B4 we talk about FLKI trader MR MAXFORCE , let take a look at my latest portfolio as at 9/4/09 ( 2 sour mo mo cow , seng, dun feel sour n hurt ok ?.. all these r fake one..ok ? ha ha ), needless to mention about my gain on resorts , tnb n sime , what i am trying to hint here is :-
If one follow TA method n apply it on citi @2.85 n resorts @ 1.93 , they would hv cut loss @ 2.30 n 1.85 long long time liaoo... look at citi n resorts today , ha ha..see ? is TA works ? u tell me lah ^_^
I hv told u guys b4 , this year is my year , 29K profit from local stock n 40K profit from US stock ( Dont 4get all these profit made in super bear year !) ..what say u MR FENG MY SHUI ?? ha ha..is feng shui absolutely baseless ? hellooooo...reincarnation n jesus come alive after death also baseless but y ppl still believe on them ? think about it dudes ^_^
Feng shui tell u how is yr luck of that particular year , when luck is not on yr side , retreat n stay aside , when luck on yr side, ATTACK !
Sorry guys, i am not LCLY, d above LCLY statement is direct to TA bloggers , sour Mo mo cow , backhand seng n his son darlie seng ^_^ not 4 humble ppl like u n Mr goodluck2u ^V^
K..come back to our TA bro Maxforce.
read what he has posted in my blog 3 months ago about future trading :-
Maxforce said...
Haha lone TA fella here sure kena tembak... but thanks Sam for the defence. Much appreciated your gentleman style.
I too free nothing to do this weekend, so post a lot hehe but also your comments quite interesting, else I also wont reply :)
Dear Herbert,
I ve been silently reading this blog for some time as mentioned earlier. Sam post his buy and sell calls. But I have not read a more detailed analysis as like those in newspaper or magazines.
Maybe I am wrong, but I think Sam does not do so much homework like the fund managers, investment analysts etc and his results are superior than those fund managers/investment analysts right? So perhaps homework need to do, but not that much as those by the analysts?
As for the cycle, Sam corrected my wording used - I should have said Market rise and fall; instead of originally Stock rise and fall.
But the whole premise I was trying to say is that it is based on the economic theory of rise and fall due to supply and demand.
And TA is centered around this idea.
Yes, some good stocks can have strong fundamentals that is why demand is high then price go up.
But for some shit stocks also price can go up one woh... if not goreng, I dont know what that is.
Which blog show TA more superior? Actually, so far, I have yet to see any blog which are superior... no offense... I started off in the net visiting many many forums. Then visit many many blogs. Often I stay for a few days to a few months. Most initially look very good. Then found out its not so good. This blog I havent really track yet. Will track loh. Then see if really this blog is good. No offense ar, Sam. Just I belum tahu lagi.
Dear Theng once more,
Correct me if I am wrong, but Moo moo cow guy is a strong advocate of FA no? I remember arguing once kaukau with him. Because I borrowed Buffett's idea of "Selling when the reason you buy is no longer there" into TA. - he not happy. Then he say because I used foul language. All I said was that I have bastardized Buffett's idea and put it into TA.
Yeahla... bastard is foul word la. But in that context, it merely mean I change it loh. But he cannot accept. What to do.
Btw, I m better at FKLI/FCPO than stocks... so well if you think I dont know FKLI/FCPO... aiyah... apa macam mau bikin... no need to challenge me in stocks also. Because my stock picking skills lousy mah. Right in the beginning already say loh.
Dear Sam,
OKla... Seng knows nuts about TA la. Happy? He started his blog that time was pure FA. I was the one introducing and convincing him TA can pakai. Then he started looking at TA and to learn TA. Until now how long only? In time la, he ll be better in TA.
Is like, how long you took to master FA? Dont tell me born with it one ar... hahahaha
Anyway, yeahla, I pusing pusing then say the same thing. This one call polite mah :P
Yes, shit stock if delisted then relist is unlikely to recoup losses if one bought earlier. But well, my point is just that they might come back - thus the cycle.
Anyway, as said above and earlier, I ll mention Market Rise and Fall from now onwards, instead of Stock.
Actually I didnt say stock rise because of TA. I merely mention I didnt bother with the why loh.
FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug. That ll be my position. I m not that active in blogging, so if you want me become like you to post before hand, then susah la.
Once again, I thank you for coming to my defence. Appreciate it a lot. If you do come to Klang, let me know. Bakuteh on me. :)
January 17, 2009 7:30 PM
Read this part , Maxforce said >>
FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug. That ll be my position. I m not that active in blogging, so if you want me become like you to post before hand, then susah la.
January 17 , FKLI closed @ 877 , it is now 941 , so how now max ? still stick 2 yr initial plan, short until Aug ? according 2 some TA analysis , it is now on uptrend zone after KLCI broke above 900 ! what say u Max ?
We dun want to hear grandma story such as "i hv long fkli @ 900 d otherday "like what backhand seng did ^_^ grin .
Dear Max , still stick to "short FKLI till Aug 09 ?
Mr Constance has keep track on Maxforce FKLI since max called to short FKLI till Aug 09 , read d below:-
Constance has left a new comment on your post "^V^ Portfolio as at 9/4/09 n Dear Maxforce, still...":
Okie... let's have a look on how's my result if I follow Maxforce's (TA)short strategy ....
Jan: 879.5-881= -1.5
Feb: 870.5-890.5 = -20
Mar: 878-871= +7
Net 3 month: -14.5!
Not yet mentioned current month..... Apr opening: short again at 872! Today close at 946. Net today: -74
Net so far: -74 -14.5 = -88.5
Ini macam kah TA? Aiyoh..... takut-takut oh, so called FKLI expert....FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug.
Thanks Mr Constance
Seems little bull is come back oledi.. I guess CI will hit 1,000 point by this mid year or by mid May... Haha.. SIME darby hit RM9.00 by this End May09... ok boh?? TA bugger!! Haha
FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug. That ll be my position
FKLI manyak senang kah? I trade so long with profit each year and yet I never said it is senang..... Klang student+ Malacca sifu = kura-kura in the shell..... lagi wanna trade forex with your TA??? .... aiyoh.......stay where you belongs and dont make jokes in other places..... stay there and be your shell king forever lar.....
Okie... let's have a look on how's my result if I follow Maxforce's (TA)short strategy ....
Jan: 879.5-881= -1.5
Feb: 870.5-890.5 = -20
Mar: 878-871= +7
Net 3 month: -14.5!
Not yet mentioned current month..... Apr opening: short again at 872! Today close at 946. Net today: -74
Net so far: -74 -14.5 = -88.5
Ini macam kah TA? Aiyoh..... takut-takut oh, so called FKLI expert....FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug.
Dear Sam,
While you executed cut loss on the TMI, I also did so with my shorts. Hehe. Same same la.
Grandma backhand story? No la. I dont update blogs. But I did posted when I long at bizfun - yeah the dead forum. But post I did. So fair right?
And cut loss is a bad strategy? Must be so ego cannot admit wrong ka? Even you Sam also execute cut loss on TMI... Same same la...
As for the rest of the comments by your students... sorrila... they belum qualified to comment...
Hi Uncle Sam,
I saw your honda car.. i was driving behind u.. haha.. memang tak boleh tahan oh....
Have a nice weekend ahead!!...
very good performance!!! Everyone must like know ur first hand stock trading!!!
post ur good selection at http://stockmarket.tailou.com/
2 max , sudah cut loss ar ? ha ha... why dont u post it up here , since u still visiting my blog on n off ( dun tell me u didnt come to visit my blog wor ? from d posting u posted in that clown sgang blog ha ha )
well..same meh ? excuse me, mine is different from u TA guys, if cut loss is my method, can u tell me y still I hold on 2 resorts n citi despite both of them hv drop below d cut loss price ?
Let me tell u y i sold off my TMI lah.. it is bcos of .. most of d bluechips stocks slump like nobody biz after their right issue announcement such as maybank n HSBC , that's y i sold my tmi , u called this TA stop loss ? i didnt set any TP 2 cut loss ..k? ha ha come on max.. second, i found resorts @1.93 is more bargain buy than TMI , hence i sold my TMI n swap to resorts, this is not stop loss bro ! Just like warren buffet sold his shares due to some FA reason , u call that TA cut loss also ? sound abit max !?
So..still think that it is manyak senang to short fkli till aug 09 ??
See ?still think TA is working ?? max ?
Btw, u hv d right not 2 answer my fan's question, same as they also got d right to point out yr shortfall, it doesnt matter whether they qualify or not , bottom line , they know what is happening ^V^
Regarding d small fly s blog..ha ha..2 be very frank , I only visited his blog once ( that also bcos someone alert me ) ha ha..I was shocked how could a sound person like u willing to mix around with this Tai chek kong ( he got any forehand proven picks ?ha ha ) ? not level play at all ! dont waste yr time there lah ^_^
2 Herbert , small car only, nothing to shout about !
2 Bursa street , I am good ? 2 be frank.. I am not , same old saying , I am genius if u compare me with TA buggers but I am d lousiest if u put me in FA group. ha ha
anyway, thanks 4 showing interest here.
Cut loss pulak??? Hahaha...... turn long pulak! But, seeing people go long without taking any action not mentioned meh???? Whatever it is, FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug. That ll be my position I repeat That ll be my position I repeat FKLI. Manyak senang. Most Klang people are hokkien and I am a Hokkien too.... so two hokkien words to describe this: "kia kia" on your TA ler..... cakap tak serupa bikin! So, we really belum qualified to comment. Myself for instance, I dont know how to comment on losers and I dont know how to comment on losers that never acknowledge his mistakes. So, I didnt comment so far. I am just laughing only. Hide in your dead forum then keep on killing those who wanna challenge you there.You used to that as you wanna protect your sifu's TA skill. Ha! Great servant of TA!
Blogger sometimes real funny, get himself plenty of blogs yet dont want to update it. Then, hide in the small paradise of TA shell and claim himself the king of TA there. Then, kacao FA king here and now with cut loss pulak!
I am not qualify to comment. So, that's all for my comment. But, I just wanna repeat this FKLI. Manyak senang. Short now until Aug. That ll be my position Er..... ada mentioned cut loss meh? Oh.... got, got,got... got mentioned in the small shell of so called TA experts. Hahaha.....
while we enjoy investing,
It's time to file your tax.
IF you want the excel file dummy,
do leave me a commet with your email.
Bravo bro sam,
Excellent returns 2009YTD
But don't understand why you go into BJCorp ???
Oh yah many thanks for recent TNB prompt which I bought 6.15 sold 6.50 for weekend kopi duit hehehe
AIG/Citi didn't drop in my queues after your prompt, so a bit disappointed. hope there is another chance coming in not too distance future
Thanks for your kind guidance and may good karma come back 2u again and again.
G'luck 2u n all samgang readers
HA ha .. ini lah yr di gelar "syok sendiri " >>
Ditanya mengenai dirinya yang tidak dilantik dalam kabinet, Khairy berkata: "Kalau semua pemimpin berada dalam kerajaan, siapa yang hendak jaga parti.
Well, if khairy feel that by saying that can ease his pain 4 not being selected in new cabinet..well go ahead khairy !
Ooii abang khairy , aku nak tanya sikit lah.. kenapa bukan mukriz , hishamuddin dan muhyidin yg jaga parti ? kenapa u yg di pilih ?? since u like 2 jaga parti so much..well.. i think najib will fullfill yr wish, he will let u be d penjaga buat selama-lamanya..happy ? ha ha
Sifu, should we chase Citibank? I am more interested in Citibank then AIG. I am going for long term not short term gain. What's your advice?
Aiyah... Sam... you cut is you cut la... whatever the reasons... dont care la... slump or no slump... TA or no TA. Sudah cut bukan?
Aiyah sometimes ar, I think you no fair loh... I posted the short then win one, that time u say I didnt make from TA. You said its based on market sentiment.
Then when the strategy failed, you say its TA... tak bolehla ini macam....
Mana satu sikarang... market sentiment or TA. Make up your mind boleh? Hehehehehe
As for why I say your followers not qualified to comment ar... senang only, they also no opinion one... Sifu Sam say buy, they buy. Sifu Sam say swap, they swap. Shoe shine boys only. Macam mana mau respect ppl like this?
Imagine one day Sam tak mau cerita stock. Want to retire. How? Mati la ini semua orang... tau follow only. Hahahahaha
Of course la... not all like that... for those who can exercise their own thinking, you have my respects :)
Meantime, popcorn anyone? Hehehehe
Dear sifu sam,
Wanna ask you. let say i bought aig shares at 1 dollar and then the price raised to 10dollar and i wanna sold it. if i transfer my money back to msia.. will the US goverment tax me? how bout msian government..
need advise..thanks
hi sam,
what do you think of hsbc at HKD50.9 now? it has been up for a while from hkd30+...
Can you advise me about axiata right issue.I dont really understand the term use.Should i buy the right issue or sell it or wait wiat it to expired?.What is your opinion sifu? please give me some advise..lo
From Axiata website:
Renounceable rights issue of approximately 4,691.8 million new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in AXIATA GROUP BERHAD("AXIATA") ("AXIATA Shares") ("Rights Shares"), on the basis of 5 Rights Shares for every 4 existing AXIATA Shares held by AXIATA's shareholders whose names appear in AXIATA's Record of Depositors as at 5.00 p.m. on 10 April 2009 ("Entitlement Date") ("Entitled Shareholders"), at an issue price of RM1.12 per Rights Share ("Rights Issue").
From internet:
The rights are normally a tradeable security themselves (a type of short dated warrant). This allows shareholders who do not wish to purchase new shares to sell the rights to someone who does. Whoever holds a right can choose to buy a new share (exercise the right) by a certain date at a set price.
Some shareholders may choose to buy all the rights they are offered in the rights issue. This maintains their proportionate ownership in the expanded company, so that an x% stake before the rights issue remains an x% stake after it. Others may choose to sell their rights, diluting their stake and reducing the value of their holding.
If rights are not taken up the company may (and in practice does) sell them on behalf of the rights holder
sifu sam, now that his father-in-law become a fulltime driver, abang khairy ni considered lucky loh stil got jawatan as "penjaga parti"...
bac to stocks, what is the minimum units to buy American stocks (or specifically AIG/Citi)?.. I have really limited funds, can't afford to pick up one lot for each
dear sifu sam,
please reply to my question on if we will be imposed by tax when we choose to sell aig when the price is high....please....
2 max ..ha ha ..not fair ? i am very fair..who said i didnt praise u ? pls check d old posting..ok ?
Cut ? there r many type of cut ..just that dont put my cut as TA cut ..ok ? very simple explaination , y dont I cut my resorts @ 1.93 n citi @ 2.85 ? y ? these show I dont use TA cut 4 my share investment..k ?
u hv made a very big mistake here , dont under estimate my blog readers here , some of them r hidden dragon..u know ? no doubt, they r some shoe shine boys in my blog BUTTTT !! but what ? ha ha..but they r smart , they know which method is workable n fruitful , unlike those shoe shine boy in TA blog like kiko , angry investor ,ezi n mickey... they r not only kaki bodek but also cacat akal , how many times TA has failed them but still they 4low d holland leader..ha ha really feel sorry 4 their parent , god also cant help them lolll...jgn marah yah ?
2 be very frank 2 u , I am also a shoe shine boy of warren buffet , I am not very clever also ..as u know I am a char kuey teow man with standard 3 level only... BUTTTT... lucky , I still got brain to think..ha ha..though I am show shine boy of WB but i know which method 2 follow ... that's make me what I am today ^_^
unker sam bilang , kalau nak jadi sibodek , jadilah sibodek yg pintar , jgn sampai sini dimalu oleh kaki FA sana memalukan nama keluarga ! bukan ? ha ha
Wang rugi bole dicari, nama merosot busuk seumur hayat ! erti ?
2 nich..hsbc is still worth 2 buy 4 long term but not 4 short term trading play .
2 raymond , if u still holding on tmi , u shl;d take d right issue .. its FV shld worth ard 1.70+- , it is now 1.80+- .. anything above 1.90 , u guys shld break even liaooo.
2 those who interested on US stocks , if u hv limited fund , buy 1 lot lor... i wont be suprised u could make 300% return from it .
I learned it from GI @ 0.43 n HSBC @ HK33+ , u cant catch d lowest , hence , i dont mind to pay a little bit more 4 citi ^_^
As i said , d worst should be over but d bull is still not there yet , i dont think recent rally can be sustained , I will let go my resorts @ anyhting > 2.40+ 2molo, as for Sime ... I may hold on 4 little while , know y ? cos CPO price has moved up n sime is one of d most underperformed stocks among all , she still got room to move up, never 4get also, she is also a political link darling.
Yah..4got 2 mention , u can see it from my blog , many bloggers posted their comments here such as ssinvesting, bursa street , bursa FKLI trader, tanhin , philip , cpo trader , pinyon , ck5354, phama, fainvestor, alexkoh, drangon88 n... r they hidden dragon or kaki bodek ? max ? ha ha..
ck5354 was once backhand seng's follower , he has changed from TA 2 FA now.. look at his blog , u can see he is doing quite well now ^_^
Who never make mistake b4 ? who ? wake up n change it, never too late bros !
we cant choose to be rich man's son , born poor n stupid is not yr fault at all ,just like me, though i am stupid , but i know who n which method 2 4low , that make me looks less stupid ( but at least much smarter than TA bloggers) ha ha ):-
Tell u a real story , still remember ho wah genting ? fyi, its boss dato lim's education level is only up 2 standard six , multi millioaire now, is he smart ? definitely not smart in IQ ! he is smart in EQ not smart in IQ ..he knows who 2 follow , he was once uncle im 's personal driver , needless 2 say, he shld be one of d shoe shine boy of late uncle lim lar... see ? poor in IQ is no big deal, most important u must rich in EQ ! he knows who 2 4low , that make him what he is now ^_^
Dont b misunderstood , I am not uncle lim , angkat me wont make u rich a little ! ..u dont need 2 bodek me , what u need is bodek FA n hantam TA ! that will make u rich ^_^
Aiyoh Sam,
Since when anyone say your cut loss is TA cut loss. Bila pulak?
Anyway, my comments also not for the hidden dragons... only kaki bodeks
You not consider kaki bodek la... idol is one thing... but must retain ability to exercise own judgement.
You see la... the comments you get... some agree is hidden dragons but most are all kaki bodeks only...
And shoe shine boys ar... I dont respect one... be it TA ke, FA ke, sentiment ke, apa apa la... dont care what method they use la... only distinction - shoe shine boys or not...
And speaking of intelligence, you know my style la... bila pulak I got say anything to do with education? I tarak look down on ppl who cannot speak engrish also... so i know la nothing to do with paper... tu paper can beli one hehehehehhe
Halo all....why max like to say what mehtod to use. If you believe TA just follow and no need come to this blog again. We are people not saint, sometimes we also can make mistake. just take the mistake as lesson. do not repeat again.....
sam, i "run chicken" liao...
sold my sime too early.
do you think its wise to go in again at current price following the news?
You mentioned my name!!!
I am tangan bodek( bodek good stock) cum hidden lizard ( can run fast)but still surviving with hard earned money....but not from investing in stocks.What to do? dont have the fundamental skill as uncle Sam and technical skill as Maxforce,so have to curi skill here and there.Hope all the sifus can write and teach more for newbie like me.
sincerely yours
bro sam,
me simple guy and always think bodeking is one skill i never have; so dunno since when is bodek not a skill?
so i think;
some call it hang satay in the old days
some call it PR in a certain field
some call it ...???
many businesses may use it to win contracts
still many others may use it to earn monies and feed their families
no laughing matter leh cos bodeks may also laugh all the way to the bank liao
waiting for your next call(s) hahaha
anyway am still waiting to add my ntpm if she goes below 0.28 but look at her! this toilet tissue counter is so stable above 0.30 lah? sigh !
g'luck 2u n all samgang readers
sama sama kita belajar,
apa pendapat sifu sam tentang LIONIND?
sama sama untung.
Guys, I hv enter 10 lots of pantech @ 0.505 ( as per attached ).
Pantech PE Ard 4 , high NTA + revenue increased , volume increased tremendously 4 past 2 days, good 4 short term kill.
good call ck5354
2 ur follower, no tax 4 gain on US stocks ^_^
2 Tanhin, u r definitely not a lizard but a flying dragon , cos u got brain n know which method 2 follow .
2 Maxforce , oh yah ? no meh ? pls refer 2 yr posting in that clown sblog..ok ? ha ha
n oss hor.. mana gua ada cakap lu taruk orang yr tak bersekolah ? mana , I am not refer 2 u..ok ? ha ha
n oso hor... fyi, mana gua ada cakap orang lemah bahasa inggeris dihina oleh kau ? mana abang ooiii ?... setahu saya hor..orang pandai dlm inggeris tidak bermakna dia tu pintar , tak percaya ? ha ha..contohnya backhand seng ! inggerisnya no satu , pelaburan sahamnya pun no satu juga tapi kira dari belakang ! ha ha...
Hi Uncle Sam,
Besides Pantech, what else still act like hidden dragon?? Haha.. Pls advice AIG still can buy?
$ifu, most of d steel stocks surged 2day. c Liondiv n Masteel up almost 12%. Good sign of market recovery? Huaan also coming liao, so shall we focus on Steel stocks now ?
2 ur follower,
this is d email i rec'd from Ms jolene Law :-
From: Jolene Law Tuan Lee [mailto:jolenelawtl@phillip.com.sg]
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2009 1:27 PM
To: samlimtt
Cc: Teh Kian Peng
Hi Sam,
In a nutshell, once the client sign the W8-BEN form, he/she will not be subjected to the captial gain tax in US.
However, the client will still be subjected to withholding taxes on the dividend he/she receives.
For more details, please visit US iras website or consult their tax consultant.
Please refer to the attachment for more information regarding W8-BEN form.
Dividend is subjected 2 tax but not 4 profit , very clear stated there ^_^
Best Regards,
Jolene Law
Senior Dealer
Corporate & Institutions
DID: 6212 1837
Fax: 6535 3834
Dealing Lines: 6534 0354 / 6534 4713 / 6534 3647
Phillip Securities Pte Ltd 250 North Bridge Road #06-00 Raffles City Tower Singapore 179101
2 118 n herbert, instead of picking steel stock, y not u focus on cpo stocks ? take a look at thplant ..this is one of d cheapest cpo stock in term of PE n price, its shortfall is lacking of volume , once u see its volume.. u will definitely see its $$$$$
Unker sam talked about vol again..ha ha..TA method ? ha ha... told u guys oledi, u dont need 2 b scientist to know that there is rain coming when u see thunder..right ? ha ha...TA ? my foot !
sam not to bodek u but i feel very shame becoz now i study degree but still dont perform as good as you.u are right.EQ is more important than IQ.i learn more about finance from this blog than from the class.tq again.
Hi Sam,
What do you think of Kulim? it is consider as a bluechip stock too rite? @ current price of 5.5 it good for swing trade?
P/S: any oil and gas stock u recommend? how about penergy?
2 mohd ,dun said like that lah.. we r all d same ... most important, u must adopt d right method !
Btw.. how do u know I am not degree holder ? ha ha... am I a degree holder ? how about master holder ? ha ha u guess lah ^_^
From my bahasa posting , i think u shld know where I graduated from liaooo..ha ha.
dear sifu sam,
thanks for asking ur broker.. my broker also say the same thing...no tax on capital gain(hopefully we really got capital gain)..
however ur broker say need to fill in W8-BEN form <--this form..apa tu??
i got fill in the form to open rhb overseas trading from rhb la....is tat form inclusive of W8-BEN form,??
sifu, u got fill in this form? since u make damn byk duit on US stocks..
Hi Uncle Sam,
I would advice u not touch THPlant due to it has been bonus issue (1:2).. after split, he still surge to almost 12 months high.. Pls dun touch.. How about QL?? Haha solid FA stock oh.. he also part of CPO counter.. Haha.. I will buy 4 lots at RM2.50 (hopefully) tomorrow... After dispose my SIME at RM6.50.. ^^ ok boh?? uncle sam...!!!
Dun "liu koh sui" oh.. haha
QL juga pernah visit oleh Tan Sri Dato' Muhyiddin Hj Mohd Yassin oh!!! haha ^^
Ha ha..marah ? y shld I max ? marah sebab I made money or sebad i hv proven yr TA wrong again ? ha ha..
Sorry i cant post yr posting here coz u put d clown blogspot there..sorry no free publicity 4 this small fly..k ? haha...why this clown so quiet nowadays ?coz unker sam has proven with his b4 hand picks ? ha ha...
Max oh max..i really learned lots from u esp yr manyak senang short fkli @877 till august 09, really ichiban ! thanks 4 yr guide ^_^
2 ur follower, ben * is a form to be filled up by clients of RHBsec.
Btw.. just came across that my citi has shot up another 40cts 2 3.50 liaoo..wowww from 2.75 to 3.50 x 5 x 3.6= 13K+ within a week..not bad yah ? ha ha...may i know this is forehand or backhand? I oso need to borrow max slogan of " manyak senang aje.. buy low sell high itu saja mah ? what so difficult ? bukan max ? ha ha...
2 lcgsdv, sorry..no free publicity 4 TA blogger here..k?
I help u 2 make money is one thing , promoting TA blog is absolutely prohibited here..k ? ^_^
Gd nite bro ^V^
Hi Sam,
Your AIG is doing good too...congratz...
2 danny, thx but fyi...AIG is not doing as good as citi... citi is now 3.55 liaoo...up usd 0.80 from my cost...I am very sure its coming QE which would be announced on 17 APril shld be something above expectation, by then citi shld cross 5.00 easily ^_^
Look at d way citi reacted , dow down 100 points still she went up..good sign .
GOOD Morning $ifu!!! Citi closed @3.80 wahlau eh, huatlahhhh...only 1 week Citi up USD 1 = RM3.60
in fact i Q 2.90 4 another lot but Citi just surged too fast.
Excellent call $ifu TQ TQ TQ!
U said 3-5 yrs i'll laugh all d way 2 bank but i'm now starting laughing towards d bank liao!
Next, will try 2 buy HK Parkson.
Ha ha ha..first thing to do in d morning is check what is d closing price for citi n aig ...woww..3.80 N 1.42 liaooo.... usd 1.10 n 0.50 gain within 4 days ... 1.10 x 3.6 x 5 lots = 18K + 0.50 x 3.6 x 2 lots = 4K+ , 18K + 4K= 22K profit in hand liaooo..ha ha ha, dont sour mo mo cow , n seng..all these r fake one..ok ? ^_^
Sound very errogant right ? sorry bros..d above lcly posting is directed 2 TA bloggers only ^_^..see ? do I need Macd , RSI, MOV , candle stick to time my entry ? Ha ha TA ? what is TA ?
2 118 , congrats..more 2 come ! by 17 APril after d QE announcement , >USD 5 for citi shouldnt be any problem ^V^
Once again.. as I said, this year is my super year , 4low or not , u decide ^_^
Hi Sifu,
Congratulations for your good profit.
Do you think its wise to go in for AIG now@1.4+ level?
By the way, what happen to ah seng there? He retired already?
sam, can still go in now for citi n aig, i got 4 lots of citi@3.00 n 3.41 (yesterday) n 5 lots of aig@0.97 n 1.21 ( yesterday), really cannot tahan.....
sam, let me know today cos i might go for more killing tonite..
tan hin, hey doctor, i'm your patient in team medic, know who i am ? let me know yr email, ok.
pantech gone up already, can go in kah?? now, 0.56...
Mama mia,
Our Pantech lai liao
Congra Sam kor.
When to sell, pls let me know.
8 cents dividen coming.
This news really make me angry.
Our gomen really waste our money.
Shit man... I chase Citibank so long until now get nothing! Tonight must get d!
Lau eh...
Lau nua...
Congratz uncle Sam on citi n aig.btw may i noe parkson hk is for short term hit n run or to keep for long term???its future is very bright in china market.pls advise.
woww..tailow..u also followed me ar ? ha ha congrats bro...USD >5.00 shouldnt be any problem after 17 april..since u hv some bought at low..well.. u can still top up 1 , 2 lots oso..play safe bro..
ck5354..yes, i can see it..sure lai one $$$$$$$$
Parkson HK is is worth 4 long term hold since china has declared that there is sign of recovery in its latest economy datas.
2 indur ? mana seng ? aiyahh mana gua tahu dia pergi ? may be he has gone with d wind liaooo.....or may be he is here reading my blog everyday..ha ha
congratulations to your gain, must stay close and visit your blog more frequent.
used your blog to say something to tailow, ok?
tailow,must be big brother, anyhow nice to know you have visited my clinic and please teach me some investing skill( I know you have plenty), I am broke!
do drop me a line at tanhin28@streamyx.com if you are free
Is it still a good price to buy in PANTECH?? didn't realize your call on it yesterday, miss boat d lol...
$ifu, so happy many fans in tis blog also follow u buying Citi except Max...
Anyway, i just got 1 lot Parkson HK @ 8.55 tis morning, will get another lot should Parkson go below 8.00.
u can see d focus is now shifting from big cap 2 small cap liaoo...
Guys.. forehand call..jz went in scomi 4 10 lots @0.39+ , this one is 4 short term kill... 20 to 30% cabut !
will blog it up later.
Today my purchase as follows :-
Scomi = 0.395 (10lots)
Liondiv = 0.39 (5lots)
Genting International = 0.59 (2lots)
Pantech = 0.56 (5lots)
For liondiv & Genting International i am going to keep under my pillow and sleep on it! ^^
U ding I ding.
I would follow you.
ok.. i follow ur call.. haha..
thanks uncle sam.. dun bring me to holland like TMI.. haha.. Jangan marah ah..
woww herbert ?? so much pressure 4 me ar ? ha ha... scomi is safe to buy @ this level if u dun aim too high , bear in mind bros, this scomi is really 4 short term kill... once i see profit, i will cabut one..so stay tune 4 d latest update ok ?
Stay tune , i will attach here with my latest portfolio later in d evening ^_^
Dear All Anti Samgang follower and TA.. i haven't disposed my PELIKAN yet.. haha.. jangan marah ah...
By the way, wonder why i never cut loss when he touch RM0.6++.. why ah??? Haha.. Use your otak think a bit ok?? dun cacat akal..
done!!! 20 lots 0.395... Hu tah lah!! haha... mung tat teng... We disposed it at RM0.50 tomorrow ok?? haha..
wow!! uncle sam.. TH plant stood at 52 weeks high now... wow!! for he to go up? we need to take the risk.. rather buy kulim, unico or SIME.. haha.. just my opinion.. nobody know he can shoot up to RM2.00 by this month? ^0^
2 herbert.. sometimes i dun give a damn about 52 weeks high n low, i am more concern about its PE n revenue growth , if she can provide me with growth n attractive single digit PE , 2 me , I dun give a damn of its 52 weeks high or low ^V^
2.00 ? ha ha.. i dun think i will wait till 2.00 2 sell it off...
Wowww...pre mkt trading ,citi up 37cts to 4.17 liaooo..ha ha....not bad not bad
Herbert..still think that Thplant not worth 4 buy ? still too early to say bro ^_^ (see my latest attachment )
2 be frank , nowadays, I am more concern on US stocks rather than local stocks , as it can be seen..I made more $$$from US stocks than KLSE lately , 4 those citi n aig holders, good news ! pre mkt trading 4 citi is now stood @ 4.17 (up 37cts from yesterday close) 4 citi n 1.51 4 aig ho ho ho..
see it yrself @>
haha.. Agreed what u said. actually THplant is damn FA stocks and its performance not bad all the while. mean while, he is mid cap stock pick. part of the favourite of fund manager oh!! dun play play.. haha..
I used to visit your blog at least twice a day but...... still I miss your call. I miss your call on Pantech yesterday. Placed order 0.555 today but it was too late, it going up all the way to 0.58. Again, miss your call on scomi today. I think this is fate lah.
Nevermind, will try to place order tomorrow morning.
citi now 4.45, masih boleh go in-kah...??? still going up now...
what the hack man!!!!!!! Uncle Sam, i haven't cut loss on my HUAAN yet... wakakaka... i know those anti me will be very happy.. haha... anyway, keep for my grandchildren.. wakaka..
Dear Sam,
I see this time you have bot quite a bit of Citi (relative to your previous purchases. Do you intend to keeo for long term or will you sell when there is good profits like what you had done previously?
Hi sifu sam,
Now all I can do is to admire you and ur follower for making money via AIG and Citi.
I am still new in this investing world, and still collecting more bullets.
Do you think both AIG and Citi will drop to the level that you bought in?
Hopefully we can
congra on your citi and aig.
citi = 4.27
aig = 1.65
Is time for me to dispose my PELIKAN tomorrow anything above RM1.00...believe that all Malaysia stock profit taking will take place by this Friday... good night..
他也不排除抽佣經紀趁機參與炒作,「目前不少抽佣經紀以即日鮮(Day Trade)方式炒股,並不是看上股只的基本面,而是相中其偏低的價格才買入。」
Just came back from badminton game..wowww omg ! citi is now 4.46 liaooo n aig 1.71 $$$$$ ha ha ha ...>usd 5.00 by 17 April shouldnt be any problem liaooo
2 tailow..since u hv some bot @ 3.00, it is still ok 4 u to buy in 1 , 2lots at current level..but make sure u know when 2 run..ok ?
guys..I will not sell any citi b4 17 april , i will only take profit after its QE announcement, most likely i will sell half n keep d other half 4 long term..it is all depends...my feng shui chart ( as per attached in my old posting ) saying there would be a slump somewhere in may to july b4 mr bull carry on with its journey, hence i may change my mind any time depends on d situation, but one thing 4 sure..
money is in our pocket liao..only matter of how much we going to make , either > 30K or> 50K profit ha ha ha
go back 2 that level i bot ? quite impossible bro ^_^
2 ck.."seng lei kuai yin "
抽新股,必定中 ha ha nice poem bro ck ^_^
I need 2 borrow maxforce slogan once again :-
main share "manyak senang one , 低位入,高位放 $$$$ ha ha..really manyak senang like max said .
wait...need to make seng m sour mo mo cow sour abit, let calculate how much I made from citi n aig now:-
citi 4.45 - 2.75 = USD170, 1.7 x 3.6= RM6,120
6,120 x 5 lots = RM30,600
AIg 1.71 - 0.95 = USD 0.76
USD0.76 x 3.6 = RM2,736
RM2,736 x 2 lots = RM5,472
Total profit = RM36,072 profit within one week !
woww..what if citi climb > USD 6.00 by this coming 17 April ?
RM50K easily ? Moolah n seng, can calculate 4 me ar ? ha ha..jgn marah yah ?
Moolah told his fans that unker sam is a con man , he said i am making use of my fans 4 my own benefit ! ha ha really sour grape !
Guys , did i make use of u guys ? u tell sour cow lah ! ha ha ha
sifu sam,
i missed the C boat since queuing at 2.65 like a week ago? i missed the rally...can i still go in at current price? this such a waste! so sad...sigh...
but congrats to those u made it! :D
Me buying 10 lots WTK at 0.925.
What do you think?
$ifu, c Parkson HK, bot yesterday @8.55 n now 9.59 liaoooo. do u buy any? TQ TQ TQ...
Sifu Sam,
You Said : ""Guys , did i make use of u guys ? u tell sour cow lah ! ha ha ha""
For me "You Didn't" !!!
I am ok if ppl call me as "Si Bodek" but i laugh all the way when my bank acc $$$ increasing. My investment skill = "ZERO" but i hope my salary plus ur help i hope i can retired soon cos i miss Malaysia :)
By the way, Fyi My AIG earn 50% already. wuahahaha... :D
hi Sam,
i have been visit your site for pass few weeks, cool...
i have follow on us market aig at 1.50 last night, hope its not too late, im planning for long term invest...
you DID make use of us!!
you letting us all make extra income for your own good karma!
lol... cheers^^
2 118 , congrats on yr HK parkson, like sour mo mo cow said , dont thanks me cos i am making use of u ha ha...
bot any parkson ? ha ha..u want forehand sam 's answer or backhand seng's answer ?
Backhand seng's answer would be " yes, I bot in 10 lots of HKparkson @ 8.50 n sold all @ 10.30 this morning , profit 18K in hand ha ha..
forehand sam's answer goes :- no ! i parked @HK 8.50 ,unfortunately couldnt get ... mamameyaaa..heart pain like hell now...ha ha
2cmp, u said u hv been reading my blog 4 past few weeks, I wonder y not u go in aig @<1.00 ? y need 2 wait until now then only u jump in ? ha ha..just curious only.
2 ck5354 , wtk is a HDV yield stock , not bad but its PE is not low enuf , PE is now stood ard 10+-.
Btw, u learned very fast , u know which stock to choose , u understand very well that Low PE must be back up by earning !
Lots of fans asking me y not i choose iris , hubline n....no doubt , their price is dirt cheap @ ard 10ctto 20cts +..but its latest eps showing red light ..PE > 20 , y shld I buy them ?
CPO price shot up again..it is now ard 2,500+- , plantation stocks will definitely come again esp stock like sime n thplant ... let c yah !?
Hi Sam,
Since Steel commodity has slowly recover. How you find out HIAPTECK? will u go into this counter tomorrow?
Look at HUAAN movement.. we can assess whether steel commodity has hit bottom line.. is time to rebound..
cmp, if you planning long term 10 to 20 cents difference not much. If you aiming you AIG at 5$ to 8$ what is that 0.20$ kan? ^^
What do you think of leader@55? its it good for short term trade play, low PE of only 3.7
sam gor,
i havent get on the boat yet for AIG or CITI, can i still go in now?
Citi dropped for today, for now at least..still can jump on?
Attention pls !
I hv sold 1 lot of aig @ 1.61 n swap to citi @ 3.63 for 1 lot oso..y I do that ?
1) AIG up n Citi down today...hence i take this opportunity to swap..balance now : aig 1 lot n 6 lots of citi
2)Citi QE will be out by this friday 17 april, shld be a good one n some says better than expectation, hence i do d swap ( dun want 2 over explore my fund )
4 those hv zero balance on citi..if u interested , u can try one lot at current level since she has came down today..but dun sailang.. buy in stages , d other lot shld be parked below 3.00.
Gd luck ^V^
Hi Sam,
Any good stock to catch? scomi and pantech i cao pou...Up and i not go to chase. now feel heart pain.
Hope you can keep new idea posted.
swap KNM to SAAG.
sell 4 lots of KNM (done) and buy 10 lots of SAAG.
Hi Sam,
i have been queing low than market price for pass 2 weeks, but still can't get...actually not really understand how to place order on US market, after get the info from broker...finally. hehe... anyway new bird have to pay tuition fees...no harm.
agreed with neoguga... still lot of thing learn from you guys...cheers...
thanks Sam, i had bought the scomi at 0.40...now 0.44+- hehe
As i said earlier , I will not hesitate to take profit on resorts once she cross > 2.40, sold all my Resorts @2.43 this morning...
Will swap 2 other stock 2molo if price is right ^_^
Hi Bro, what stock is in your heart??
done 1 lot of sime @ 6.30..swap from resorts that sold 2.43 this morning. will buy in another lot on dip.
Sam, looking you trade really manyak senang! I mean, the real senang compares to the fake senang! Kakaka........
2 constance , my method manyak senang ar ? ha ha..this hv 2 thx maxforce liaoo..is maxforce that teach me this superb word "Manyak senang " ha ha ha..
Who doesnt know buy low sell high , who doesnt know when 2 buy is more important what 2 buy ? who doesnt know Mr mkt is always right !? I oso know my mom is female lah .... all these r theories only ! Ah pek n sour mo mo cow oso know how to say lah...
PPl only endorse yr end results not yr grand mom theories ^_^ bukan ?
2 ck5354, saag ? ha ha..this one i dare not 2 touch, anyway..gd luck 2 u n well done on yr knm.
To cmp : I also student of Sifu Sam. Don't learn from me. Wait i bring you go holland! ^^
Learn from Sifu... He is good in FA.
Citigroup tries to stop the bleeding
Another loss may be unavoidable for the banking giant this quarter, even as peers shine. But investors may take comfort that the worst may soon be over.
si fu,
citigroup hang around there dy..dunno tonight how after the report release..
what is your target price for scomi??
2 koohoon, yes i noticed that oso..but i think it is quite unlikely 4 citi to make losses in its coming qe which would be out 2nite, coz its ceo already declared that citi has already turned losses into profit , if he tell lie ... citi , d whole mkt n d ceo himself will be in deep shit.
Anyway , i will take profit after d qe announcement ..may sell 1 or 2 not 4 profit first..let c how yah ^_^
TP 4 scomi is ard 20 to 30% from my cost..10lots only cost me 4K, this is 4 my weekend pocket money only..
I hv more confident on sime..she will come soon...only matter of time ^_^
eyeing now ?..fyi..it is enuf 4 me liaoo..unless it is swap otherwise i will not come out with extra money 2 buy any shares from now till end June..coz d feng shui chart showing mkt will come down in month of May n June ^_^ check d feng shui chart from my old posting.
If u hv zero shares in hand , take a look at plantation n ONG stocks esp those underperformed one.. ONG n cpo stocks r worth 2 buy n it is safer to hold 4 long term .
Gd luck .
Sifu Sam,
Citibank (China) sees net income hit RMB 1.3 bln in 2008
2 dreamer .seems like u lagi "kan cheong" than me !? ha ha..u bot alots ar ?
u fatt tatt lollll...
FYI, i hv never doubt of its future earning potential, what i need is.. dont go bankcrupt..that's what i want n I am very confident that US gov got no guts to let her die, known 2 u guys , banking is like a heart of human being , u can chop off yr hand ( GM ), legs ( Lehman bros ) but u cant chop off yr heart ( Citibank )...hence, chances 4 her to go bankcrupt is less than 5% !
Seems like I am correct again.. sime's volume picking up... coming coming ^_^
Hi Uncle Sam,
Why not consider a chatbox here in your blog...So that we can get 第一时间的news update from you... So that we never running chicken...
Sifu Sam,
Pai se to say that i only got 1 lot :p
But 1st time buy US share then earn money of cos "kan cheong" ma, some more my AIG also earning money wuahaha... :D
Thanks all they way ya
Ai yo yo ,
I look at SIME volume so big but the CG volume so small.
Thought of swap to SIME buy only done 10 lots.
How arr?
Dear Uncle Sam,
I just bought another lot of SCOMI, dunno can go further or not?
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