Wednesday, January 31, 2007

My Blogging Ways in Bloomblog

I received lots of e-mail recently, requesting me to include them in my buddy mailing list. Well, since I have my blog uploaded now, I will not mail my stock picks via e-mail anymore. Please read my blog for my latest investment portfolio.

I won't substantiate / explain my picks like I used to, but rest assured that they are based on fundamental analysis and not speculation or gut-feel or rumour-based.

For those who don't know me, my method of selection is based on low pe with good future earning plus a little bit of mav200days for my funds allocation. Please bear in mind that this is mid and long term investments and you must have patience. In other words, HOLDING POWER & TRADE AT YOUR OWN RISK. If unsure, please consult a qualified financial consultant.

I can substantiate my picks with lots of fundamental reason. But then again, crap of fundamental reasons do not guarantee us a "sure win" pick. Thus, I opted not to post any reasons for all my stock picks. Don't you guys agree with me that my final results are all that count... ^V^

In future, i will classify my stock picks under 2 categories:

1) TB= trading buy; more towards hit & run with gains from 20%+- in 3 to 6 months' time.

2) VB=value buy; with gains from 50% & above. This skewed towards mid & long term buy.

I will only update my blog once a month, if there is no transaction done in my portfolio.

Please note that my stock picks are skewed towards mid & long term. Slowly but surely. If you expect a rocket zooming stock within contra period, I am sorry to inform you that the rocket will definitely land you in "holland".

Good luck to all of you!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

apdate only once a month? Rather long time to update.

Unknown said...

Many thanks!