Saturday, February 10, 2007

^V^ WHAT A MISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YTLPOWER-WA@0.84+- !!!^V^


Read d below YM conversation btwn me n choong yit thang 7 days ago>>

cyt (2/2/2007 3:13:36 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 3:13:37 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 3:13:43 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 4:57:29 PM): last 3 minsGOS (2/2/2007 4:57:31 PM): GOS (2/2/2007 4:57:36 PM): i know lahcyt (2/2/2007 4:57:54 PM): GOS (2/2/2007 4:58:02 PM): may be i will push it up to 0.57 for 100sharesGOS (2/2/2007 4:58:09 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 4:58:22 PM): u so free?cyt (2/2/2007 4:58:23 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 4:58:40 PM): dun worry, got ppl will do thatcyt (2/2/2007 4:58:55 PM): want to push, push > 60 cents lahcyt (2/2/2007 5:01:07 PM): clsoedcyt (2/2/2007 5:01:11 PM): today earn 4kcyt (2/2/2007 5:01:43 PM): today's transaction at 3.7billion! issit history high?GOS (2/2/2007 5:03:55 PM): 1.47bil lahcyt (2/2/2007 5:04:48 PM): valueGOS (2/2/2007 5:05:01 PM): vol that contcyt (2/2/2007 5:06:53 PM): ohh..GOS (2/2/2007 5:20:59 PM): something good for uGOS (2/2/2007 5:21:03 PM): u surely like itcyt (2/2/2007 5:21:04 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 5:21:06 PM): come come!GOS (2/2/2007 5:21:21 PM): u like ytl group ??cyt (2/2/2007 5:21:24 PM): article?GOS (2/2/2007 5:21:25 PM): cyt (2/2/2007 5:21:33 PM): u gimme $, i sure like itGOS (2/2/2007 5:21:45 PM): take a look at ytlpwr wa@0.84+-cyt (2/2/2007 5:21:50 PM): very much!GOS (2/2/2007 5:21:51 PM): look at its momGOS (2/2/2007 5:21:54 PM): got volumeGOS (2/2/2007 5:22:00 PM): n check insidecyt (2/2/2007 5:22:01 PM): but already rocketGOS (2/2/2007 5:22:12 PM): alot of block buying from its momGOS (2/2/2007 5:22:19 PM): ytlpowerGOS (2/2/2007 5:22:26 PM): where got rocket?cyt (2/2/2007 5:23:03 PM): ytlpower last time hot for a while, when ytl give free share to his shareholder, i remembercyt (2/2/2007 5:26:18 PM): will see see ytlpower

Hard to make decision , buy or not to buy at current level of 1.04 ?? it is in money warrant with expiry date more than 3 years, mother is blue chip, one of d blue chip that left far behind besides Bjtoto ! this warrant is much better than those goreng CAs . it is impossible for her to drop below 0.90 , question now is "buy or not to buy if she drop <1.00 ?

1 comment:

Just CS said...

I hold the mother share for > 4 years b4 really recover and subsequently making profit. Previously this counter doesn't attract much attention as the DY was low, business is stagnant plus they need to conserve cash for expansion. It is still a good counter but I believe u need the patient and prepare to hold.