2 all lansi bananas esp darlie singh , mo mo cow n mike loser , u guys need to learn from Robert Kuok ! Robert Kuok is a banana oso , but he has never look down to his culture n mother tongue ! he knows what is 人不可忘本 !.....know what is 人不可忘本 ? get a translator n ask him 2 explain 2 u what is 人不可忘本 !
CCTV Dialogue with Robert Kuok >
There is no shame of being a banana ! ( not yr fault but yr parent ) , but it is definitely yr fault if yr kids do not know their mother tongue n culture ! who 2 blame if ppl asked yr kids y cant u write yr mother tongue ?
Even Jim Roger's daughter can write n speak better Chinese than u ! dont u think it is something WRONG with u ?
Think about it dudes ^_-
2 all Ta losers out there , wanna 2 know which foreign bluechip I am accumulating now ?
Posted in my private blog >
As known 2 u all, I am currently working out " My stocks (Bluechips)in radar 2 " , a few of them r heading 2 my tp @ PE < 5 , but majority of them r still hanging @ PE ard 10+- , there is ONE who is approaching my TP of PE < 5 liaoo !
Who is she ? as mentioned in my blog b4, she is ??????X9X8 ?? @ 2.??+- ^_-
I hv bot in 8 lots of ?????? yesterday @ price of 2.??+- ! @ ???2.??, she is now traded @ PE @ 6+ , very close to my TP of PE < 5 ! It is too water liu liu 2 buy in @ this level !
IPO of ???? stood @ 2.?? , she is now traded @ below its IPO !
Due 2 d above water liu liu factors, I jumped in n buy ! N I will buy in more if she ever dip below PE 5 !
What is PE < 5 for ????? ?
EPS= 0.47 , so..PE 5 = 2.35 ???
So..my next level of entry would be anything below ???2.34 !
Look at d first picture , during 2008 lehman bro crisis , its historical was 1.98 ( I think this level is quite impossible ) !
Buying @ ???1.98 is actually buying ???? @ PE 4 ! 1.98/ 0.40( EPS 0.40 is d average earning 4 past 5 years, see d attachement )
See ? buying bluechip @ PE < 5 is definitely a sure win bet in long term ! fyi, she touched as high @ ??5+ -_-
Let take a look @ its Dividend yield ( see d attachment ) , 5 years average = 0.15cts , 0.15 / 2.85 x 100% = 5.2 % , way above FD rate ^_-
Margin of safety , even u tell me world economy is doing very bad n it will bring great impact on ????'s earning..well... k... let chop its earning from 0.47 to 0.35 , 2.85 /0.35 = PE 8 , she is still selling @ PE < 10 !
Remember what I said ? Bluechip < PE 15 is under value ?
Never 4get..she is a world class bluechip like ?????, top 5 largest ??????? in this planet !
Dont u think it is dirt cheap if one buy @ current price ?
I will allocate 50K 4 this bugger if she ever drop below PE< 5 !
If not bcos of d super bearish mkt , I would hv buy in @ current price at one shot liaooo !
Lastly, If I see any significant turn around in world economy , I may change my mind n buy in @ anything below ??3.00 !
4 d time being, let stick 2 PE < 5 first ^_-
Some may ask me , sam , what about ????? ? 4 me... at current level, based on PE , ???? is better , cos ???? is currently traded @ PE 8+ , more over , US economy is not as good as China , hence..giving a choice , go 4 ???? ! by saying this, it doesnt mean that ?????? is no longer good buy , fyi I am still holding it .
If u compare apple with apple , ????? is slightly better ! n oso..it is cheaper in dollar n cts , only cost u less than RM1.18 per lot !
4low or not ? u decide ^_-
Hello Mr lu lu , thanks 4 "promoting" my blog in yr tak ada akal ta blog, tqvm !
U said >
which has been a thorn at side of many Malaysian investment blogs. His public blog is a kite that advertises his subscription-based blog. As such, his public blog has hardly any useful information. It however contains a lot of mumbo jumbo and a whole load of rubbish
Rubbish ? well... whether it is rubbish or not , my proven track records said it all >
N oso... how on earth I can get > 3,000 members in my private blog ?
Hv u ever ask yrself this question ? Y yr buddy's blog die ? y my blog keeps blogging ?
LOL ^_-
D answer is simple.. cos good n proven blogs hv its mkt !
Bad blog can never survive bcos there is no mkt 4 them 2 live on ! ^_-
dare 2 blog up my comments here ? I really doubt ^_-
but nvm..i will blog it up in my public blog later ^_-
Btw.. u guys can see how sour alex was !! he cant stand cinapek making money in bear mkt ^_- LOL
Talk is free ! most important is proven track records ! u hv any alex lu lu ?
yr called 2 buy citi @ 4.80 ? want me 2 bring it up here ?
Hello lu lu,
Forgot to mention this >
U can see ppl r asking me 2 put them in my list 4 stock picks in osk forum since 2003 !
How on earth I can survive until now if not bcos of my proven track records ? LOL !
Y ppl willing 2 pay RM150 2 join me ? n 95% of them did d renewal a year after ^_-
Old saying " fool u once, shame on me , fool u twice, shame on u "...
r all these ppl stupid ? y they did d renewal ?
Think about it dude ^_- LOL
Sour will never make u smart ! LOL
Guys, click d above, this is d reason y lu lu sour on me !?
He made bad call on citi n harta !
I blog his picks up n he got mad over me ^_- LOL
Now u guys know y he is so mad n sour over me ? LOL
Samgoss said...
Lu Lu called 2 buy Muhibah @ 1.80 , Citi @ 4.80 n Harta @ 5.60. within a week..all fell from sky !
Guys, click d above, this is d reason y lu lu sour on me !?
He made bad call on citi n harta !
I blog his picks up n he got mad over me ^_- LOL
Now u guys know y he is so mad n sour over me ? LOL
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