Monday, August 6, 2012

^V^ It is really FATE ! 既生瑜何生亮 ! 命裡有時終需有,命裡無時莫強求!^V^

^V^ It was SO DAMN CLOSE ! DAMN CLOSE ! LCW leading 15 -13 , 18-16 n 19-18 in rubber game n yet we cant win our first Olympic GOLD ! this is 命!命!命! Sometimes u need 2 believe in fate , when it does not belongs 2 u , let it be ! like Sam Hui sang > 命裡有時終需有,命裡無時莫強求! LCW is really 二奶命 ! how many times he has lost 2 LD in major final ? Another example of 命裡有時終需有,命裡無時莫強求! Lee Yung Dea pair n Yu yan pair, these 2 pairs r expected 2 take d men n women double title this time, what happened 2 them ? Lee unexpectedly lost 2 Danish , this make d Chinese pair more easier 2 be Champion , if Lee pair enter into final , Chinese pair may not be d champion ! Same apply to Yu Yan pair , if they r not disqualified , 99% d champion will belongs 2 them, this is 命 ! I dares 2 say, if not bcos of d existence of LD, LCW would hv won World Championship n Olympic long long ago, this is what ppl called 既生瑜何生亮 ! LCW n Lin Dan played very well yesterday , too bad , luck n fate is not on our side ! sighhhh..... Anyway, Big clap 2 LCW 4 his fighting spirit n awesome performance , u hv done us PROUD ! Lastly, I would like 2 dedicate this song 2 LCW > 命裡有時終需有,命裡無時莫強求!林丹李宗伟互相成就彼此的伟大


Samgoss said...

Another example of 命裡有時終需有,命裡無時莫強求! Lee Yung Dea pair n Yu yan pair, these 2 pairs r expected 2 take d men n women double title this time, what happened 2 them ? Lee unexpectedly lost 2 Danish , this make d Chinese pair more easier 2 be Champion , if Lee pair enter into final , Chinese pair may not be d champion !

Same apply to Yu Yan pair , if they r not disqualified , 99% d champion will belongs 2 them, this is 命 !

boon said...

check this out, sam: