side income. Hope the market brings us more soon.
Yeah! just disposed all Resorts and 5 lots of my SCOMI at 0.45. 8.5% + 11% profit today.. thanks Sifu!! i had been holding the Resort since last year, miss out a lots of boat to follow Uncle SEM to earn big money because of the capital stuck at Resorts.. hahaha..
Will take your advise to stay a side after KLCI >1000.. Thanks for puting money in my pocket, cheer! :)
Oh, yes..cannot forget Uncle Sam's old darling. I should've bought you some at 0.50+ or so but I will wait for the pullback and follow Uncle Sam in when you think it's good price..
Sifu Sam,
SCOMI 5lots done @0.44 :)
now that got more bullets after selling scomi, should we buy in more ZELAN on dip next week?
thanks for your call$!
hi sam, thanks for your recommendation, disposed my Scomi and SIME, get some pocket money for this weekend, so happy :)
Now aiming for Zelan, you think it is ok to go in at 0.80? Risky? I read about the Quarter report for Zelan but seems that this company is suffering lost, however i have no idea what is causing that, u have any info? Can share with us? Thanks man :)
Hello Sam,
Chris from Melbourne just want to say hai for Sam's follower here!
Guys, i have follow Sam for few years since 2003-2004 and then because of too busy for my Malaysian food restaurant at Melbourne, and then i unable to keep in touch w/ my sifu..Sam!
He is the sifu that really can make you financial freedom..but surely must really put your 120%effort to learn what he is teaching.
Besides i continue, some of you guys maybe will think as what i was thinking before i meet Sam:"financial freedom in stock market? are you sure???"
ok, this is my real story! My start up capital is $30,000. I'm a looser before i met Sam. After i met him, i earning my money from stock market w/ Sam "SLowly but Surely" and his knowledges, as the results, the money that i earn is able for me migrated to Melbourne and also still have capital open a restaurant which cost me AUD80,000 (RM200,000+).
Believe it? Only 2years!! But this was true!
Guys, a numbers of people from last time till today i can see they following sifu Sam, but not that many, maybe a few can success making money in stock market, why?
This is because, you shall ask yourself, but not blaming sifu...or asking sifu, how come this stock wont up, this stock good or not....
Mate, Sam only manage to teach you 20%, you need to learn and explore(do homework & research, pratise) what he tough you with your 80% effort! ANd then addition20% is you need to learn be a smart investor! so totally is 120%!!
WHy i should spend 120% effort and not 100%?? Mate, a lot of people putting their efforts to 100% in what they are doing, and then they will though i surely will success, but end up is not.
Why? think about it, 100investors in stock market, how many person will lose? make money? and finacial freedom? Then you will know the answer.
That's it for today.
My profolio at this moment:
60% of my capital goes in to ijmland.
ijmland(bought at 0.72-0.75) sold 50% 1.35
ijmland-wa (bought at 0.16-0.18) sold 50% 0.42
40% of my capital to:
axiata(bought at 1.80+-) still hold
Resorts(bought at 1.90+-) still hold, will sell next week.
ioicorp (bought at 3.00+-) left 20%
ijmplnt (bought at 1.90+) still hold 40%
zelan (sifu recomended, swap from kinstel) still hold
kinstel - sold 90%
E&O - sold 60%
proton - sold 100%
Maybank - still hold
(long term 3-5years):
US stock:
My strategic:
will sell another 80% stock on next week, keep cash, doing homework for the next run now, exspecially for 2010.
Sifu died hard fan since 2004,
i have sold all my stock in hand from 9-9.30am. Now only holding my long term investment for IT stock & US stock:
Why i'm aiming IT stock?
- only suitable for long term 2-3years, i beat the IT stock will coming back on next year, 2010 is an IT generation. I will buying more IT counter which is not bad in FA & in very low price - unisem, eng, N2N
- Now the price for IT stock is deep deep shit if compare to few years ago. Nothing i can lose if buying it.
- still remember how much was unisem, eng and N2N when the IT stock is at highest?
anyway, IT stock is not play with TA or FA. And, don't expect you can earn much within short -medium term. but for me is a good return investment for 1-3years.
i only using 5% of my $$$ to invest in IT stock, if you guys want to go in, just buy some after the price pull back. Then, put under the pillow is ok lar.
MUIIND, do you hv any comment of this counter?
zelan still can get in??Price at0.75?
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