Friday, June 26, 2009

^V^ When I was young I 'd listen 2 d radio, waiting 4 my favorite songs ....every sha la la la , every wo-o wo-o still shines sssssssssss.......^V^


Another king of POP leaving us today , though I dont really like MJ but I hv 2 say he is d best dancer in d world , come 2 dancing noone can match with him ! none !

I still remember when he came 2 Malaysia 4 concert way back in 90s , I was there n i can tell u that his concert is really ichiban ! d best sound effect n stage performance I hv ever seen !

Besides MJ, Leslie N Danny r also d super star in celebrity world , whenever i listen 2 their songs , it bring me lots of sweet memories, songs like 張國榮, 無需要太多,想你, 有誰共鳴,共同渡過,今宵多珍重,等,一生何求, 眼淚為你流,偏偏喜歡你 n more..- All these songs reminds me of my school life during secondary .

4 those young chaps who born in 90s , take a look at all these songs >> 想你 有誰共鳴 無需要太多 共同渡過 等一生何求 偏偏喜歡你今宵多珍重
眼淚為你流 梅艷芳 近藤真彥 夢伴


D best music video I hv ever seen :- ( Smooth Criminal )

U will definitely love it ^V^

Life is short , who will b d next ? George Micheal ? Alan Tam ? Sam Hui ? or... nothing is certain in this world except DEATH , we shld appreciate what we r having now , be it poor or rich , live happily ^_^

4 me , d happiest thing in this world is " 做我喜歡做的事, 過我喜歡過的生活 "

^V^ Armithaba

When I was young I 'd listen 2 d radio, waiting 4 my favorite songs, when they played I'd sing along , it made me smile , those were such happy times n not so long ago , How I wonder where they'd gone , but they ' re back again, just like a long lost friend , all d songs I loved so well , every sha la la la , every wo-o wo-o still shines sssssssssss.......................


herbert said...

yes, agreed.. just be happy and be yourself.. dun living because of others ^_^

Hi Uncle Sam, i'm aiming ur RCEcap again.. thanks for your call last time i gain RM800++

jensen said...

Hi Sam,
What is your TP for RCECAP this time? 20 to 30%? Thanks!

Ivan said...

I like

张国荣 - 风继续吹

Memorable.... Suddenly , feel that so many year had past.

118 said...

When i watched CNBC n heard MJ passed away tis morning, i was really shocked. Coz he was really a superstar. Eventhough i don't really like all his songs but his performance on stage was really fantastic. He was d greatest performer especially when he was dancing. Well, now d whole world will miss him but just like his song - You are not alone...he'll b remembered by everybody.
His death reminds me of d death of Bruce Lee,(my idol) so sudden n so shocking.
Well, life is short so just b happy n don't worry!
$ifu, Genting SP @0.70 liao...

Ivan said...

Haha Sam,

Now i know how you like 沉默是金(张国荣).

The lyric is very meaningful. I like it very much!

HIGH OH said...

Hi Uncle Sam,

Remember I share with you to buy Hai-o about two weeks ago, the shares has jumped about 8% for the past two weeks. Yesterday they have announced another good result with EPS63sen and final dividend of 32sen which translate at 8% dividend yield........

After hai-o will focus on RCE Cap next

CH Tan said...


We all grow up(you are younger, I think) with listening to what Michael Jackson ,张国荣,陈百强,梅艳芳 and so many others sing to us over the radio.

My favourite MJ's song is " BEAT IT".....just beat it---sound very good for us investing in the stock market, right?

Samgoss said...

2 Dr Tanhin, I am younger than u ? Oppss ? i thot u r very young oso (ard 35+) ? wanna 2 know my actual age , give u some hint , d leslie's album that I blogged up (Mo sum sui min )At that time I was in form 3^_- ha ha

2 Hai oh..congrats , yes..i knew it, u told us b4 ...congrats bro ^_^

Guys , there is another O N G stock worth 4 consideration , it is like pantech , low PE with IPO 1.25 , it is now ard 0.70+ , d stock name started with capital " S ". good 4 long term play , no hurry 2 go in now..coz d overall mkt vol is getting lower ( Ren her weakening ) , unless u r aiming 4 long term, otherwise not d right time 2 trade now ^_-

30624700 said...


The Hymn Selector said...

I think is SEALINK

herbert said...

Hi Uncle Sam,
Thannks for discovered the hidden gems again..

SEALINK at a Glance
SEALINK is an Integrated Service Provider which builds, owns and operates a diverse fleet of offshore marine support vessels, serving mainly the global offshore oil and gas exploration and production industry.

It has a young fleet of offshore marine support vessels, predominantly focused on and used in the oil & gas sector. With its 30-odd vessels, it can now cater to a wide base of reputable clients from all parts of the world.

Presently, SEALINK owns two shipyards, located in Miri, Sarawak which are Sealink Shipyard Sdn Bhd ( SSSB) and Sealink Engineering and Slipways Sdn Bhd (SESSB).

Poker_limit said...

HEHE seaxxnk
PE 4+~

but the history is not so much~ only have 3 quater~ and their earning seem like not stable~

if deduce the other operation profit out the PE will be around 8+~

sifu is this share what i guess?

jensen said...

Hi Sam,
My guess is Sealink, now price is 0.755 and low PE = 6.49. Listing dated 29-Jul-08 Main Board Industrial Products. Confuse on FA investment style, if it is Sealink then this company is new but why do we hold for long term play? FA style of investment are looking for passed 3 to 5 years of financial statements. Just want to make it clear, thanks.

wakaka said...


it Sealink, right

hp84 said...

Hi Sam,
Long time didnt post here.
I think the 'S' stock is Sealink International.
ROE consistent >10%
Latest 1Q EPS is 4.25 sen. Based on price as of 26 June will give PE of 4.4
Volume is quite low recently..

Have a nice weekend :)

CL said...


lemon said...

uncle sam,
stock name started with capital " S "?? "scomi'????

Unknown said...

hi Sam,
I guess it is sealink. But do u think ong will still be the theme to play? What is your TP to enter?

theblogger said...

sapcres sifu?

Poker_limit said...

1987=form 3~

bingo ?

Samgoss said...

2 Poker limit , seems like u r fan of leslie /danny oso ^_-, how do u know d album issued on 1987 ? ha ha...38 ? very close ^_-

2 all, whether we like it or not , plantation n ONG will be d theme 4 klse when mkt come back . is sealink, its biz is something like pantech , yes..u r right, its history records r quite short , therefore dun take its last year eps of 20.87 cts as guide , u shld chop it half , with that oso giving us eps of 10cts or PE < 10.

4 me , I think she is as good as Pantech oso ( both in d same industry + PE is almost d same ).

No hurry 2 go in now , cos d overall mkt vol is weakening , if u scare of running chicken, buy abit lol.

30624700 said...

uncle sam. wat does IPO stands for?

Leno said...

err ...

Leno said...

err .. is it a coincidence or you ...

You pick the title from my post in Investlah or what ? Age 38 years ... ?

We think the same and of same age ? Too much coincindence ?

Hmmm ....

Poker_limit said...

haha sure i am his Fans~ collected lot of his info and CD also~ not hard to know about the CD issue the song get some title that years~

For the stock sifu intro has really a very short info~ by the mind i have not confidence to follow~ but still hope sifu will earn money ~

my investment first rules should be the company must has been 3 year continues earning ~

SiLv3sTeR said...

hi uncle sam, FNM drop 19% on last friday, what do you think on this stock? can invest some?

Many thanks for your RCECAP, :D

Samgoss said...

Guys, we hv another Doctor reading this blog, Dr Leno , 2 u know him ? yr uni-mate ka ?

Well Dr Leno, so coincidence ? what so coincidence ? age or FA method ? yes..u r right , if they think wimex biz has bright future, y not they choose ytl-e , y shold u pick gpacket ?

FNM or F&M ? which one ? stock code ?

time 's up liaoo gtg liaooo... I am going 2 tualang 4 yummy prawn this evening , anyone staying in tualang ? ha ha c u there ^_-

Unknown said...

wah, go eat yummy prawn wo... i working in singapore now. miss malaysia food..

SiLv3sTeR said...


how do you think? can invest?

Unknown said...


What would you think of (your favourtite baby) YTL Power-wb's prospect when its mother is included in the new FBM KLCI30 next week?


ees said...

I like BAD and Beat It the most. I have his VCD MTV collection bought during Uni days...really feel amazed watching his MTV during 1980s when i was kid... his technology used to create the MTV visual impact is unmatched by all other singers at that time lah.

At this time, lets 步步为营lah. For those who know Peter Schiff (who correctly predicted the current scenario), read his talk (quite funny talk) and what he sees in the coming years:

Samgoss said...

YEs..Brzil won d confederation cup ! shld they celebrate with such victory ? still too early 2 tell cos non of d confederation champ can win d next world cup ! hopefully Brazil could break this curse .

FNM..wowww 0.51..almost at its all time low of 0.30 liaoo... well... buying FNM @ <0.50 is like " if u lose, u lose a sweet, but if u win u win a factory " , u can bet small.. 2 lots only cost u less than 4k , if u hv zero US stock , buy n keep lollll. 4 me I hv enuf liaooo.... 4.5 lots of citi @ average cost of 1.02+- n 1 lot of aig @ cost of 0.33+- .

2 Brian, without d inclusion of FBI KLCI30, Ytlpwr is still worth 4 long term hold .

Felix Ooi said...

FBI KLCI30 will push KLCI > 1500.
Wow looks like Superbull in the making. What do you think Sifu?

Samgoss said...

wooww 1,500 ? where u got d insider news ? ha ha

I dun think so bro..but i think KLCI will rose abit higher with d new index.

herbert said...

hi Uncle Sam,

Ur citiboy average cost got typo error.. dun scarely me le.. mine at USD3.78 x 1lot...

By the way, just bought in Sealink 0.755 x 5 lots instead of KUB.. Sigh ^_^

Samgoss said...

2 herbert, no typing error , look at my US portfolio, Take d profit that I made from citigroup n divided with my holding cost...that's my avg cost 4 citi. scared ? nothing 2 be scared , u will get what u want in 1 to 2 years time.

I dun care about its coming qe , what i want is she dont get delisted from nyse ( it has oledi confirmed that she will not get delisted from nyse liaoo ). that's what i want, same goes 2 fnm, as long as she still stay ard..making money from them is only matter of time.

4 example, our baby Ytlpwrwb , after our purchase, she dropped 2 as low as 0.35+_ , look at her now ? 0.96 liaooo.... Only short sighted buggers will cry 4 help !

bukan ^_-?

Jack said...

Sifu, is this FNM the same FNM that disposed huge qty of KNM earlier? and how did you know that C will not get delisted from NYSE? I want to read more on that... see if i can find news on FNM. thanks!

tianhock2000 said...


Contents : A Final Single Tier Dividend of 4 sen per share subject to the approval of Shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

Kindly be advised of the following :

1) The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted [ "Ex - Dividend" ]
as from : [ 13 July 2009 ]

2) The last date of lodgement : [ 15 July 2009 ]

3) Date Payable : [ 31 July 2009 ]

tianhock2000 said...


Contents : A Final Single Tier Dividend of 4 sen per share subject to the approval of Shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.

Kindly be advised of the following :

1) The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted [ "Ex - Dividend" ]
as from : [ 13 July 2009 ]

2) The last date of lodgement : [ 15 July 2009 ]

3) Date Payable : [ 31 July 2009 ]

SiLv3sTeR said...

Hi herbert, no need to worry, my cost price are higher then you. :D
4 lots citi @ USD 4.00
3 lots FNM @ USD 0.90
3 lots AIG @ USD 1.60
I hope end of 2009 can back to my cost price are pretty good enough :')

uncle sam your timing to jump in and out are accurate, hope can learn 50% from you, your real kongfu, enough already. :D
Long time did not receive your email, am i still in the sending list,uncle?

Law said...

Uncle Sam,
Aig drop like shit...habis habis :-(

herbert said...

Uncle Sam,

Lau sai ah.. all lau sai...!! seems the month of July'2009 is not a good month to all investors.. how how how?? Abang Najib catch the wrong timing to release his speech.. what the hack man!!

30624700 said...

Mr. Sam

HANDAL : this is OnG stock, but it's new, and there is no qe, it's a bumiputra owned company. can we buy this kind of NEW stock to invest at the moment? or have to wait like what u mention in hte DAYANG situation.

Unknown said...

Can I rely on technical analysis?

Manfred said...

Im not sure whether is good news .. does mean AIG will be clossing down??

(AIG) 1 FOR 20 Reverse Split on NYSE

Trading will be suspended before the opening of business on July 1, 2009 in the Common Stock of American International Group, Inc. (Old) at which time the Common Stock of American International » More...

Trading will be suspended before the opening of business on July 1, 2009 in the Common Stock of American International Group, Inc. (Old) at which time the Common Stock of American International Group, Inc. (New) will be admitted to the list and to trading. All orders in the Exchange Systems for the Common Stock of American International Group, Inc. (Old) expired at the close of business June 30, 2009. Subject to effectiveness of Amendment to Articles of Incorporation. NYSE Ticker Symbol: AIG

makubex718 said...

For your info:

1 for 20 reverse split (20 shares become 1 share) on AIG effective 01-07-09 (US date)

Voren_immerate said...

Sifu and gang,

Need your advise.
Heard that AIG will split their share to 1:20

According to my CIMB agent, she said if you have 1000 shares of AIG,it will shrink to 50 shares only but AIG price will be much expensive around $20++.

Do you guys have the same understanding? Just wonder if we can hold only 50 shares? I tot the minimum qty is 100 share.

Pls advice.


YC said...

Guys, please take note of AIG reverse share split of 1:20

tsohtan said...

Hi Sifu,

Not sure how true is this-->
"AIG, WEF today, reverse split 20 becomes 1." FROM REMISIER...KCK.. I guess most of us get this email.

Samgoss said...

Hi guys... just came back from KB, fyi, i hv discovered 2 yummy stuffs in KN thru GPS, first is Nasi Dagang , second is thai food at chiang mai restaurant , i will blog this up when i am free .

come 2 AIG, i got this news a month ago, what so big deal ? wheter it si 1: 20 or 1: 50 , it come back 2 d same.

I give u one lot n price @ RM10 is d same as I give u 10 lots n price it @ RM1.00..bukan ?

Oppps ..need 2 go off

Lim said...


how is the KFIMA look out lately ? its keep dropping for the past few days..

Lim said...


kfima been droping past few days..any comments ?

Feng Shui Lover said...

herbert... my feng shui calculation say 2nd week onward will be better.... overall july would be bad...

Anonymous said...

Aiyo, U went to my hometown ah? Shld have tried the "cow jump" , Nasi Kerabu, as well.
It a small town, hope you will like it.

Khoo San said...


The AIG 1:20 just closed at USD18( 1 small lot= USD0.90)

Buy more for long term keep should not be a prob.

The Hymn Selector said...

Yeah, but the stupid swap idea is only to psycho the if calculate old way, worth only about US$0.90. About 20% drop overnite....kns.

Unknown said...

to Voren_immerate, to my knowledge u can buy US stock as minimal as 1 unit.

AIG undergone a "reverse share split" = consolidation of share 20 to 1. (just like our the corporate exercise of PBBank few years back)

alfred said...

anyone here invest property beside share?

recent announcement made by najib seems like a great news for property sector.

heard some of samgang are from penang... i found that sp got this great project:

any kakis aiming this project in this nice island?

Samgoss said...

2 KB is not my hometown ^_-, thanks 4 yr recommendation.

about aig..seems like u guys r aiming 4 short term swing, trying 2 time d entry ? this will kill u off bro.. if u r not patience enuf..pls dont 4low my pick ? n oso > i told u in my posting liaoo... this sig is small knife cut big tree, if u lose..u lose a sweet, but if u win, u win a factory ^_-water liu liu ?? ha ha

Btw, see ? now u know y u shld take profit along d rise ? if u dun take profit like I did, d unrealised profit will soon turning into zero or negative , if u did as i said, u hv no worry at all ^_^.

Mkt vol coming down ( ren her no longer there ), dun try 2 be smart 2 do averaging , stay aside n wait 4 "tung fong "^V^

Mr.Ling said...

u're rite sifu..
i thought after a "big" adjustment btw 15~23 june, will be a chance. whose know, KLCI step down slow n steady.
just buy back SCOMI @0.69, it comes to 0.64 today. lolz. what a big joke, fooled by KLCI.

myke8888 said...

Hi Sam...
Appreciate your insight on twscorp.
Good numbers on it's pe, eps and roe. Some comments is highly appreciated. Cheers...^_^

alfred said...

hi sam,

whats ur advise on the property i posted ealier?

worth to invest in?

your advise sam.. thanks!


penang property like a bubble waiting to burst same as subprime
crisis .Greed developer and buyer
pushing price to insane level.
(creating inflation)
each so called datuk and tan sri
making money daylight robbery by pushing housing price to insane level compare to average income
of penang guides.
a lot of people dreaming by invest in property want to be instant million-air.(never learn from US housing bubble).can book house using credit card scheme.

rich dad poor dad
rich developer poor rakyat losing job .

come back to market buy good low pe fundemental at low price muhibah,kfima,sealink.

30624700 said...

Mr sam. what if current assets is -(negative) but pe is 2~3? and it's a ONG stock. if current asset is negative = NTA also - right?

u mention b4 that the higher the better. but now current is negative). need ur advice.

from Adrian

Samgoss said...

Who said twscorp's pe is 3 ? latest eps =0.36cts , 0.36 x 4 = 1.44 cts , PE =45+... u r taking its last year eps of 33.42, obviously u will get PE of 2 lah... this one u need 2 monitor its coming qe inorder 2 make better analysis ^V^

2 30624700, u know y u got negative asset ? simple..cos they might hv some losses over d years , when u look at its PE, u must oso look at its past earning records , that's important ^V^

If company is making profit since year one he listed in KLSE, no way its nett asset = negative.

2 alfred , what property u r referring ? can u post it again ?

Steed said...

Sifu, i think what 30624700 said is the company have no nett current asset ( current assets less current liabilities = negative amount )...

Samgoss said...

2 steed, i stated there nett asset,my nett asset is actually nett current asset which equal 2 current asset minus current liabilities.

What caused negative asset ? tak lain tak bukan is bcos of borrowing , come 2 NTA, NTA is nett tangible asset , tangible means something u can count n touch, what about goodwill ? all these depends on what type of biz they r involving.

WHen I said Low PE , u shouldnt just rely on its last year eps, u must look at its latest eps oso, that giving u a guide to know how she is doing now !?

That's y I always stressed there d importance of " past earning track records ".

Uncle sam using PE , do u know how 2 relate PE with others ? not just Low PE , from PE ..past , current n future eps + track records, all these r essential elements 4 u 2 forecast its future eps as well as PE.

as i said, it looks simple , u understand it doesnt mean u know how 2 apply it , it is just like financial crisis, some will take it as disaster but some may take it as opportunity , it depends on how well u understand on PE.

Yes, I am a PE man , but i can tell u, from PE , i can link lots of cause n effect into my PE.

One more thing , different industry has different PE , u cant compare PE of resorts with PE of Rcecap or Kfima , cos one is bluechip n d other one is penny stock. hence.. u must know what is d average PE 4 that industry !

Avg PE 4 banking is ard 15 to 20 , avg PE 4 penny stock is ard 12+- , hence when PBBor MBB dropped to PE ard 10+- , it is time to sailang , but u cant apply this to penny stock, cos it is not very cheap 4 penny stocks @ PE ard 10+_.

but one thing 4 sure , stock that traded with PE > 20 is no longer cheap !

D above is like telling u yr mom is a female , but i can assure that not many of them know how 2 apply it on shares invst, like what i always said , y d length of our fingers r not d same ^_-

myke8888 said...

Thanks Sam...
You are sharp.. Will need to be more careful. Cheers ^_*

alfred said...

hi sam,

the property i was referring:

30624700 said...

Sorry, have a look over here

i calculate on it's latest eps which i get PE 2~3.

i guess it's my mistake, i forgot the NTA part.

30624700 said...

seems like there is an error, on both source. one of the previous Q4 eps is OSK 3.13cts where PBB is 2.51. hmm i wonder which one is the reliable source. Or where can i obtain the (correct source)? Mr. Sam can u lead me to whereto get the (correct source)? OSK show NEGATIVE net current asset. but in PBB i still can't manage to find where it was.

herbert said...




ck5354 said...

Wonderful explanation.

A lot of thing we know, But can we do it?

Knowing is one thing,
Doing is another thing.

Samgoss said...

2 ck5354 ? wonderful ? ha ha not really bro.. more wonderful stuffs r on its way. See? Mkt is heading down again.. due 2 lacking of ren her , that's y I asked u not 2 jump in n oso not 2 do averaging . ^V^ ..didnt I ?

2 Alfred.. about property , I will come back 2 u later, ..first, i wanna 2 know d property u intended 2 buy is 4 investment or what ?

4 me , buying shoplot is d most fruitful investment( Of course, good location is a must ), secondary , u can oso go 4 low cost aprt or flat , its rental return is much better than FD , as for terrace house , it is only good 4 own staying ^V^

alfred said...

its for investment sam. since now seems like a good time go in for property market.