Friday, June 5, 2009

^V^ Who spamming who ? Sour moolah做贼喊贼 !?


First of all, need 2 thanks okating 4 yr alert, woww..sour moolah n his papa seng barked again ! what 's wrong with u guys ? my results hurt u 2 once again ? aiyo yo... sorry lollll...*Grin* but then come u know my results ? spamming ? OMCOW ! u also do spamming ar ?

woww sitemeter wor !? ha ha let me tell u something lah..guys, if u wanna 2 get what sour moolah got in his site meter, simple, go 2 yr blog, change yr user ID to "samgoss" n post it 2 yrself, see whether u get what he has or not ? aiyah sour cow oh sour cow.. I never thought u can come out with such a dirty trick ! u feel proud with this dirty trick ? ha ha

if u wanna 2 win, tell me lah..ok lah..i let u win..ok ? stop crying liao ? ha ha..

Yah.. 2 sour moolah , do u know what is 做贼喊贼 ? it is not too difficult 2 understand this chinese word of 做贼喊贼 , u found it too difficult 2 understand yr mother tongue ? need my help ? ^_-

Guys.. read d below , u will know who is actually spamming from behind :-

See d above attachment , sour cow posted his comment under d name of samegang ^_^

Sour moolah , do u feel proud of what u r doing ? * grin " ...

Btw, just 2 make u more sour..take alook at our tgoff-wa ..1.20 liaooo...macam mana ? u hurt again ? jgn marah yah !?


1 – 200 of 318   Newer›   Newest»
Samgoss said...

Guys, there is another stock started with " K " saying hello 2 u guys..vol started 2 pick up liaoo...price below 1.00 ^_-..

Political link oso but not too darling like uemland, let me know once u got it...

U guys can post yr guess here , let share with all of us..ok ? if it is correct , as usual, I will not post it up until i make it public. so that u will know whether yr guess is correct or not ^_-

hv a nice weekend ^_-

Kiddie said...

Hi sam,
The stock u mentioned izzit property stock named KSL??

tsohtan said...

Guess KSL!!!
Ren her: so so only -_-'

ETHAN said...

it is Keuro

GK said...

sam, let see my guess is correct? KUB.
Based on 31/3/09 result, EPS 0.44cts, 0.44 x 4 = 1.76cts. PE is ard 3.

Unknown said...


My guess is Kumpulan Fima.

Dun waste your energy figthing back at sour cow n sour seng. Let them keep on sour till rotten...

tsohtan said...

Hi GK,
How you get PE ard 3?

The formula not like this meh??

Current price /EPS* 4


So should 4 mah, or am wrong???

And ya This should be the one,

KSL seem to so so ON Ren her.
But KUB.. i think is this la... sai lang :D:D:D

Samgoss said...

2 brian..fighthing ? ha ha...where got fighthing with them ..i am teasing them only ^_-

Check yrself, who is d culprit of all these ? me or sour cow ? ha ha

U can also see sour cow attacked TTB of icapital , what he think he is ? not level play at all ! TTB got proven track records , his icapital is one of d best fund besides PB mutual, what d heck sour moolah think he is ? he got any proven track records like TTB ? mana ?

He is really " horse doesnt know its face is long " ha ha... sour moolah, u found it too difficult 2 understand yr mother tongue ? need my help ? grin.

Freeman Woo and Team said...

Dear Uncle Sam,

izzit KSL?????? PE+-3 ??

tcg82 said...

bro sam,
bravo and many congratz on your 7228wa that's another excellent pick
kfima is my guess which you have bought before
g'luck 2u n samgang, cheers

ringgityen said...


Keladi is it?

HC said...

At first i tot it's knm but it's > 1.00. So my guess is KSL?

herbert said...

i just done/ bought 10 lot of RCEcap this morning at 0.60 cent.. what the hack man!! so high... hopefully he can touch 0.80 cents by end of the month.. bingo!!

Timo K said...

KFIMA-PE:3.94, EPS:16.75. Although turnover for Q4 down, but profit gainned.

Mr.Ling said...

sifu sam,
i found 3 of it,kfima, ksl, kub
kfima, PE 5.?? np 30.287m up-trend
ksl, PE 3.?? np 14.912m div 10% adjustment
kub, PE 7.?? np 8.461m div 2.4s up-trend

and my answer goes to KUB. IT just picking UP. second waves is coming.

PS: my info comes from PBBShare n chartnexus. sry if data is incorect.

sotong said...

Uncle Sam,I've been following your blog recently and I find it very informative and educational for beginner like me.... thanks so much! Hope to learn more from you. :)
My guess is KFIMA! Low PE and recent financial qtr good.

Samgoss said...

Wowww..dow up again , Crude oil oso up ... good !very good, I think there shld be another round of rise 4 O N G stocks come this monday, 2 those who still holding tgoff-wa.. I will sell in stages next week "IF" its mom shoot up again come this monday ^_-, confidently i will say 40 to 50K profit from tgoffwa shld'nt be any problem liaooo..oppss... sour cow n seng r spamming out there, need 2 be low profile abit, otherwise they will get hurt again..sorry yah ^_-

About d "K" , can u guys think of others besides those that mentioned above ? come..more pls..who knows we can find out more gem from yr guess ? bukan ?

Some of yr guesses r not bad ,their dili r not bad only lack of ren her , once d ren her is there, $$$ will be there oso.

Anymore "K" ?

ETHAN said...

possibly karambunai or keuro. picking up though karambunai is loosing money recent quarter. politic link both stocks.

Freeman Woo and Team said...

Dear Uncle Sam,
How about keladi? If this 1 thats great coz i'm holding long time already.

Super Saiyan 3 said...

KUB's latest eps is 0.44cents (RM0.0044), pe is 32.

Both KSL and KFIMA PE around 4 with solid earnings and high margins. Sifu said it's politically linked so my guess is KFIMA.

ken88 said...

Hi Sifu Sam,
My guess is KFIMA :)

30624700 said...

My guess is KFIMA based on it's FA latest PE and EPS and PRICE :-

Latest qe eps =6.43cts =0.0643
Latest Price = Rm0.66
So the PE = 0.66/(0.0643 X 4) = 2.+- = super low PE = good FA, but uncle sam, may i know how to determine ren her i mean volume picking up

my osk shows this

5-6-2009 2579 0.660
4-6-2009 5392 0.645
3-6-2009 3354 0.635
2-6-2009 9974 0.645
1-6-2009 11321 0.665
29-5-2009 2491 0.580
28-5-2009 1930 0.555
27-5-2009 2598 0.560
26-5-2009 8848 0.550
25-5-2009 3430 0.510
22-5-2009 1740 0.500
21-5-2009 900 0.505
20-5-2009 2141 0.505
19-5-2009 1405 0.505
18-5-2009 150 0.490
15-5-2009 2080 0.480
14-5-2009 1821 0.515
13-5-2009 2130 0.525
12-5-2009 620 0.500
11-5-2009 3005 0.505
8-5-2009 1250 0.525
7-5-2009 2990 0.520
6-5-2009 7905 0.510
5-5-2009 1097 0.475
4-5-2009 960 0.490
30-4-2009 730 0.460
29-4-2009 10 0.445
28-4-2009 973 0.450
27-4-2009 1840 0.465
24-4-2009 1076 0.475
23-4-2009 573 0.455
22-4-2009 1556 0.450
21-4-2009 306 0.460
20-4-2009 10 0.450
17-4-2009 350 0.450
16-4-2009 2472 0.455
15-4-2009 1494 0.470
14-4-2009 410 0.430

Anonymous said...

May I know how to calculate the recent PE of PERISAI?
It will be transferred to main board this monday. Will be another hot O n G company soon!

Anonymous said...

Recent QE: 5.44 cents
Recent Price: 0.63

0.63/(0.0544 x 4) = 2.9

So the PE of PERISAI PETROLEUM TEKNOLOGI is around 2.9 right?

Samgoss said...

早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 , I will be taking a short break 4 holidays come next monday , hence, b4 i am away , if u guys interested on " K" stock , leave yr email address here , I will email 2 u guys on Monday b4 10.30am .

This is 2 avoid sour cow n his gang from knowing it b4 our entry ,at d same time we could buy @ d price we wanted b4 she fly ^_- .

Dont write long grand mom stories like sour seng did, just post yr email address there will do ^V^

2 Fundamental, about d PE of yr perisai, go 2, get its latest eps , if it is first qtr , then times 4 , if it is 2nd qtrs , then use d total eps of last 2 qtrs times 2 , then use share price / total eps for 4 qtrs, that's yr PE .

U may ask,,, how do I know its coming eps ? this is what ppl called forward PE or forecast PE , do yr own forecasting n calculate its PE , last year PE can only take it as a guide, like masteel, last PE is ard 5+, but this year is different , cos its latest qe showed negative liaooo...see ?

btw, I feel extremerly happy seeing d reasoning of yr given guess , this shld be d way , now u know what 2 see b4 u jump into shares mkt ,trust me ! d super 3 will never bring u 2 holland !

Needless 2 say, Tien sir already there, what u need 2 find is only dili n ren her .

One more thing , talk about vol , how 2 define big vol ?

Simple , first , u can go 2 bursa .com or buy the edge , look at their shares issued , check it whether their shares issued r big or small ? then based on current vol traded 2 define yrself whether ren her is there or not ?


Stock A , shares issued 20

Vol traded 5

Stock B , shares issued 100

Vol traded 20

from d above , which stock got more REN HER ? A or B ?

Obviously it is A though its vol traded only 5 as compare 2 stock B which is 20 , but in term of percentage , stock A is much greater , this is how u define high vol ! see ?

K..that's all 4 today ^_- gtg 2 klang 4 bak kut teh liaooo...

2 maxforce from klang , maybe we could meet up there , belanja gua boleh ? ha ha..



Unknown said...

sam, looking forward for you 'K' stock! Thank you!

jensen said...

Hi Sifu Sam i would like the tips of "K" my email Thanks.

Kuching Guy said...

Hi Prof. Sam,

Im a newbie in stock market as well. Lost thousands of money for the past 2 years. Hopefully can become ur follower who keep on earning money. Interested to know ur 'K' stock. Hope can get the info from u. My email add is

Enjoy ur holiday!!!

Unknown said...

Lol....the wise man has spoken....

Don't leave me out Sifu Sam!!!! :-D

Eric Kang said...

Hi Sifu Sam,
Appreciate you will e-mail me about the 'K' stock.
My e-mail is

May I suggest that sifu start a mailing loop so that:
a) everyone who is interested in your stock pick can purchase.
b) to avoid sour seng n moo from benefit from your FA call. (maybe they will claim to other ppl that they pick sifu stock based on TA)
Thanks sifu!
wish everyone in samgang 88!

Khoo San said...

Hi Sam,

My e-mail:

My guess is kfima. Let me know if I'm right.

Cincaluk said...

Unke Sam

My guess is Kurasia.

My email add is Pls email me on Monday.


Unknown said...

newbie here. 1st time to comment on ur blog... but learned a lot from ur blog! thanks sam, would like to know more about "K" stock.

ETHAN said...

fevernova said...

Dear sifu ~i just wake up and see your last comment

I hope u may let me the stock name ^^. Anyway thanks.

tcg82 said...

bro sam,
早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 early bird catches the worm hahaha
please email K stock to
xie xie ni

Awu said...

Sifu Sam

Thanks for ur TGOFF-WA.
Please email me for the 'K' stock.
Here is my email


btw. how to check whether a stock is political link other than information from newspaper.

edlyh said...

hi sifu,

sifu sam, what is the "k" stock?thanks bro

Claris said...

Hi Sam,

Please include me in your email list. My email is
Have a nice weekend.

Unknown said...

i think kinsteel-wa.. bcoz when i calc. base on yg u given to us previous issues. this ctr is fall in under in money.. is it sam?...

bcoz fv 4 k-wa is 1.09 base on mother share at 99 sen... but if base on the mother pe this ctr not the good ctr to invest... but kinstell qtrly report show improvement...

so base on that i think the "k" is Kinsteel-wa..

pls email me the "k" is to my email

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

Please include me in your email list. My email is
Thank you.

goldie said...

FAsifu sam,

Also want to catch yr K stock b4 it flies. Always have not been able to buy at low. Appreciate if u will e-mail me early at
Thanks alot.

Tsidkenu said...

Thanks for your endless educational info.. Just to recall what i read end of last year in The Star, an article by Joey Yap saying that mid year will be a false rally. so the recent rally should be considered a false rally.
just curios if anyone here come across this article..

anyway.. here is my email again.

hav a nice holiday..

Freeman Woo and Team said...

thanks Uncle Sam,
my email. ## is woo but not number. w"zero,zero"

Unknown said...

HI Sifu Sam,

I am interested in your K stock.

Can you email me about it?

E-mail address is


Hv a nice weekend.

Simon Teoh said...

Just wonder is it related to O & G or plantation?

chaoticwunderkid. said...

I have been holding 15000 Keladi (0.29) since 3 years back. If this is the one you talking about i wont dispose it at a loss. I would rather hold on to it. Or maybe Kinstel, i bought 10,000 last year at 0.56 (after seeing your reccomendation and still holding on to it now.

Let me know thru my email at

Thanks for your kind deed.

chienyiing said...

Anonymous said...

Simple said...

Thanks for sharing. My email address is

Simple said...

Thanks for sharing. My email address is

zhenjian said...

Mr.Ling said...

Hi Sifu Sam,
Appreciate you will e-mail me about the 'K' stock.
My e-mail is


The Hymn Selector said...

kyck at hotmail dot com. Appreciate if u don't publish my email on ur blog to avoid spam. Thanks.

HC said...

my email is

thank you very much.

Little Bear said..., appreciate your tips :)

kyteh said...

sifu dun left me behind.

my email is

Unknown said...

Sifu Sam,
Appreciate that you will include me in ur email list as well...hope can earn some to repay my study loan.
Thank you very much...

lemon said...

Hi Sifu Sam,
i guess is 'kub' i rite?
anyway hope you will e-mail me about the 'K' stock.
My e-mail is


Chee Tong said...


E-mail address ( said...

email to me too 'k' stock.

Randy said...

Thanks for the info.

Ah Lee said...

Hi Sam,
been a silent reader of your blog d past few weeks... Gain a lots in term of knowledge n $$$.

Interested to know what is your 'k' pick.
my email:

have a nice holiday.

30624700 said...

Thank you for your tutorial about volume definition. My email address is

INVESTOR said...

sam, i search tru all mainboard shares start with k. i cant see any good share except kfima and ksl still cheap, KUB high volumn, kurnia-wa going to privatise.

rainkiller said...

Sam, please let me know the "K" -

Qindi said...

Hi Uncle Sam,

Thx for the sharing.
My email:

GOH said...

i'm "ON".

tinlung said...

add me to your 'K' list

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Super Saiyan 3 said...

2497 said...

Hi,Sifu Sam,

Unknown said...

didi7349 said...

sifu...izzit KUB???

Unknown said...

Sifu Sam:
I am your silent reader. Would like to know the "K" stock. TQ

Unknown said...

I would appreciate if you could share your 'K' stock. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi Sifu,
Started to read your blog 3 weeks ago and found it very interesting and most of all ACCURATE...

kindly e-mail me about the 'K' stock that u have recomemded

My e-mail is


Poker_limit said...

Poker_limit said...

kotra& kawan is not bad but both of them seem like lack of Vol~

really no idea to gues ut out~
spent more time on night to study it

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,
Appreciate you also e-mail me about the stock.

My e-mail is

kikilala said...

Hi Sifu Sam,

My email is

Thanks alot:)


have a nice holiday

luiz83 said...

hi sam,
do send me an email on the "k" stocks too

Jack Min said...

Sifu, is the share u mentioning is kinstell?? pls add me in ur mailing list, my email is . thanks!!

ML said...

Hi Sam,
Thanks for your teaching and appreciate you will e-mail me about the 'K' stock.
My e-mail is

blablabla said...

I am interested in "K" stock.

My email address:


股迷 said...

Sam, there are not much share with "K" under RM 1 , LOW PE and worth to invest. I guess the counter is KEN 7323.

Drop a mail for me if i am wrong.

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

I thought it is KFima.

But let me know which one.


cmp said...

hi sifu,

my account

thanks for your call on tgoffwa...$$$ there...

steve said...

Thank you

lukin_00 said...


im interested to know too....

very good sharing on the tips and great teachings can be found here.

glad to have found this blog...

my email is


tszou said...

I'm interested in knowing about the "K" stock. Pls email: Thanks.

lukin_00 said...


im interested too...

good sharing and great teaching can be found here....

glad to have found this blog

my email is


Unknown said...

appreciate your next call "k"

weiloon said...

Hi sifu,

pls include me also,

thank you sooo mch!

tszou said...

The "K" stock is KUB.

ur follower said...


eventhough i no comment in ur blog recently doesnt mean i no follow ur blog!!! i just bought bank of america`at 10.90... is it ok??? i bought coz is blue chip, consider OK low price....and hope wont die company eventhough it is huge..isit ok?

my email address

hope i can know wat is the K stock too!!

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

I found a stock "HIL" which currently traded heavily, below are the record from OSK;
Date Vol Close
5-6-2009 21537 0.355
4-6-2009 45510 0.345
3-6-2009 21385 0.310
2-6-2009 13410 0.300
1-6-2009 8624 0.305
29-5-2009 19647 0.310
28-5-2009 11799 0.310
27-5-2009 7087 0.300
26-5-2009 13678 0.300
25-5-2009 9687 0.300
22-5-2009 8443 0.300
21-5-2009 4677 0.305
20-5-2009 8100 0.300
19-5-2009 10190 0.310
18-5-2009 780 0.300
15-5-2009 10657 0.295
14-5-2009 6359 0.335
13-5-2009 8411 0.350
12-5-2009 15051 0.350
11-5-2009 24766 0.370
8-5-2009 37908 0.370
7-5-2009 56775 0.345
6-5-2009 10285 0.315
5-5-2009 6580 0.310
4-5-2009 15615 0.305
30-4-2009 12230 0.295
29-4-2009 451 0.290
28-4-2009 200 0.290
27-4-2009 1100 0.295
24-4-2009 1118 0.305
23-4-2009 1920 0.300
22-4-2009 1958 0.280
20-4-2009 500 0.275
17-4-2009 250 0.265
16-4-2009 8938 0.280

52W HI = 0.420
52W-LO = 0.230
Q1'8 Q2'8 Q3'8 Q4'8 Q1'9
Turnover 32m, 31m, 40m, 37m, 26m
NetProfit 6m, 8m, 8m, 4m, 6m
EPS 2.4, 3.1, 2.8, 1.6, 2.1

PE = ~3.7

Jeff said...

please send me the stock starting with "K" thanks

ronald said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kan said...

hi Sam,
please add me in your email loop

Btw what happen to the THplant u posted before? I could have missed some of your posting in btw :(

Manfred said...

bro sam ..
im here all the way with you ..

JRmy said...

sky138 said...

my sifu SAM, enjoy your bakuteh n weekend! pls email on K, my email is

rgds...your follower

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,
Pls mail me -


invest2rich said...

Halo, Sifu Sam, I am Long time
silence reader for your blog
for 1 year, I m respect with
stock picking at the right time by
u and generosity sharing with netizen.
Previously I had been participant in Seng Blog, I hardly to learn from them instead of play fool by Seng & MooMoocow. When i ask them a question regarding some of their opinion. They will lead me to 'round the garden'. Hopefully u will add me into ur mailbox

Anonymous said...

Samgoss said...

Woww..2 Mr invest2rich, Previously u r seng n mo mo cow's fan ar ? hurt if they read this comment !? ha ha..they bring u 2 round d garden ar ? never too late 2 know that, u r not d first one who said that 2 me ^V^ ..told u oledi, mandarin is not d only weakness 4 both of them ^_-

WOww... so many ppl interested ar ? die liaoo...if i let u know now..I dun think i can buy it @ friday closing price , definitely she will shoot up after my announcement ar ?? ok..once I got it, i will tell u my cost, u decide whether 2 4low or not ?

2 Alan,pls repost yr request again cos I hv accidently deleted yr posting..sorry bro.

2 all of u, I hv a problem sending email 2 u all, know y ? cos in hand i hv about 539 fans + d above, it will come 2 about 600+ emails, how 2 email 2 u guys ? as u know , there is a limitation of email sending per hour, d maximum is about 100 emails per hour , how ar ? how 2 send it 2 u all b4 10.30am ?

Big problem here ^_^

Anyway..i will try my best , i will send it out based on first come first serve basic, d rest i will blog it up after 10.30am.

Gd nite ^_^

ultrojo said...

Hi Sam,
me too. e-mail me about the 'K' stock.
My e-mail is


ultrojo said...

Hi Sam,
me too. e-mail me about the 'K' stock.
My e-mail is


Timo K said...

Looks like we must hantam kao kao in the K

Unknown said...

uncle sam,

i'm silent follower of your blog... is it kinsteel-wa??? bcoz base on my calculation it is in money base on mother share 99 cents.. fv 4 it 1.06..

pls email to me if this share are in your list..


ultrojo said...

hi bro sam,
i wanna guess the K stock


ada kena?

pls mail me ur real K stock TQ

GK said...

sam, a lot of fans la you, like artist!!! haha.. just finished watching Ultimate Power Group @ 8TV, that's why can link this to you.. haha..

Unknown said...

hp84 said...

You have 600+ friends, great!

I wish to join your boat, but I hope to gain more knowledge from you first.

Sam, where is the best place to get all this EPS, PE, volume data?

Currently, I only read TheEdge, CIMB Itrade daily research, and a mini book of Shares Investment by Pioneers & Leaders Sdn Bhd

Thanks :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

Pls get me in your emailing list. My email is

herbert said...

RCE Capital Bhd is a consumer credit company for govt servants. The company provides loan financing to Civil Servants. In May 2007 the Malaysian Government increased the pay of Civil Servants by up to 35%. This will be a big boost to consumer spending and RCECAP is seen as the main beneficiary. For last year ending financial year RCE Capital posted profits of 15.9 million, up a very impressive 117%. With Goldman Sachs , a very prominent bank in the global finance world, emerging as a new substantial shareholder with nearly 8% in the company, the future looks very bright for RCE Capital Bhd.

smartly said...

smartly said...

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,
Please add me in your mailing list.
My email is

Ah Lee said...

Hi Sifu Sam
why don't you post it on your blog by 10.30am Monday so that every1 can c. Or if you prefer to give the priority to these 600ppl,just send them a link that they can only access/workable by 10.30am Monday. At least now u stil hav 2morrow 2 email them. After all, u only need 6 hrs to email ma...^-^

Hope it helps ^-^

alan said...

No prob Sifu, please dont miss my mail ^_^

smartly said...

don't seem to get comment posted...y?


Unknown said...


Angel -vs- Devil said...

Hi Sam, please email me your pick

to be honest, i've been earning from your pick of ytlpwr wb, resorts, tgoff wa. Thanks a lot

osk said...

Ms Newbie said...

email me!


kikilala said...

Hi Sifu Sam,

can it b KHSB since so many guesses also not correct?got vol& political link but is running at lost.pls advise.

Thank u:)

Ronan said...

Dear SAM,

don miss out me in your list *V*!

My guess is KFIMA,
PE 3.73, price 0.66, vol coming, fair Di Li.

i'm late in reading ur blog today, hope my mail won't be the last batch in your sending list,haha

Thanks SAM!!

asimorio said...

sam bro, please add me too ;)

happie holidays~
don't forget to bring back some souvenirs for us, lol.

Kuching Guy said...

Hi Sam,

I also interested to know the 'K' stock.

seethc said...

Hello Sam,
Much appreciate if you could kindly also include me in your email regarding your "K" pick. Thank you.

szehooligan said...


szehooligan said...


your fan database is getting larger. i suggest that you pick a few people, like 9 of your fans, distribute the fan email addresses evenly to them. therefore you only need to email to about 60 fans.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

my guess is keuro or KHSB but KHSB is loosing money this qe. so i guess is keuro.

Unknown said...

hi Sam,

My email's Here's waiting for your stock tips :)

Unknown said...

hi Sam,

please add me in

email . thanks

tsohtan said...

Hi Sam,

Aiya add me 2 in you email list.

I'm the 2nd one in replied your blog. so you email me WOR!!!!

tsohtan said...

Sam, If you need a program to send email automaticatilly i can write one or find Free software for you :D, Let me know... :D:D:D:D..

Cause i'm a programmer..

Mr.Ling said...

2 all of u, I hv a problem sending email 2 u all, know y ? cos in hand i hv about 539 fans + d above, it will come 2 about 600+ emails, how 2 email 2 u guys ? as u know , there is a limitation of email sending per hour, d maximum is about 100 emails per hour , how ar ? how 2 send it 2 u all b4 10.30am ?

Big problem here ^_^

send throught 5/6 individual email from sam's email, then 600++ fans email gua tin within an hour.

Good luck and thks for information.

BZ said...

I was in ur email list b4 but just in case I wanna the K stock too. My email


Mirai E Mukatte said...

I'm also think that is KFIMA...
I'm waiting for your email

Unknown said...

Sifu Sam,

Pls add me,


Unknown said...

Dear Uncle Sam,

my email:


c123 said...

Hi sifu sam,

I am silance reader from your blog,
but my fund is limited (small player) but still learn 孫子兵法的精髓以少勝多再以精不再多 for apply in stock market. don't know sifu sam can share your knowledge/experience how to apply 以少勝多 in stock market with the small player like us. Thanks
and congraturation sifu sam on recent well pick in FA.

my email :

coll said...

Unknown said...

hi sifu Sam, been follow ur strategy for sometimes and it is clear that i need "wu xing" on the super 3, but i will not give up...
anyway, if u don't mind please add me in ur mailing list, so keen to know what u pick:

ETHAN said...

sam, interested to know too.. thanks!

greenday said...

bro sam, out of 539 fans i sould be in there leh... follow 2 years liao but lately no mail also wondering. last email from u was 27/12... anyway, pls add

kam sia ^.^

Leno said...

It must be KANALABS !

Unknown said...

please include me also:

Thank you!

zppy said...

please email me also, sam.

Ng said...
Thank you.

didi7349 said...

sifu...i think is KUB, forget to post up my email last, looking forward for ur tips, Thankyou very much!

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

I wonder with so many ppl's email, which one is Moo in disguise?

I am sure he is one of the 600+ + +


tcg82 said...

bro sam,
wow so many fans hahaha
best way i think is to have a few accounts with yahoo,hotmail,google,etc
prepare in draft then send out at same time :D :P
voila problem solved hahaha
g'luck & 888 2u and samgang

alfred said...

wow! so many early birds.. im late^^

dun forget me sam...

pmtee said...

Pls sent me the K stock

Samgoss said...

Hrmmm, dun know what 2 say liaoo..looking at d feed back from u guys, 700 + emails in hand + those silent readers who r reluctant 2 create a blog 2 post their request here..easily 1000+ supporters ^0^ ! what if each of u guys put 5 lots on K stock !? 5,000 lots in qeueuing liaoo...woww ma ma me yaaa ! what will happen 2 her with this 5,000 lots !?

I tell u what ! I will buy it 2molo morning , once i got it..i will mail 2 u guys asap BUTTTTT...pls dun chase at high ! dont ! I will put there buy below XXX price , anything above that..dont chase ! k ?

4 those contra kaki , pls dun take this as kap na 4 u 2 sailang ! u must be prepared 2 hold in case of mr mkt make a big u turn !

Still d same old saying, u know how 2 buy , u must know how 2 sell oso ! monitor yr cash vs shares ratio , u can use swap oso if u think yr shares exposure is too high.

k.. gtg now, yesterday bak kut teh damn is Patin fish @ Kuala selangor , anyone staying in kuala selangor ? u can meet me there if u interested ^_-, unker sam very easy 2 recgnz one, i am wearing a white dirty bruce lee's t shirt + a short cina a h pek short pant , driving a char kuey teow beca with 3 charlie angels escorting me, that's me 007 !

c u ^V^

mohd kazhim said...


Sory i'm late and always late to read your post...

I think KUB because political link.

Anyway please email to me at

naz said...

Wah, I didn't read your blog for 2 days only then see damn many comments. Haha, I guess when I leave my email i'm MR. 1000+++ Haha. No worries, I was previously in your fan list dy but if I'm not then just to add:

Huge following definitely with 70% fans just reading..

30624700 said...

eeeee, i'm interested in makan also, can u make a blog for that? :D where is the bak kut teh klang place u mention? got the jiu pai mar?

Law said...

Uncle Sam,

wow wow wow.... really a lot of uncle's fan interested for "K" stock ....Pls don't miss me out...
i wanna make some pocket money ler...coz i nv make any money from current "bull market" ...sob sob..
my email add :
Kam siah!!!!

sasukaMG said...

sifu sam... don't forget to email me the 'k'. If Kinsteel then may be a bonus 4 me as i got some... really waiting her to fly. tq.

Unknown said...

Hi Sam,

Don't want to miss the K boat. Please email me Thanks.

gangloon said...

Hi sam,
add me in

Unknown said...

my guess is KEURO. My email id thank you.

seanlau said...

Thank you!

seanlau said...


seanlau said...

Thank you!!!

Neo said...

Uncle Sam,
If you are still here, hope you can sent me email about the 'k' stock.


Thanks very much.

Poker_limit said...

KELADI 7.57 758310 0.78% 0.165
KEINHIN 6.42 31680 0.38
KAWAN 7.20 84000 0.01% 0.7
KHIND 11.48 36053 0.02% 0.9
KFIMA 3.73 173685 0.15% 0.66
KOTRA 7.41 59426 0.05% 0.48
KSL 4.90 355447 0.14% 0.945

Sifu should be on here ~

ong said...

Hi Sam,
Please let me know 'K'
my email:

kgy said...

sam, looking forward for you 'K' stock!
My email addr:
Thank you!

Jardin said...

Hi Sifu Sam,

I think Sifu need an Administrator/Manager to manage all your members. hehe...

I hope my email address still in your database. because long time didnt receive your mail.

kyteh said...

aiya sifu y deleted mine one le. then u let me know 1st lo.shhh...dun let ppl know. heheh or

Jeff said...

Pls include me in the maillist, I have sent the wrong email address previously.

Unknown said...

thanks sam...

Sky said...

Dear Uncle Sam,

My email:


Rina said...

Hi Sifu Sam, am yr silent follower, plse incld me in yr mailing list

kaihsien said...

I am interested with the "K" stock. Please email to me.

Thank you.

Rina said...

Hi Sifu Sam, am yr silent follower and certainly would not want to miss the boat, plse incld me in yr mailing list

Rina said...

Hi Sifu Sam, am yr silent follower and certainly would not want to miss the boat, kindly incld me in yr mailing list

ees said...

Sam, I'm late. Please include me.
Hope I'm still able to catch this train with sam and gang

Unknown said...

sifu Sam,

how was the dinner? guess the boss shall give u a free one if he notice his shop is suddenly flooded with peminat of yours...
haha! hope u had a good one 007Sam!
next time do come to sabah.. here got a lot of fans too... :)

FindAssignment Team said...

FindAssignment Team said...

Unknown said...

thanks sam!

iamyuanwu said...

Sam boss,

Thank you in advance first!
I learned the most from your blog. So much so I literally stopped visiting other blogs. (No offence to other bloggers.)
Would never miss a single comment by you.

Fast-fast buy in the morning so that you can email us. K stock is gonna go crazy tomorrow.

ML said...

Hi Uncle Sam, looking forward for you 'K' stock. email add:

hothaw said...

Hi,Sifu Sam,

Please let me know "K" stock, TQ

wc888 said..., please add me also,tq

Unknown said...

I think it is KUB, pls confirm with me -

bebes said...

Unker Sam,
late comer,include me in please

bettyw said...

Hi dear Sam,

I new baby in your blog. Guess it's KHSB !!!

Please include me in the mailing list for the "K" stock.

Many thanks,

Samgoss said...

Woww sour moolah get mad again ! y sour cow ? Y ? is it bcos this statement by yr ex fan Mr invest2rich ? >

invest2rich said...
Halo, Sifu Sam, I am Long time
silence reader for your blog
for 1 year, I m respect with
stock picking at the right time by
u and generosity sharing with netizen.
Previously I had been participant in Seng Blog, I hardly to learn from them instead of play fool by Seng & MooMoocow. When i ask them a question regarding some of their opinion. They will lead me to 'round the garden'. Hopefully u will add me into ur mailbox

June 6, 2009 10:17 PM

Sour Moolah accused me 4 manipulate and fudge the fundamental data to justify my reasoning to convince my followers to buy a stock? ha ha..he is eating his own word , ha ha this show that he is spamming my blog since 2003 liaoo..ha ha i never thought ze moolah is also one of my fan ^_- Oh My cow ! I thought u said u never visit my blog b4 ? ha ha seems like u r falling in love with me liaoo *Grin *

Data Manipulation? ha ha..u got sense or not ? I am that powerful ar? I can manipulate fundamental data of ijm, ytl , ytlpower , tgoff ,resorts, uemland n GI ? how come I dun know one !?

Seems like u r really running out of bullets liaoo..sour cow oh sour cow..bottom line, ask my followers, did they make money from my picks or not ? sour make no cure my little moolah ^V^

How about u ? what u know is sour on TTB of icapital , who do u think u r ? what make u think u r fit 2 critic TTB ? icapital is one of d best fund in town , TTB did it with proven track records , what about u ? u have any ? mana ? come on kid.. do u know d meaning of "horse doesnt know its face is long " ? ha ha..told u oledi, mother tongue is not yr only weakness ^_- Dear Moolah..I really feel sorry 4 yr parent ! still so proud of what u r doing ? sour moolah ?

Oppss.. 12.25pm liaoo.. need 2 bagging 4 2molo trip liaoo...I will surely come back 2 u after holiday , see yah n oso jgn marah yah !? ^_-

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