Subject: FW: I am Malay, and proud of it -- by RPK
It is time the crutches are removed and the Malays learned how to walk with their heads held up high. Malays have to be made to believe that the Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP is an insult and that is suggests Malays are weak creatures.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Religious superstition and persecution never ceases to amaze me. Take the case of Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow of Mogadishu, Somalia. On 27th October 2008, 13-year old Aisha was killed. She was killed when 1,000 people stoned her to death. And she was stoned to death because three men had raped her. She was raped, so they accused of adultery.
Imagine a 13-year old girl killed in a most brutal manner because she was raped by three men. Should it not be the three men who should have instead been stoned to death? And do you not wonder why Islam suffers from a serious image problem? Muslims should take stock of what they are doing and understand the disservice they are doing to Islam.
Our religious rehabilitation by the Kamunting detention camp started on the Tuesday after Deepavali. The highlight of the sessions was the "nasi tomato" and the chicken wing in a plastic bag that they served for lunch, courtesy of JAKIM but paid for by the Malaysian taxpayers, 90% who are Chinese.
The JAKIM ustaz told us that Islam is the true religion and that all other religions are false. We were reminded not to believe in or follow other religions, which are not accepted and recognized by God. Only the Koran is the true Holy Book and was sent to us by God through the Prophet Muhammad. All other books are false and were created by man and did not come from God.
We must also not copy or ape the non-Muslims as that will lead us astray and we will become an apostate if we act like the kafir. He did not, however, give any examples on what would be considered acting like a kafir.
In the meantime, in another incident that happened outside the Kamunting detention camp, an UKM lecturer explained that Muslims should not do yoga or meditate, as the origin of this is Hinduism. Muslims who do yoga or meditate would be led astray, argued the wise man from UKM. He then asked the religious scholars to come out with a fatwa or decree banning Muslims from doing yoga or meditating.
It is ironical that the JAKIM ustaz who visited Kamunting chose that subject matter to kick off our religious rehabilitation program. The article that got me into trouble with the government and which resulted in my detention under the Internal Security Act said exactly the same thing. I pointed out that the Friday prayer sermons run down the other religions. I also argued that we are told not to ape the non-Muslims or take them as our friends as the non-Muslims are sworn enemies of Islam and can never be our friends. For that I was detained under the Internal Security Act and my first lecture happened to be the very thing I said and which got me detained.
There are in fact many things which Malays do and which originated from Hinduism. Take the stringing up of coloured lights as one example. Seven days before Hari Raya Malays would string up coloured lights around their home, sometimes even on trees like they do during Christmas. This is a throwback of the old days when they used to use kerosene or oil lamps. And this was a custom borrowed from Deepavali because the Arabs do not do this.
So, the next time you pass by a Malay house during Hari Raya and you see all those coloured lights you can smile, knowing that the occupant of that house is borrowing a Hindu ritual -- only that he or she does not know it.
If we really want to go into the long list of Hindu customs and rituals that the Malays have borrowed the list would be endless. We should not ape the kafir, the religious scholars tell us. If not we would become a kafir. Well, what about wearing a tie, coat and pants? Is this not a kafir attire?
How many Malays go about wearing a robe and turban? Even that UKM lecturer who wants a fatwa issued banning Malays from doing yoga or meditation wears kafir clothes. Look at all the Malay government officers. They all wear kafir clothes and sometimes a tie as well. The security forces all wear kafir uniforms with a kafir hat on their heads.
We count our days using a Christian calendar. I am facing various charges for crimes I committed on certain days of the Christian calendar. What was the day of the Islamic calendar, the Hijrah calendar, that I committed my crimes? The charge sheet does not say.
I am facing various charges in a kafir court. The charges I am facing are crimes according to kafir laws. I was also under detention without trial according to a kafir law. In fact, according to Islam, I have not committed any crime. And Islam does not allow for detention without trial.
For that matter not only have I not committed a crime, according to Islam, but what I have done is what Islam has actually made mandatory. Islam makes it mandatory for all Muslims to perform "Amar Makruf, Nahi Munkar". This means to uphold good and oppose evil. All Muslims must do this without exception. Not doing it, according to Islam, makes you an extremely weak Muslim.
I, however, am now facing trial and was under detention without trial for performing my Islamic duty. And kafir laws, not Islamic laws, are being used against me. Kafir laws are being used against Muslims for doing what Islam has made mandatory.
And what is the reaction of Muslims to all this? What is the UKM lecturer doing about it? Is he up in arms about the kafir system being implemented against Islam? Is the Member of Parliament for Kulim demonstrating on the streets and screaming, "I am a Muslim first I don't care about other people's opinions"?
Okay, the UKM lecturer wants yoga and meditation banned and the Kulim MP wants to shut the mouths of anyone who wants to talk about Islam. But that is about it. It never goes beyond that,
Sometimes the Malays can be amazing. Okay, not sometimes, most times. Now UMNO wants Zaid Ibrahim sacked as a Malay. Can any Malay actually be sacked as a Malay? I wonder, but UMNO thinks it can be done. UMNO says that Zaid would be nobody -- he would not be a lawyer of the biggest law firm in Malaysia -- if he was not a Malay and the country did not have Ketuanan Melayu and the New Economic Policy.
Zaid thinks that that is an insult. He would like to believe he is what he is because he is Zaid and because he is smart. If he would instead be a simple fisherman in Tumpat, Kelantan, without the benefit of Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP, then this means Zaid is actually quite stupid.
I share Zaid's view. I also would like to believe that I am "somebody" and "special" because I am Raja Petra. If it is because of Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP, and if not because of that I would be washing cars in Bangsar, then this would certainly make me very unhappy.
Yes, Zaid and people like him do not need crutches. Only losers need crutches. And that is why UMNO wants these crutches to remain, because they are all a bunch of losers. I would like to believe that I am what I am because of who I am and not because of Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP. I take pride in that. I would hate people saying, "of course Raja Petra is successful. He is a Malay and Malays have Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP to help them. Malays need crutches to get ahead."
It is time the crutches are removed and the Malays learned how to walk with their heads held up high. Malays have to be made to believe that the Ketuanan Melayu and the NEP is an insult and that it suggests Malays are weak creatures. Malays must be proud of their achievements and not credit their achievements to the protection and special privileges they enjoy because they are Malay. The Malays used to be a proud race. Now they are no longer proud. They accept that they are weak. So they demand protection to compensate for this weakness.
Read this part :-
The JAKIM ustaz told us that Islam is the true religion and that all other religions are false. We were reminded not to believe in or follow other religions, which are not accepted and recognized by God
2 be fair , not only Jakim ustaz said that, most od d fathers from christian churchs also said d same ! they even said those statues that we prayed r all evil ! bukan ?y only yr god is d true god n others r false ? imagine if one born as malay , obviously he will becomes muslim , how could u say he is stupid bcos of choosing islam as his religion ? think a little if u born as malay, arent u a muslim also ?
2 those religion extremist , if u think those meals that we served to our ancestor or god r stupid ? perhaps u should read this part :-
How many Malays go about wearing a robe and turban? Even that UKM lecturer who wants a fatwa issued banning Malays from doing yoga or meditation wears kafir clothes. Look at all the Malay government officers. They all wear kafir clothes and sometimes a tie as well. The security forces all wear kafir uniforms with a kafir hat on their heads.
Not only that, how about using computer , using fork n spoon 4 makan , handphone , aeroplane , lihgt , cars n .... r all these not kafir also ! bukan ? ha ha...
It is school holidays time , jom mari kita pergi huashan..woww!!! adakah ini bercuti atau bunuh diri ? siapa berani ?
Lastly, there is a letter written by Dr Syed Alwi Mohd to Dr Mahatir Mohd :-
Dear Sam,
This posting (inclusive of RPK) is so long and I need to have 26 click of my mouse to reach to the comments section. Hope u do another post soon so I dun have to click so many times to reach your comments section . Lazy me kekeke
Sifu sam , seng's proton down 17cts today , see yrself how he covered up >
Seng: hitman, you must be absolutely sure it is bottom. If you're wrong in your assessment of bottom, you're dead meat because you just increased your exposure.
19 Nov 08, 17:32
newbie: DJF -155
19 Nov 08, 17:30
Seng: Potong :egyptian ...
19 Nov 08, 17:30
Seng: But honestly, Potong is probably not a suitable quick trade stock, so, I'll stick to my position trade and play according to plan ... just do nothing until I see a better and much lower price
19 Nov 08, 17:29
Seng: But I also sense volatility ... so, the desire for quick trades is there also ...
19 Nov 08, 17:29
Seng: dreamy, agree with your 17:21 comment fully, and I'm glad you also see it that way. But as for wanting the price to come down, there's a dillemma because on one hand, yes, but on the other hand, the CI hasn't come down much, but Potong is now something like double digit % loss, substantially higher than CI loss. I don't know what to make out of this move, even though I expect it and it's not a surprise, but I don't sense it's capitulation. Anyway, the question of course is average down or not, and this is a question that I must answer for myself privately. At the moment, my gut feel leans towards no, not yet ...
2 okating , first, i need to give seng a big hand 4 his forehand call of proton @ 2.00 ^V^ finally he has done it !
from here u can see that his TA method is absolutely out ! @ 2.00, proton was traded @ 98 crisis price n form a head n shoulders pattern, may be bcos of this he jumped in n buy ! ha ha...didnt i warned u not to catch d falling knife ?
If TA is workable, he will not buy in proton @ 2.00 !
btw, is proton not worth a cts at all ? of course not ! every stock has its value but definitely not a buy @ 2.00 !
2 ck about FS , well... my exisitng house's FS all r DIY , but 4 d coming one , i hv consulted a feng shui master 4 my new house , let c how good he is in 3 years time ^V^
Well said Sam.
Since I am not that busy today, let me give some comment on the religion issue. In fact not only Christian and Muslim, Buddhist does have some extremist. For example, my cousin and uncles are all serving a god who wants you to swear in front of them to be a vegetarian for life. Once you have sworn in, you are not allowed to step out anymore (this is similar to Muslim and some Christian). They management team of that temple even curse those ppl who regretted later to die in horror.
Question: do you think a god is still a god while he/she cursed? For my very point of view, god is still a god, cursing wasn’t done by them but the stupid, selfish and uneducated management team of that temple. The same principle applied to Muslim and Christian as well. Followers tend to believe whatever told by management team as message from god, but never realized that there are always a personal agenda behind.
For my point of view, god should be a great man, a saint. God should have at least the ethics of:
包容 – containment : tolerance of other religion, races. No criticism, discrimination.
宽恕 – forgiveness : tolerance mistake of others.
无私 – unselfishness : put interest of others before yourself. Interest of others should be acting in good faith
If the god you are praying now do not have the above morality, what is the point of continue praying them? Some ppl said, I pray god because god is great!! But what makes god great? God was once human, they are not borne immortal. God is great because they have great morality.
This world is already divided by boundary of countries; don’t make it divided more by religion and races. We all are human, we should work together for a better world.
sifu sam... backhand seng at it again...
Seng: Fundamental analysis sucks! TA rocks
Seng: Everyone has their targets which are all different. I'm not smart enough to give a target, but I can see the downside bias is strong ... no point arguing whether stocks is cheap or not. What is cheap gets cheaper. Period.
haha... if TA so chun.. how come buy proton @rm2?
and if his TA so good... y dun dare give a target of when turnaround?
seng seng.. u really make my day when i read ur comments.. haha
believe in YOUR God or Buddha..
everything you do, thot about doing or said may have repercussions...
believe in Karma, it is the result of our own past actions and our own present doings and you shall be rewarded or punish. It is the law of cause and effect.
Speak less evil, think less evil of others, do more good and You will be bless...
Have a profitable day... :-)
2 Eric n all TA followers , this is yr TA method all about :-
Seng claimed he bought GS @ avg 97 n citi @ 8.50 , Citi closed @ 6.40 n GS closed @ 55.18 yesterday , woww so much down from his cost ? what happening to his TA method ? y ? his TA never tell him it is a bear trap meh ? think a little dudes ! is TA works ? my foot ! :-
18 Nov 08, 11:38
Seng: He inspired me. I bought GS at $63 last night ... averaged down. My cost is now closer to $80, which is well below his. I'm making a long term bet that GS will recover in 5 years time ...
18 Nov 08, 11:46
cycle: seng, u must be clear on certain things ? hahahaha
18 Nov 08, 11:46
Seng: My US stocks will be bargain hunting ... and lock into freezer for 5 years .. I have no interest to stay up during midnight and in the mornings to trade, so, this one is pure investment portfolio.)))))
Karma karma ..speak no evil ! ha ha..sorry..this one got nothing to do with karma , this is to alert those newbies not to take shares mkt as casino.
ah Seng kor koyak betul. a 3yr old kid also knows don catch the falling knife, but the seng macam pergi shopping mega sales in high profile, perhaps he wanted to show off his bottom catching skill (kalau ada lah), but he kena caught instead.. pity him lah. still don want to admit it's his own call, but blamed his long time idol Buffett... aiyo, and i thought AAB was the most flip-flopping guy in malaysia. anyway, ah seng kor rasa malu betul, wanna go hiding already, as he announced to his fellow gang.. end of cerita.
a comment on your comment about extremist. Not only a christian, muslim, buddhist can be extremist. Even a person who dont believe in God, an atheist, can be an extremist. In fact many people practise extremism in alcohol, sex, eating habits, work habits, temper, etc etc. Unfortunately, some people demonstrate their extremism using religion as a tool to suit their own particular character.
To be very frank, i hv never heard muslim or hustaz saying we r praying to evil ( statues )in front of me , but i hv heard lot of christian esp church fathers saying those gods ( statues) that we buddhist prayed r all evil ! i can tell u that we buddhist will never critic others by saying their gods r evil ! never ! if u doubt, check it yrself !
I hv met a christian father in late 90s , he told me that as long as u dont believe in jesus, u will go to hell no matter how kind hearted or how good u r in past , if u believe in Jesus , u will go to heaven though u did lot of bad things in past ! my reply was "NAH !! my foot ! if u guys doubt, post d same question to yr church father , check it yrself ^V^
4 those who hv this type of mentality , pls stop doing that , there is no different btwn yr god n mine ! i am sure u will get angry also if someone telling right in front of u that d god u prayed is actually evil !
2 bull tak naks , now u see what i means by " d one whose asked ppl not to catch d falling knife is actually catching d falling knife ! GS down from 97 to 55.18 , where is d stop loss that he always stressed ? y no stop loss ? or u hv endorsed d method of "buy n hold " like bullbear did ka ?
Wanna to know where is my entry point 4 citigroup ? i will let u know when i am in ^V^
This is getting interesting. This Seng fellow is a TA/ FA guy? sekejap TA, sekejap FA! I am getting confused liao!
Anyway, if he is a TA guy, what kind of TA he is learning? My old master who taught me TA used to remind me not to average down in trading. (my very first lesson in TA) Whatever lose, is lose! No point average down. I think all TA peoples realise that! But, this crazy Seng seems real good in averaging down. Funny huh!
If he is a FA, lagi worse. All his so called sense and logic no sense and logic at all. I just wondering why still got people bodek him in his blog. funny huh!
Time for a BREAK!!!
Latest Christmas carol for 2008
a good way to remember year 2008. Hahaha...
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.
It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town
It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!
Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH
You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.
TOTALLY AGREE with you Benjamin!
Very well said.
I couldn't find the words to describe that same idea that I also share with you -- the way you said it -- nicely put!
I think as a personal belief, most religions are good... trouble is actually stemming from the "management team".. and most of the time the followers do not seem to deeply think about what is taught by the "management team" (hoho I like this description.. corporate ka?) to them.. just follow only.. "ask you jump, you jump".. especially worrying when some of them seem to actively promote intolerance to other religions! That becomes the problem.
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