Saturday, January 25, 2014

^V^ Stocks in my radar 4 year of Horse ^V^


2 Leekokhai, congrats ! RM 460K paper profit ? woww... not bad yah ^_- no needs 2 thanks me , is my obligation 2 help u 2  make money in shares cos u r my blog subscriber ^_-

K... back 2 stock pick -

There r few HK stocks n oso local stocks in my radar now , some oledi recommended last month some r new picks .

As u can see , 80% of my latest picks r still in green despite d fall of KLSE n d regional mkt , this is d beauty of FA .

If u r observant enuf , most of my recent picks r those  under performed stocks n still traded @ single digit PE , example ???? , XXXX capital , if u hv taken profit n swap 2 d above stocks ,  I can assure u that yr risk is now " ZERO" ! hence... 2 Lee, u r advice 2 sell them off 4 profit n swap 2 d above stocks .

Stocks in my radar as below >

1) ????... oledi in n still having some paper profit ( this is my second entry after profit taken  @ ard 1.70+- )

2) XXXXXX capital , cost HKD 2.68+- n will buy more below HKD 2.40, tp 100 lots.

3) ???? , cost ard HKD 0.39+-, n will buy more below HKD 0.38, tp 300 lots.

4) CVBTRR?? , bot since 6 months ago n is now having some paper profit .

5) VBVCCXX , bot in 20 lots @ cost ard 2.30+ , TP 30 to 40  lots.

6) VBTR??? , not in yet n will buy in stages starts below 0.90 , this bugger is under ONG sector n has been dropping from 1.20+- since months ago.

7) MNH??, not in yet , I think 0.31+- is a safe n good bargain buy.

8) NBTY?? , not in yet , 2.70+- is a good bargain buy , u can starts 2 buy in stages now  if u scared of " run chicken " or miss d boat. FYI,  its bosses hv been buying in heavily @ cost ard 3.00+-, since last week.

Long holidays approaching ,  I  think mkt will under go some correction b4 d eve of CNY , so if u wanna 2 buy , buy ard d eve of CNY , d ideal way is buy in stages n hold 4 mid n long term .

Btw, I am still holding on some plantation stocks in hand , such as ??? ,ANMN?? n... chances 4 these stocks 2 make profit is ard 70% unlike d above stocks in  my radar which u stand >90% 2 make profit.  so..go 4 those stocks in my radar 4 year of horse.

so until luck n hv a nice weekend.

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