Monday, June 22, 2009

^V^ New face lift Camry n Portfolio as at 20 June 2009 ^V^


It has been a long time i didnt post up my portfolio since 05 May , well..nothing 2 shout about but is good enuf 2 put those FF (esp those TA buggers ) in pocket liaooo ^_-

As can be seen , I hv taken profit on stocks like Deleum, Pantech, rcecap, zelan , parkson n ytlpwrwb , total profit 4 month of MAY stood at RM 31,745.00 n unrealised profit stood at RM15,995 , not a very good one but not bad oso ^V^ My cash vs Shares ratio is now stood @ 87% against 17 % , will increase my shares holding to 30% if mkt slide further.

Long waited correction has finally come , KLCI dropped from 1,090 2 current level of 1048 , so how now ? buy or sell ? 4 me , it depends on which stocks u r holding , if u r holding speculative stocks with no FA back up, my advice, u shld chop or take profit , if u r holding FA stocks esp those O N G counters, My advice is "hold" , I dun think KLCI will back 2 900 anymore , worse come 2 worse , I think 900 shld be d bottom ^V^

Any sharp fall below 1,000 is an opportunity 4 u 2 buy n correct , no need 2 ask ah kuai , Plantation n O N G r my first choice !

At d same time, I am oso eyeing on Genting SP , 0.63+- shld be a good deal , if u abit kiasi, dun buy it at one shot, d ideal way is buy in stages .

I am sure lots of sour TA crabs r spamming here , this is something i cant buy with money ,here I make them like a fool n there they come here 2 seek 4 my stock tips ^_- ha ha what a satisfaction !

Btw, I hv blog up d new face lift of Toyota Camry , I am considering of changing my Accord 2 Camry come this September 09 , any comment from u guys ? do u think she looks better than d new Accord ? 4 me, d side view n interior of Accord looks superb , but d front view looks damn ugly ! Overall, I think Camry is much better than Accord ^_^ what say u ?

2 all d Honda fans out there , see d latest attachement ( My 2 darlings ), I am just like u guys , those days I am 100% Honda fan , Camry is totally out of my mind , I like nothing but Accord ! Sad 2 say...d latest Accord is not up 2 my expectation at all ! d front view is like shit ^V^ ( 2 those Accord owner, sorry if i offended u )

2 Camry fans , here i come 2 u... this would be my first TOYOTA


Samgoss said...

2 118, yes,,dato Lee played well yesterday but never 4get oso that Taufik has frop from his peak oledi..therefore u see Dato Lee beats him in such an easy game with style ^V^

Yes..looking forward 2 see Lee vs Lin in d coming world champs, at d same time..i am oso waiting 4 d match btwn 2 of my favourite team Brazil n Spain come this 28 June.

山芭佬 said...

sifu sam:
无论是汽车上的维修费,汽车零件的方便性或者是以后要卖的2ND VALUE也好,TOYOTA还是比HONDA来得好一些。

MR said...

Bro Sam,

The new accord is a muscular car, very space age and spacious. But for you i think better follow TTB la - Lotus Elise.. haha


alfred said...

rcecap has drop to .55!
are you gonna buy in more @ what price?

your advise sam.

congratz on the fantastic result from your portfolio!
you r making cow red

Freeman Woo and Team said...

Dear Uncle Sam,

yaya...Camry is look better...if for me I go for Camry....

Jack said...


Camry is my choice!

Ride Quality - quieter and smoother than Accord at cruising speed.

Looks - Not as futuristic, but classy and timeless design.

Maintenance - Legendary Toyota reliability and lower cost of service and spareparts compared to Honda.

Resale - Good la..

On to stocks - sad to see the slide when I'm still invested in the market, but at least offset by earlier profits. I have confidence that RCECAP and KFIMA will come back eventually since they have FA to backup, so for now, I will hold.


Ronan said...

Hmm.. Camry is better, if can get 1 BMW 3 series, i would prefer that, haha.

In terms of 2nd hand value, TOYOTA is better compared to HONDA la, so if next time wanna change another big car, camry also can get better price in market.

In terms of comfortable, i not sure bout camry and accord, but if u compared vios and city, vios is damn better, So i would say TOYOTA is better.

Mohd Imran said...

the camry pic u posted look like the new mercedes c class.see the headlight and bodywork.i think better u take camry.

Samgoss said...

Thks 4 yr comments , well...I feel ashamed if u compares me with TTB, I am not even 1/100 of TTB , further more, I cant afford 2 buy a lotus elise ^_^

2 san pa lau , fyi, I am a loyal fan of Honda , my previous cars r all Honda , 4 me , d latest accord is really a failure ! no doubt its side view n interior r better than Camry , but its front portion looks damn ugly , it is like d back side of fat lady , damn yaky !

Regarding yr shares holding , I can see most of them r solid FA , hold till 1st qtr of 2010 , u will get what u want if u hv patience n holding power.

ees said...

The company I'm working (a US MNC) forecast the earning will only back to pre2008 level (the good time) after 4 yrs. That means good time will only be seen again in ~2011.

While US is bad, those smart funds from US will channel to asia and ASEAN and benefited...possible?

Or Malaysia econ is too dependent on US and we'll only see the same hot KLCI at 2011?

Sam, what you think? Any opinion?


Unknown said...

Sifu Sam,
May I know what name is Genting SP listed as in bursa? Did not manage to find it though.

Tq ah Sifu...!

30624700 said...

Mr. Sam, do u think KFIMA n RCECAP in averaging a good decision now? And PERISAI a good price to in again? i already bot 7 lot o.7 n 3lot 0.6. 1q eps is 5.44. i calculate the PE for 1q is pretty good 2.711=[0.59/(0.0544x4)]. but it still keep dropping. will this stock going to long kang?

herbert said...

Hi Uncle Sam,

Now are very "heng" MPV... why not you buy Honda MPV?? ^_^..

Sigh.. today market sink due to H1N1.. hopefully no more cases come out again & again.. if not, CI heading to below 900 oint is very likely... :(

myke8888 said...

The Honda is a better car overall.
Nice interior, advanced engine and better sound proofing whilst an old engine and poor interior comes with the Camry.
In short the HOnda has better fa as copared to the Camry... Ha ha ha

Unknown said...

Ho ho ho... So your Honda you trading in? ^^ Keeping the same number or change all together? Sifu if u want buy Camry, i suggest Pearl White color!!! Damm swee...

Honda Accord dash board many buttons too.. Banyak complicated lah...

Welcome back! I also just cameback from Holiday from Perhentian Island. Now i become dark already... Like Indian liow Sifu... ^^

Anyway hope the KFIMA would be fine and wont go Holland.. lolx.. ^^

Samgoss said...

2 myke8888,I guess u must be driving a brand new Honda now ha ha.. 2 be very frank, I think d quality n performance 4 both of them r not much different , my Accord is almost 6 years liaoo..time 4 me 2 change , I am a Honda fan all d while , I like Honda is bcos of its design , but i hv 2 say, d latest Accord is really a failure , look at its front portion, it is like d back side of mom of 3 , damn bloody ugly , I think my Accord looks much better than d latest one . yes..I hv 2 admit that d side view (looks like BMW)n interior of Accord r much better than Camry , but too bad..I cant accept its front view !ha ha sorry yah...i am just telling d truth.

2 Jason, yes..u r right, i will retain d same no plate ..W??8??8 is my lucky nos.

2 Herbert , I was thinking of buying Harrier or Estima oso..but all r recond cars..hati tak siok mah ^V^..Mercedes is too old n too expensive 4 me ..hence no choice ..hv 2 choose btwn Camry n Accord lol..^_-

2 Adrian Beh , As i said.. see d value not d price , if buying PE ard 3+ is holland, then what about those stocks which r @PE > 10 ? more risky bukan ? what u need 2 do is patience ^_^

Genting SP is a Singapore stock >>

FreelyTrader said...

sifu sam,

how about AirAsia?

Right now the PE is quite low about 3.28 only.

1st Quarter profit is high.

Any comment to this stock?

Unknown said...

shifu, any comment on our rcecap? i am considering whether to buy more rcecap. bought 10 lots at 59cent yesterday.

118 said...

Waulau $ifu u "swap" Honda 2 Toyota ah, if all SAM's fans 4llow u, Toyota sales will sure go up liao... 2 b frank, Honda Accord is d copycat of BMW. Sideview looks like 5 series, Back like 7 series n only front is d design of their own tat's y u said urgly.
I can't afford Camry, but Toyota is always my dream car especially Harrier. Just look @ Lexus u'll understand y Toyota design is always better than Honda. So i'll suggest u go 4 Camry buuuut b cautious coz syndicate just like 2 steal or even rob Camry.
Anyway congratulations on ur NEW CAR 4 new milestone...

Mr.Ling said...

sifu sam,
that will be a struggling day/week.
& will be a chance to slot in too. ^V^.

and Good luck to everyone.

30624700 said...

thank you Uncle sam for ur advice, i know what to do now.

About cars, i prefer TOYOTA design is PE 10 rather than HONDA design is PE 2, cos honda front wheel always got problem (chea kiok) not good. TOYOTA built for tough, i have a TOYOTA and it never fails me when riding on a bumpy road if speaking of (Chea kiok).

tailow said...

sam, choose camry cos d performance is definitely better than accord. also 'tahan' than accord.
hey y don't u consider C200, now got offer about 250k, it just suit yr status as sifu, upgrade a bit-lah after driving accord for 6 yrs...... right???

Benjamin said...


You sure the new facelift will launch this year? It doesn't look much different compare to the current one. Why not wait for the US facelift (if you insist to go for Camry). Paultan has blog about the US facelift before, looks like extended version of Altis.

If I were you(with few kids and quite loaded) I will go for Honda Stream. New car (not recon) while the facelift if damn chun!! I am thinking of changing car too, but too bad not loaded like you, just Civic 2.0. ^_^

Khoo San said...

Sifu Sam, I bought KNM at RM0.90, now left RM0.81 only.
What is your advice on this counter?

I think switching cars is not worth as newer cars have higher rate of depreciation. Anyway, your car is still quite new. But since you have gain so much from the stock market, the depreciation is chicken feed only. Haha!

Samgoss said...

2 Ben, agreed with u that d US face lift Camry ( see d latest attachment)looks better than China one, but too bad..i got d confirmation from head of UMW that we r following d china version not d US or HK choice liaooo. Y i wanna 2 change my car? is bcos of problems started 2 come in liaoo..cant blame it cos it is almost 6 years old car.

C class ? yes it is nice n young look but too bad, it is not as spacious like Accord n Camry.

2 118, u cant afford Harrier ? dont be so humble lah..actually most of us here can afford 2 buy merz or BMW , d question here is whether is it worth it 2 buy something which will becomes zero value after 20 years ? we r not Li kar sing or Robert kwok , we need 2 budget abit, but then horrr... dont be stingy 2 yrself , sometime u must treat yrself well oso, can u bring all yr wealth 2 coffin ? ha ha

Hence, we shld find d balance point lol ^_- Agree ?

DOw down > 2% liaoo... i think there would be another round of sell down 2molo. Chop or hold ? is all depend on yr cash vs shares ratio , if yr exposure in shares not exceeded than 30% , u shld keep it 4 long term,otherwise..u shld sell some off 4 safe play.

Come 2 H1n1 , Y so worry about this virus, check its death rate , d death rate is less than 0.3% , 1/3000 ! look at US , they hv more than 10,000 ppl got infected , do u see any hu ha from US Gov on this swine flu ?

I can tell u this, sooner or later, WHO will lift its alert level to 7 (Maximum), so what ? cry ? come on..d earth is still turning n horse still running oso . Mkt is taking this as an excuse 4 correction after almost 35% rise since month of Feb.

2 ees , I got yr point there , but one must know that shares mkt always react 6 to 9 months ahead of d actual economy, therefore we shld see mkt pick up ard Feb +- 2010.

Jasmine a.k.a Hui Shin said...

Kfima price going to near RCECAP
if both price is same which u will choose?

Jack said...

Sam.. need your advise. My avg price for KFIMA is like you 0.68+- so which is best? keep? chop and keep cash? or chop and swap to RCECAP? PANTECH?

just pondering options now... i have holding power, but wondering if i should just take the loss and ride another stock up.. thanks Sifu

cken said...

Sifu want to change car hor... for me, I also a Honda fan. When the new Accord lanched. I also think the the front view is a failure. But after some time watching. it's ok woh. quit a timeless design. very 'kem thei'.
What u want to do with your old car. I suggest u put it on auction for your fans. Car being used by Samgoss woh. I am sure it can get a high price. I will be the first one bit. but make sure the starting bit is low enough. say... 50K. haha...

Have hold Kfima and RCECAP. looking forward to buy more if they slide further.

Unknown said...

Sam, I think you are really champion. Your exited just at the right time before Bursa came tambling down. A Lot of of people know how to buy but don't know how to sell. I really have to solute you as you are really "神的兒子"

Ha Ha Ha

Unknown said...

I have driven 3 honda accord, and I have driven 2 camry. Definately camry is better as in comfort, noise level, space, performance, and most important after sales and service is really good. You can get free coffee, tea, as well as nasi lemak in their outlet. How about that for after sales and service?

Unknown said...

Sifu, looks like mkt giving chance to those missed the earlier boat. Thks for ur help, as always picks spot on from ur FA crystal ball :)

On the cars, last year was choosing between Accord and Camry but ended up getting Mazda 6 2.5 - no regrets whatsoever!! Specs better, great handling, much better look than both, 18 inch rims, BOSE sound system, sun roof, paddle shift gears, CBU Japan, leather seats, etc. Camry and Accord really common on the road now, only thing Mazda resale may be lower.

MR said...


I'd still go for accord, the look is in the eye of the beholder, spare part price - subjective, but overall service experience, honda is better, but you're being humble, im sure you can get 1 sedan for the wet market and the elise to attract leng lui.. haha


Samgoss said...

Woww..see? so many rich buggers here Like Guan Yew ,Tailow, ceasar,Ben, Myke8888 n.... now only u ppl confessed ha ha...

2 Ceasar, as u know, I am a typical china man , Yes.Mazda 6 looks good oso but typical china mans always choose 2 buy ARKOR N KAMLI ^_- he he including me oso.

2 Guan yew,

I exited just at the right time before Bursa came tambling down? I am "神的兒子" ? ha ha..u must be joking bro..though I hv taken profit on most of my stocks but still I hv some in hand such as tgoffwa , kfima ... so , how 2 be named as 神的兒子? if i am son of god , I dont hv 2 work anymore , I will sailang all on UEMland @0.51 n sell all @1.96 liaooo...bukan ?

Noone can time d exit n entry correctly , d best way 2 deal with it is monitor yr fund allocation ( Cash vs shares ratio ).

2 those who interested on genting sp, fyi, I hv q 2 buy genting sp @ 0.63 for 10 lots this morning , will buy in another 10 lots @ < 0.60. 2 Jason, did u do d same oso ? ^_-

Yah b4 i 4get , take a look at kfima, today vol is damn thin , as at now only 98.9 lots traded , where r those heavy vol that traded last week gone ? use common sense 2 analyse y !? y ?

When stock goes down, vol getting lesser n lesser ..what it try 2 tell ?

When stock goes down with heavy vol , what it try 2 tell u ?

U dont need 2 be genius 2 know d indication behind this ^V^

Samgoss said...

Something 2 share with u guys , d one whose called the crisis the most serious in his lifetime has changed his view from negative 2 positive, read d below >

On Business Times.

BILLIONAIRE hedge fund manager George Soros said the worst of the global financial crisis is over, and called for new international regulations to maintain open markets.

“Definitely, the worst is behind us,” Hungarian-born Soros said in an interview yesterday with Polish television station TVN24.

He called the crisis the most serious in his lifetime, adding, “This is the end of an era. The question is what’s going to come out of it in the future.”

Without new international regulations, “globalisation will fall apart,” possibly spawning a system of “state capitalism” like the one that exists in China, he said.

Soros, who recently returned from China, said the world’s third-largest economy is “growing in strength” because the country was relatively unaffected by the crisis. -- Bloomberg

sky138 said...

Hi Sifu,

My guess, Kfima thin vol @ low price bcos nobody wanna sell because it's fundamental very strong?

Samgoss said...

2 all d Honda fans out there , see d latest attachement ( My 2 darlings ), I am just like u guys , those days I am 100% Honda fan , Camry is totally out of my mind , I like nothing but Accord ! Sad 2 say...d latest Accord is not up 2 my expectation at all ! d front view is like shit ^V^ ( 2 those Accord owner, sorry if i offended u )

2 Camry fans , here i come 2 u... this would be my first TOYOTA ^_-

herbert said...

walao eh. Uncle sam. Your house very big le. I think manage to put 6 proton waja loh.

Jack said...

"When stock goes down, vol getting lesser..what it try 2 tell?"
"When stock goes down with heavy vol , what it try 2 tell u ?"
"U dont need 2 be genius 2 know d indication behind this ^V^"

Sifu, my guess is all the contra kaki gone, so selling pressure is not as high as other stock with lousy FA. When stock goes down with heavy vol, too many contra kaki caught at high..

Do you mind sharing your knowledge for this? I'm afraid my common sense not as geng as you!!

Steed said...

i suggest Camry too, Toyota is durable proven... sure no regret, go ahead Sam.

jensen said...

Hi Sam
Did you sell all your RCECAP yet?
If not how many lots do you still holding?

myke8888 said...

Sam... Nice house... As for me, I cannot afford to buy new car yet.
Still in the red.. but hope to recover though.. Cheers

Unknown said...

Sifu i have 11000 shares of Genting Sp currently at 0.705$ (average price). ^^ Will be hunting for more soon maybe a little more lower. Maybe 0.62$ ~ ^^

Hope can have 20k to 50k of this baby before it flies lah... When fly we won't know but will surely fly. Like your favorite quote which i think you long time didnt use already... "Slowly BUT Surely!"

About your questions, hope i can answer it right >>>

When stock goes down, vol getting lesser n lesser ..what it try 2 tell ?

People are scared!

When stock goes down with heavy vol , what it try 2 tell u ?

Especially the non FA counters will dive faster compared to those FA stocks. When market bleed all will bleed but how much and how fast only...

Hope i got the answers to your questions correctly! ^^ Sifu dont forget ya, Buy camry must be Pearl White!!!!! ^^

And hell yeah this Sifu is damm humble too... I am pretty sure he can afford a BMW Z4 if he wants but he still choose cars like Camry! ^^

Signing off.. ^^

skiddtrader said...

Congrats on your new Camry then Sam.

herbert said...

Hi Uncle Sam,

Thanks u for killing all those TA bugger.. Is time for me to resume for my blogging.. ^_^.. no more disturbance anymore...

TA can work?? my foot!!! Pls show me you kancil will do.. Dun need to show me Honda *Grin* ok??

Honda lai liao.. uncle Sam... haha..

Felix Ooi said...


Those Honda's you showed me in 2003. I thought you'd change to a 5series liao. Pity me until today drive company van only.

Timo K said...

Sam, wat do u think on recent correction? can we start to chase for in stage? Share like UEMLand, RCE, Pantech, KNM..all drop more than 25% from their level two weeks ago..

Jack said...

What are your thoughts about the upcoming US Federal Open Market Committee results later?


Samgoss said...


2 jensen, about my current holding, pls refer 2 d attached portfolio, all posted there ^_-

2 Felix, company van or company JET ? ha ha...I heard u r doing very well recently , how many mil u hv made from biz n eti ?

BMW 5 series ? too expensive 4 me..cant afford leh ha ha

D answer 4 kfima regarding its vol is :-

When price goes down with thin vol means , big buggers r still holding , they reluctant 2 sell off, supporting is still there , once mkt rebound, they will come up faster .

Still d same old saying , short term is still bumpy but if one look 4 longer term says 6 to 9 months from now, he will get what he wants ^V^

30624700 said...

"When price goes down with thin vol means , big buggers r still holding , they reluctant 2 sell off, supporting is still there , once mkt rebound, they will come up faster"

(When price goes down with thin vol + supporting is still there .)

Does this u mean a win win situation? = guarantee profit when the economy back to pretty. And we should sell when they (the big bugger) sell the share?

Not like those lau yar FA = guarantee die. Which means "When stock goes down with heavy vol "

Am i correct Unlce sam? Pls advice. Learning the economy common sense. sorry for so much question.


(buy malaysia goods)
earn money a lot in malaysia, should buy proton maa , buy expensive car everyday caught in jam,hati tarak senang park at supermarket .

market always irrational
but sifu sam always rational.

longpinezi said...

Sifu sam , read the below > sour moolah banned his fans bcoz they talked about you in his blog, what a sour cow .

In seng cbox>

24 Jun 09, 17:36
mydreamgetrich: n u realise ezi keep toking abt sam. maybe tat oso piss moo abit.. n we tok rubbish all the time

cycle: or make new chatbox?
24 Jun 09, 16:59
cycle: so now chat here?
24 Jun 09, 16:59
ezi: you can see my comment on ah sam
24 Jun 09, 16:59
ezi: nope.
24 Jun 09, 16:59
ezi: language is not the issue as from the beginning it was like that
24 Jun 09, 16:58

24 Jun 09, 16:58
mydreamgetrich: say the truth la.. we dun mind
24 Jun 09, 16:58
mydreamgetrich: ezi u r sam kaki izit?

24 Jun 09, 16:58
cycle: wm la...
24 Jun 09, 16:58
cycle: i mind my language wat...
24 Jun 09, 16:58
mydreamgetrich: ppl oledi give warning
24 Jun 09, 16:58
ezi: one of the reason for closing cpcb is ah sam or i would said the main reason. hehehe

In CPCB chat box >

m: sorry..
24 Jun 09, 16:52
cycle: we did wat...
24 Jun 09, 16:52
m: i already requested you guys to stop the profanity here.
24 Jun 09, 16:52
mydreamgetgold: watch ur language la
24 Jun 09, 16:52
mydreamgetgold: i think i told u his reason
24 Jun 09, 16:51
cycle: y, moo moo
24 Jun 09, 16:51
m: this cbox will be closed down. sorry.
24 Jun 09, 16:51
m: You guys start looking for own cbox, ok.

cycle: like samgoose ar?
24 Jun 09, 16:40
cycle: very cinapek...
24 Jun 09, 16:40
mydreamgetgold: lol
24 Jun 09, 16:40
mydreamgetgold: cinapek buy camry.. big n cheap (worth the money)
24 Jun 09, 16:39
weALthmaGnet: single playboy
24 Jun 09, 16:39
mydreamgetgold: so cycle u cinapek?
24 Jun 09, 16:39
ezi: masali
24 Jun 09, 16:39
weALthmaGnet: cycle has a porsche carrerra la
24 Jun 09, 16:39
cycle: tk drive wat then?
24 Jun 09, 16:39
weALthmaGnet: dream...
24 Jun 09, 16:39
ezi: "ball-che" porche
24 Jun 09, 16:39
cycle: how u knw i not cinapek?
24 Jun 09, 16:38
mydreamgetgold: camry to cinapek for him

Samgoss said...

Woww..this is a good stuff longpine , hooo hooo...who is spamming who now ? i wanna 2 buy camry oso they knew ar ? sour moolah oh sour moolah....

cannot like that lah,,,how can u banned yr team members just bcos they talked about me ? like that oso u jealous ar ? aiyoo yooo

k..i will blog this up if i am free.

thks longpine, this is really useful 2 me.

118 said...

Wat a joke, Spain lost 2 US 0-2. Could u imagine if Brazil also defeated by S Africa 2nite, would u still b staying awake in d midnite 2 watch d final? $ifu, ur long awaited final between Brazil n Spain is impossible now.
$ifu follow u bot 5 lots of Genting SP @0.65 yesterday. May b d price is a bit high but i "kia su" le, so grab 5 lots first n hope 2 buy more shoud d price dip further.

Samgoss said...

2 118, ya..what a upset...spain lost 2 USA , but i dun think this will happen 2 brazil tonite, in fact, this will make it more easier 4 brazil 2 retain its title ^_-

2 all, I hv bot back another 30 lots of rcecap @ 0.585 this morning ( see d latest attachment ), Y i do that ? it is bcos i couldnt get any of genting sp @0.63, choice but 2 focus back on rcecap again.

Oppss..someone told me that random has created a new chatbox in cpcb again..woww..really daring wor ! u dare 2 offend yr sifu cow ar ? my respect ^_- salute !

Seems like more n more ppl started 2 disagreed with sour cow liaooo...cant blame them , how 2 get along with 心胸狹窄 guy like sour moolah ? opps...he doesnt understand his mother tongue one wor !?? can someone translate 心胸狹窄 4 him ?

GTG go 4 late lunch ^_-

Unknown said...

I wonder how many ppl lost money yesterday taking Spain... Kelong king lah Spain... Lolx...

This year USA take confederations cup already lah... wakkakaa

Unknown said...

halo, i call you sifu too la.

do you think the klci already stop lao sai ? this 2 days already up about 30 points again.

is it time to enter again ??

i am your blog silent reader so far.

ck5354 said...

Michael Jackson died of heart attack.

Unknown said...

sifu, any comment on liondiv? one of my favourite counter.

Poker_limit said...

Hi sifu here is my below 1cents advice

if base on value , u should bought honda accord
that is becoz honda accord is a 2008 model,camry is a 2006 model. If next time u sell your camry the value will slightly lower 3-5k compare with the accord

this we can according to the previous camry, here give u a example currently honda accord 05 2.0 trade in around 84-85K , 2.0Camry just around 78-80K,that is becoz the camry is 02 model. accord is 03~ !

Samgoss said...

Thanks Poker , I dun really mind about 5K+ losses btwn camry n accord, FYI, B4 d launching of new accord , I am damn keen 2 buy Accord , ended up nothing but big dissapointment ! make me with no choice but 2 focus my view on camry , i found that its face lift model will be out within a year , that stop me from buying d curent camry , i was told that d new face lift camry will be out by this Sep 09 ^_-

All d while i knew that d performance n quality of toyota is better than honda but still i pick honda is bcos of d design ! too bad.. d outlook of d latest accord is damn yaky ( front view ) ,appearance tak ada , quality lower than camry , performance lower than camry , y should i pick her again ? bukan ^_-

2 118, yes ! Brazil is in final again ! i dun know whether i shld feel happy or not cos d champion of d confederation cup has never won world cup b4 ! ha ha....

Liondiv ? its latest Qe is in negative + william Cheng has disposed in big bulk recently >>

Friday, 29 May 2009

6:08PM Variation to the Terms & Conditions of Direct Reduced Iron Off-Take Agreement

Thursday, 28 May 2009

8:42PM Lion Development (Penang) Sdn Bhd (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:41PM Datuk Cheng Yong Kim (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:41PM Tan Sri Cheng Heng Jem (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:41PM Lion Realty Private Limited (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:41PM Tan Sri Cheng Heng Jem (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:40PM Horizon Towers Sdn Bhd (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:40PM Lion Industries Corporation Berhad (63,500 Shares Disposed)
8:39PM Datuk Cheng Yong Kim (902,200 Shares Disposed)
8:39PM Lion Corporation Berhad (902,200 Shares Disposed)
5:36PM Nine-month net loss 266.295 million

Stay away 4 d time being.

Steed said...

sifu, any comment on compugt? Top volume for few weeks already...

Poker_limit said...

that is base on value , if performance Camry is totally ahead honda especially 车脚。honda really very lousy~ camry 1 will more solid! currently camry comfortable is near BMW 5 series when the speed below 120 km/h~ their performance will not lose to BMW, but when over it the performance will drop alot~ this is coz of the body weight effected !

anyways if u choose camry better fit in a bodykit ~ that will more nicely~

my personal like GOLF GTI alot their pre-register price is 179,800~
but need to investment now so dun wish to choose to + commitment ~

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

I'm new here but follow your blog abt 2-3mnths.

Beside Accord/Camry, have you check on Mazda 6? It is very cool car. Sport looks as well (not too uncle :P)