Tuesday, January 18, 2011

^V^ Woww, what a big jump in my new members today ! why arh ? OIC,感激 sour mo mo cow 4 bringing in so many readers from his blog ^V^

2 all, pls sign in 4 Teoh Beng Hock :-

OMG ! how come my private blog members jumped so many today ? 57 new members as at 4.05pm , why arh ?? oppsss... no wonder lah, someone is giving me free publicity in his mad blog , kamsiah kamsiah ...

感激 mad cow 4 all these ! know what is 感激 ? well..as a Chinese , he shld know his mother tongue well , I think this 感激 is not that difficult 2 understand ^_- right sour mo mo cow ? need a translator ?

seng attacks Samgoss

darlie singh attacks Samgoss

NOW sour mad cow oso attacks Samgoss

wowww ... need 3 taikos 2 attack one small unpopular blogger meh ? it is like playing football, unless it is 5 stars Brazil, otherwise u dont need 2 take Argentina, Germany N Italy ( 3 against 1 ) 2 attacks Brazil ^_- I am 5 stars brazil meh ? ha ha

Neno is me ? Wowww like that oso can arh ? then what about all these buggers spamming in my blog ? https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=2900671137131972978&postID=2173950662306201986


Can I accuse u 4 all these idiot jobs ? boleh sour cow ?

Sour cow said he has never read neno's comments , ha ha r u sure sour cow ? if u dont read, how on earth u can cut n patse his comments in yr blog ?? ha ha use brain 2 write not use ass 2 bark ! ok !?

One more stuff , why u deleted d "Bot in 45 lots of pantech-wa @ 0.285" away ?ha ha sour again ? see who is hypocrite ? u r such a hypocrite bugger ^_-

Yah..u talked about no class ? what class u talked about ? Mercedes E class ? or extra FA class from me 2 u ? ha ha...u think neno got no class n u r in upper class ? u ni memang muka tebal macam tapak kaki aku ! know how 2 write this word " 羞耻 " ? Oppss...forgot u r high class banana kuai low whose does not know yr mother tongue at all ! sorry yah mo mo... btw, may I know is yr papa Kuai Lo (mat Salleh ) ? if not..how come u dont understand yr mother tongue ? 羞耻 ! 羞耻 !


let see how many readers from mad cow blog jump 2 my camp after this ^_-

as at today , my private blog members stood @ 2,869 ( see d above attachment ), let see how many more members joining me after this, cut off date 22 /1/2011 .

U guys be d witness , let count from today, how many more members joining me after this ^_- ha ha really need 2 thanks this sour mad cow for bringing me so many new members 2 my private blog ^_-

k..back 2 biz..see guys ?... I told u oledi, there will be some pull back in this week ? remember I told u guys 2 take profit on latest 17 n 18/1/2011 2 weeks ago ?

but dont worry ... this is a healthy correction ^_- 4 those who hv taken 30% profit last week, happy 2 see mkt coming down ?

No hurry 2 buy in now... buy on d eve or 2 days b4 cny, OR>>>

buy in d below stocks @ anything below these prices > which ever is earlier!

?? < 0.78

?? <0.76

??? @ <0.305

Fajar -wa<0.70 (Buy back)

Centurywb @ < 0.90 (buy back )

Pantech-wa <0.35 (buy back)

???? < 1.20

2 ethan 30% returns is highly possible by end of March ^_-

2 dywin, thanks 4 yr alert, problem solved oledi.


Samgoss said...

Hao hao hao ! another 47 new members joined in today, total new members 4 today was 57 + 47 = 104 members ^_- not bad not bad...

104 x usd 38 x 3 = RM11,856 , 感激sour cow 4 letting his readers know about samgang ^_-

doubt ? uncle sam bull shitting ? well well well... dun worry, will let u see my members status by this cut off date 22/1/2011 ^_-ok ?

感激 感激 mo mo cow ! btw.. did yr translator tell u what is 感激 stand 4 ? if not..then perhaps u shld ask Jim Roger's daughter translate 4 u LOL, cos his daughther study chinese in Singapore school lah... such a simple chinese oso need 2 ask KUAI LO (mat salleh ) 2 teach u , dont u feel羞耻 !?Oppsss sorry yah ? dun know u oso dun understand 羞耻 !ha ha . if u feel shame 2 ask ppl what is羞耻? nvm..click on this google translation link :-


See ? I am so nice 2 u, knowing u want face , give u d link 2 prevent u from shame ! uncle sam nice or not ? ^_-

yahh...my fans posted their feed back in my private blog ,read yrself LOL >
herbertyeo Submitted on 2011/01/18 at 8:06pm
momo is a mad cow barking around promoting FA/ Samgoss.. Wakaka

KAY25 Submitted on 2011/01/18 at 11:39pm
mr sam..
dont worry..u always be winner lorr..t

Stanley Submitted on 2011/01/18 at 11:47pm

Hi sam, nice one ^_^ I have visited his blog before, one word "nato" no action talk only, I have never see him picking any stock , what he knows was critic osk , rhb & tan teng boo from icap.

I think he is jealous because of yr success.

2 kay , win ? what win ? in d first place , he is not qualified 2 challenge me at all , like stanley said, did u see him giving any stock pick b4 ? he is good 2 ketuk ppl, but when u ask him what 2 buy, ha ha he always chciken out !

Samgoss said...

Hi virtualgay,u know me thru sour mo mo cow blog ? ha ha welcome 2 fantasy island !

2 goodkia, how 2 predict pull back ? well... simple... when there is a long holidays approaching , fund n "FUN" managers will always unload their holding b4 holidays, n those retail players oso , PLUS klse has rallied up so much since 2 Jan 2011, by hook or by crook, it is time 2 undergo correction liaooo.as I always said, in this world, there is nothing certain other than DEATH, though I knew she is coming but I didnt sell all my shares off ! cos mkt is unpredictable , it may goes against me , hence 4 safe play..i sold 30% off first , y 30% n not 50 or 70 % ?

This is bcos I forsees that there is a rally after cny (80% chances ) , therefore, selling 30% off is d most ideal strategy ^_-

2 all silent members esp those who just joined in thru sour cow blog , WELCOME 2 cina pek blog ^_- this cina pek is not that high class in d eyes of sour cow but he is able 2 help his members 2 profit from shares mkt ^_-

u dont need 2 believe me , trust nobody but his proven track records ^V^

Woww citi down today ! how arhhh ? sell arh ? ha ha dont worry , dont u remember there is a ta master out there calling buy on cit after citi breaks its up trend line @4.80 meh ? forgot ? ha ha so why sell ? tak ada akal said buy worrr ??

I am waiting 2 see citi drop below 4.80 , n see how that tak ada akal sifu twist n turn d story ! > 4.80 buy ! if u turn n go < 4.80 how ? sell ??? ha ha is this d beauty of ta ???

come come come... 5 stars brazil is here , 3 against 1 plus another ta taiko..so dah jadi 4 against 1 liaooo..

come, I am waiting here , mr darlie singh , I am waiting 4 yr attack in yr blog , coming ? or still d same, u dun want 2 be so stupid 4 bringing in yr blog readers into my blog like mad cow did ?

Ha ha..wise chap ^_-

Samgoss said...

2 all, pls sign in 4 teoh beng hock


Samgoss said...

As at 2.15pm another 38 members joined in today.

kamsiah sour cow..kamsiah ^_-

btw.. do u think it can hits >200 members by this 22/1/11 ? I think it is achievable ^_-

Never thought sour mo mo cow run amok with such a sour posting that bring me so many new members ^_-

3 more days 2 go ^_-

Samgoss said...

virtualgay said :

Submitted on: Jan 19, 2011 @ 16:03

To STEE - i join through Darlie cause he trick me in buying Century and i really hate him now... he buy in @ 2.01 and today drop till 1.95 and now selling @ 1.94.. holding paper loss.. by end of today no doubt Century can hit 1.90...
I should not have trusted Darlie - F HIM KAO KaO!!!
@MASTER SAM - Any advice for me on my Century average down or cut loss as my capital very little only about RM15k saja... 80% buy on Century chor and having paper loss


2 vir... mind yr words , dun use vulgar words in my private blog, I am not try 2 be hypocrite, yes !i did said vulgar words oso,,but bear in mind, there r a lot of female members here , give some respect 2 them..ok ?

One more stuffs...u cant blame darlie singh 4 century pick, it is yr choice 2 4low, blame noone..OK ? though I dun like this lcly bugger ( he looks down 2 his culture n mother tongue like sour cow ) , but he did made few good calls oso ! (unlike sour cow , nato! ), did u thanks him 4 those good calls ?

Guys, u read d whole story , if u guys r observant enuf , sour cow seems like siding darlie singh , buttt...look deep into it , it is not ! he try 2 shames darlie singh on jcy call, he posted up Jcy call in his blog, 4 what he wanna 2 do that if not trying 2 shames darlie singh ? if he is sincere enuf, he can just email 2 darlie singh about neno comment on jcy ! y need 2 publish it up ? think a little ? yes..of coz..this is one stone 2 birds strategy , by doing this, he can shames darlie singh n at d same time set up d fight 4 me n darlie singh ^_-

Ha ha darlie singh is not stupid ! he knew all these , therefore, u can see he is keeping very quiet n stay aside.

tzun tze art of war said" chi chi wei but chi, but chi wei chi chi.

1)yr best friend can be yr most dangerous enemy ^_-

2) my enemy's enemy is my friend

3) My friend's enemy is my enemy oso.

too complicated ? ha ha...not really ^V^

As at 4.46pm, another 31 members joined in , total new members as at 4.46pm =38 +31 =69. woww never thought that there r so many sour cow's reader unaware of my blog ^_-

Xie xie sour cow ^_-

Samgoss said...

as at 11.45pm , 43 more .

total new members joined 4 today =38+31+43=112 members.

stay tune ^_-

Samgoss said...

Latest update, as at 10.16 am 20/1/11 , 17 new members joined in ^_-

Total members joined in since 18/1/11 = 104 + 112 + 17 = 233 new members, woww...breaks >200 members within 3 days...2 more days 2 go b4 I blog my members status up.

My dear sour mo mo cow, pls stay tune yah ?

Feng shui says Hong Kong stocks to hop out a rabbit hole
Written by Reuters
Wednesday, 19 January 2011 19:06


wowww...hangseng with hit 29,000 ? then what about klse ? 1,900 ? ha ha

Samgoss said...


Paste from my private blog.

FAfan said :

Submitted on 2011/01/20 at 9:15am
sam, those jokers are definitely very sour like lemon and lime. I am not sure if this moolah is the same as tucow from an investment chatroom a few years ago who together with another joker made calls in the chat room but got everyone trapped instead, including me that tucow was a real syndicate conman. yes that chatrooom is closed down now. i do not understand what is the main issue that moo moo cow is barking about. this is the world of internet which equals freedom of speech, right ? if they cannot take criticism they should not be blogging in the public. make calls and be responsible for it as there are newbie readers who will follow

their every call. either they do not make calls or if they do and the stock falls, they should not be keeping quiet. Stand up like a Man, this is what i have to tell them. Sam do not bother so much about these jokers. they think they write good english they think they are above everybody else.hahaha, it cannot be father from the truth. cheers


2 fa fans, know y this moolah run amok ? one word " SOUR " ^_-

Freedom of speech ? ha ha we cant hv it here , all bloggers imposed comments moderation (including me ) , mana ada freedom of speech ? but if u can spam at ppl blog, dont blame ppl spamming at yr blog oso ! bukan ?

tucows ? ha ha sound familiar like one joker named bursamaster , ha ha u can cheat ppl once, but u cant cheat ppl twice !

Ppl r not stupid 2 4low u if u hv no proven track records!

U think those 2,869 members in my private blog r stupid ? out of 2,869,70% of them r old members who just renewed their membership few months ago, if I am conman, if i am lousy , do u think they will do d renewal 4 second year ?

This is why sour cow get so mad !

I do feel it's high time that everyone knows and understand all the sour stuffs that he has done.

It's really embarassing to say the least. Yes, no joke. I feel 羞耻 knowing that such a sour Malaysian exist.

An utter shame to all Malaysians esp shares blogger !

2jy88, older or younger than u ,it doesnt matter , calling kor kor or sifu is only an expression of respect, u can call me cinapek oso..i really dun mind ^_- 4 me..calling me cina pek is an compliment 2 me . cos I am proud 2 be 龙的传人 ^_-

2 tangcg, swap to ????-w?.

???? ? as I mentioned many time, this bugger always hang ard 1.03 to 1.25, ????? buying in heavily , go 4 it.

Samgoss said...

as at 9.00pm 20/1/2011, 5 new members ..wowww dropping !?bcos of holiday ? ^_-

new members 4 today= 17 + 5= 22 members.

Total new members joined in since sour cow posted his sour attack=
238 new members ^_-

Bingo...as expected, breaks>200 marks within 3 days liaooo

Total members as at now= 3,107

not bad not bad...surpassed 3,000 marks liaooo....need 2 感激sour cow 4 his sour attack ^_^ otherwise, It will take about 2 to 3 months 2 achieve that 238 members.

k..1 more day 2 go...let see how many more I can get after his sour attack .

Stay tune sour cow , will blog up my members status on 22/1/11. make sure u get ready a doctor besides u..ok ? in case u cant stand d figures !

Btw sour cow, r all these silent readers from yr blog siding me ?

Ha ha why not u go n ask them ?

Samgoss said...

Ha ha..u can see sour cow getting very fras seeing nobody sidings him 4 his attack on me ( including darlie singh, darlie singh is a wise chap, if he is siding sour cow, he would hv feed back 2 him in cow blog )

Wowww created a new posting arh ? ho ho oh..teach ppl how 2 filter spam arh ? kamsiah kamsiah alot, I do need that 4 spammers like mike n sour cow.

Oppsss.. another 7 members joined today...today is now 238 + 7 = 245 new members since d attack from sour cow. so mo mo cow, can I say these 245 new members ( at least 80% of them r from yr blog ) siding me ? ha ha

1 more day 2 go... stay tune 4 my new posting 2molo...ok ?

yah btw... since there is no feed back from sour cow's reader, I guess thick hicks must be a creation of cow himself..ha ha...

Mo mo cow...I think u deserve this>

I do feel it's high time that everyone knows and understand all the sour stuffs that he has done.

It's really embarassing to say the least. Yes, no joke. I feel 羞耻 knowing that such a sour Malaysian exist.

An utter shame to all Malaysians esp shares blogger !

Samgoss said...

Mo mo cow, I think u better delete yr sour attack on Tan Teng Boo, I will blog it up 2molo..n let d whole world know how sour u r n what type of ppl u r ^_-

What's wrong with Tan Teng Boo of Icap ? he is one of d best fund manager in this planet , y get so sour over him ? ha ha

u really deserve this >

I do feel it's high time that everyone knows and understand all the sour stuffs that he has done.

It's really embarassing to say the least. Yes, no joke. I feel 羞耻 knowing that such a sour Malaysian exist.

An utter shame to all Malaysians esp shares blogger !

delete d posting quick, quick quick...otherwise, d whole world will know how hypocrite sour cow is ! ha ha

hurry delete it now ! ( think twice sour cow.. i may set a big trap 4 u 2 step in after d deletion ) ha ha ha

Samgoss said...

6 more joined in , total new members= 251.

stay tune sour cow ^_-

12 more hours 2 go ^_-