As I said, If i can make 30 to 40% gain from citi n AIG in short term,I will let it go, hence, I hv taken profit on citigroup @ USD6.35+- n 3 lots of AIG @ USD1.70 just now, it is now 1.23pm 25 Nov 2008 ( do I need TA to do my shares trades ? ) , I think it will come down to USD4.00 again b4 she goes further up. I hv keyed in to buy back Citigroup @ USD3.90 , I wish it can be done by today .
2 lots of Citigroup done @ avg USD 6.35+-, hence 6.35 - 4.80 = 1.58+- X 3.6+ = RM 5,700+- within 3 working days ^V^
AIG 1.70 - 1.45 = 0.25 x 3.6 x 3 lots = RM2,700 ( also within 3 working days )
Not bad yah ? what say u TA bloggers ?
Hello aka Seng, made 5% from day trades so happy ah ? what about those citi that u bought @ 8.50 ? n never forget yr GS @ avg 87.00 ? still far from breaking even lah !
How come FA player like me can buy @ much lower price than u without using any TA ? how come yr TA never tell u yr citi@8.50 is still far too high ?
Ha ha , I am telling d truth , I know not many can accept it , Jgn marah yah ^V^
2 Herbert , Make money like drinking water ? no no no ! all these r my hard sweat money , I am 100% confident that US gov will definitely bailout citigroup , that's y I dare to put my bet on her , target hit n is time 4 me to take profit liaooo..I am not greedy one , 30%+ gain is good enuf 4 me liaoo..dont 4get it only take me 3 working days to realised my profit , hence.. dah cukup lah..cabut !
4 d 3 giant car makers , this one I hv no confident on d bailout , I am not going to touch these stocks ! they may bailout one or 2 of them, hence..too risky for me to put my bet ^V^
I really cannot tahan liao Sam Ko.. Even Buffet also cannot tahan.. how so Ah Pek Seng.. Haha
Hi Sam,
Good call... looking at the deal they got it's pretty good... there's a lot fo positive commentaries around...
But looking from another perpective, no other banks have money to swallow bankrupt banks, everything now will rely on the US goverment... so they keep printing money out...
Next stage u think would be inflation period???... susah susah...
good call sifu sam...
i queued at usd4 on mon morning but didnt get it... :(
sifu sam,
do you think the worse yet to come?
in my humble opinion, i think the market now is jus reacting to the europhia of the appointment of summers and co.. because the housing price still slumping based on yesterday's night data.
2 be very frank, I know as long as citi still trading @ NYSE , buying @ 4.80 , is only matter of time 4 me to make $$$$ in mid n long term, but i never thought it can be so fast , 3 working days with 35% return ! not bad not bad ^V^
after 2 consecutive rise by dow , i think dow is due 4 correction liaoo.. hence , i am quite sure there is chance 4 me to buy back citi < 4.00 again ! dont 4get this thursday is a public holiday in US. n oso never 4get lots of economy datas would be out this week , downside risk is higher !
Seng said he wanna to sell @ 12.00 , ha ha let me remind u seng , be realistic abit lah... yr cost of citi @ 8.50 pun belum sampai..12 adalah khayalan in short term lah !
Sam , read the below> seng started to endorse yr low PE method, ha ha..never too late to learn from sam , seng ha ha
25 Nov 08, 16:50
Seng: It's beena while since I last look at Ramunia, but from memory, it has high P/E ... so, I tend to feel 91 sen might not be low enough too ...
25 Nov 08, 16:50
Ocean: less than RM1
Really ah ? seng endorsed my Low PE method ah ? ha ha anyway who cares ? his endorsement got nothing to do with me at all..endorse or not , it doesnt stop me from making $$$$$ from shares mkt .
IJM plunged 17cts today, as i said.. dont touch property n construction stocks ! d more u buy d more u die !
Auto industry will be d next , if u dont run now.. ( may be it is too late to run also aha ha ) u will die standing there !
after bailout of AIG n Citi, who will be d next bailout? US automakers ? beware my friends ha ha.. auto industry is different from finance industry , they may not do same like what they did to citi n aig , they may only bail out one or two automaker ..hence..dont put yr bet on automaker betting that US gov will definitely do d bailout ! beware !
hi sam,
i didnt receive your email for long time. you removed me from ur email list? heres my email fullwoofer@hotmail.com. congrat on your citigroup ^^. I m waiting for your call in this bear mkt. thx!
What u r doing to Citi & AIG is to squeeze every last drop of dollar profit from theirs share prices and congratulation you r so good at this art of mastery skills. Citi shares shoot up r due to large short covering with the big helping hand from the FED who view Citi is too big/well connected to fail indeed.
sam,any other ctrs besides citi n aig ?
2 gamelion, precisely ! as I told u d other day, citigroup is too big 4 US gov to be ignored , i played my game right ( Sun Tze art or war said, know yrself n yr enemy well )! this is how i won d game ! It is just like proton, though I am very negative on its future earning n its shares keep falling each day , but still i believe every shares has its value , @ 2.00 is definitely far too high from its FV , but not @ 1.00+- , Khazanah, EPF n Ltat will never let her die standing !
Another example is d lousy bumiputra bank, how many times she has been bailout by our Gov ?
D other US stocks that i am eyeing r coca-cola n P&G , but their price r not low enough yet, I will consider to buy in some once they drop another 30% ^V^
As at now, Citigroup is traded @ 6.28 , i dont think my 3.90 can be done by today.
Sifu Sam,
Have to wait another Opp already.
Sad News :
Temasek Cancels Sale of Singapore's Power Seraya.
Hi Sifu Sam,
just some sharing...
Temasek Cancels Sale of Singapore's Power Seraya... ytlpwr intended to bid for seraya, but now the singapore going to cancel the sale of it...
Congrats...Sam, on CITI and AIG.
2 felix, thx bro...lucky only ha ha...China slashed its key lending rate by the most in 11 years, extending efforts to prevent an economic slump less than three weeks after unveiling a 4 trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus plan, I think 2nd qtr of 09 is d best time to reenter shares mkt.
As 4 ytlpower n its wb, i think it is not that easy to catch it @ < 0.40 , about d Temasek 's Power Seraya , I dont think it will hv any great impact to ytlpower, at this type of bear mkt, there r still lots of water liu liu companies out there to hunt .
Hi Sam,
I just found out from RHBInvest that that's a limitation where we can not buy & sell during US makert trading hour. So i need to lock in the price in advance [during bursa working hour]. Correct me, if i'm wrong. Are you using services where can buy & sell during live trading hour offer from S'pore? (e.g.: Philip partner from S'pore0 as he said.
"They're taking the assets away from the competent people, giving them to the incompetent people and saying to the incompetent: 'OK, now you can compete with the competent people, with their money.' I mean, this is terrible economics. This is outrageous economics," Jim Rogers told the FT.
Sifu Sam, seng's no 1 fan jason has endorsed TA is useless, ha ha read the below >
27 Nov 08, 11:40
jasonred79: wait JL let me rephrase that... my winning trades are FA, my losses are TA. hahaha
27 Nov 08, 11:40
jasonred79: but failing miserably
27 Nov 08, 11:40
jasonred79: i am trying to use TA
27 Nov 08, 11:40
jasonred79: pure FA.
27 Nov 08, 11:40
JL: jason, currently u r trading based on TA or FA?
27 Nov 08, 11:40
jasonred79: wait... might be higher
27 Nov 08, 11:39
jasonred79: my short terms trades are 70% loss making i think
27 Nov 08, 11:39
jasonred79: but i currently suck at it
27 Nov 08, 11:39
jasonred79: i am TRYING to learn how to judge sentiment and charting and stuff
27 Nov 08, 11:38
Seng: Yes jason. I think your focus is more big picture - you're definitely more a big picture guy and top down than bottom up.
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forget about XXXXXX to go below 40?
Sam, Resorts drop heavily today.
Any bad news support that drop??
I am planning to buy some for long team investment until the next bull run.
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